New Floor Added to Ultimate Arena… Time for A5!
Permanent addition, after 2 hour maintenance on 11/30 (Fri) 2:00pm - 11/30 (Fri) 4:00pm JST
Finally another floor added to Ultimate Arena, after a short maintenance! As the pic suggests, this time we have 2 floors of Latents for everyone to bring home… if you can beat it!
About the new floor
- Unlocked by clearing Three Hands of Fate (a.k.a. Arena 4 or A4)
- 20 Floors, costs 99 Stamina
- 2 Floors of Latent Tamadras! (God killers, Dragon killers, etc.)
- Confirmed drops are 2 Latent Tamadras and 1 random Py (one of 5 attribute) per run
- Another
for those who have cleared all other Arenas (full completion)
Dungeon Japanese name: 異形の存在 / Presence of grotesque
Other search terms:
- 極限の闘技場【ノーコン】/ Ultimate Arena (No continue)
- 新フロア / New floor.
Useless fun stuff: A5 in Japanese can be pronounced as “A-go”, or “eigo”…. which is the Japanese word for “English”. So we have an English floor? 😀
Dungeon spawn list
Tips from fether
[Achievement] A5 cleared + some quick tips from PuzzleAndDragons