Gintama Collab: Full Details! (Updated 8/23)
All details of Gintama in one giant post! Packed with lots of Assist evolutions, and all ★6 cards cosplay as PAD characters!!
All translations were done by Cate this time while I work/eat. (Thaaaaanks!)
Update 8/20: Cards now linked to PDX Database!
Update 8/18: Added a note – Gintoki Sakata and his Uvo actually have different voices.
Summer, Pazudora (PAD).
Added on 8/23 were 2 commercials of Gintama Collab on Japan! 15 seconds each. Two versions (Shaved ice, and Soumen) were available but the videos have been taken down (since collab is over).
Collab Details
Free Special Gacha Roll
Gacha will be in mail for everyone (no rank requirement)!
One-Time Bundle: 1 Magic Stone + Collab Gacha!
- Costs 120 yen (1.08 USD) at Shop menu, one-time purchase.
- It may show up as “1 Magic Stone + Gacha Set B” (魔法石1個+ガチャセットB) on your bill.
- Gacha will be in your mail!
Rare Gacha Lineup
- 5 Magic Stones per roll.
- Each ★6 card has a costume evolution and an assist evolution.
- Each ★5 card has an assist evolution.
Cards are now linked to PDX database. Can also see New Cards section below for skill translations.


Monster Exchange
Available: 8/20 (Mon) 10am – 9/3 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
- All ★6 cards from the Rare Gacha can be obtained through Monster Exchange!
- Limited-time Monster Exchanges available by trading the collab dungeon drop: Gold, Silver, and Bronze Justaways.
Note: You can exchange Assist form (★5 and ★6) of collab REM card to get the base form again (1 to 1 exchange).
Rare Gacha Cards: ★6
Desired Card | Trade 4 of these in (Dupes OK) |
[4748] Gintoki Sakata 坂田銀時 |
Collab: Godfest Exclusives: |
[4751] Toshiro Hijikata 土方十四郎 |
Collab: Godfest Exclusives: |
[4754] Sougo Okita 沖田総悟 |
Collab: Godfest Exclusives: |
[4757] Shinsuke Takasugi 高杉晋助 |
Collab: Godfest Exclusives: |
[4760] Kamui 神威 |
Collab: Godfest Exclusives: |
Limited-Time Exchanges
Available: 8/20 (Mon) 10am – 9/3 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
Hunt for Gold, Silver, and Bronze Justaways from the Collab Dungeon for the following exchanges!
It’s Justaway to exchange. 😉
Desired Card | Trade these in |
[4777] Mythical Creature, Elizabeth 謎の生物・エリザベス |
[4779] Justaway x2 |
[4778] Sadaharu 定春 |
[4779] Justaway x2 |
[4779] Justaway ジャスタウェイ |
[4786] Justaway (Gold) x5 |
[4781] Saria & Kagura Costume 橙龍契士・サリア&神楽衣装 |
[4779] Justaway x4 |
[4786] Justaway (Gold) ジャスタウェイ【金】 |
[4785] Justaway (Silver) x3 |
[4785] Justaway (Silver) ジャスタウェイ【銀】 |
[4784] Justaway (Bronze) x3 |
King Gold Dragon |
[4784] Justaway (Bronze) x2 |
Tamadra |
[4785] Justaway (Silver) x2 |
King Tan |
[4786] Justaway (Gold) x2 (This is for one King Tan, same exchange rate for each color.) |
Collab Dungeon
Duration: 8/20 (Mon) 10am – 9/3 (Mon) 9:59am JST
Dungeon Drop
- [4782] Taizou Hasegawa. Has assist evolution ( [4783] MADAO’s Sunglasses)!
Reward For First Clear of Annihilation Floor
- You get [4780] Team PAD & Elizabeth Costume as reward on first clear of the Annihilation floor.
- Does not include 3-Player multiplayer version of the dungeon.
Multiplayer (3P) Dungeon Available
- Annihilation difficulty will not reward [4780] Team PAD & Elizabeth Costume.
- Magic Stone on first clear!
Collect Justaways for Monster Exchange!
- Gold, Silver, and Bronze Justaways can drop in collab dungeon and be used for exchanges, for collab specials or useful monsters such as King Gold Dragons, Tamadras, and King Tans.
- See above at Monster Exchange section for full list.
New Cards Information!
★6 Rare Gacha


Super Awakening:

Active Skill: For 1 turn, increase combo count by 2; For 2 turn, vastly reduce damage taken (14 max CD)
Leader Skill: Increase ATK when matching 8 or more combos, up to 10x ATK; 3x ATK & 1.5x RCV on a turn skill is used
- First to have the Skill Voice awakening from Version 15.2 update!
- Voice effect [YouTube]

Attacker / God

Super Awakening:

Active Skill: For 1 turn, increase combo count by 1; Change all orbs to Water and Light orbs (13 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x HP & 4x ATK for Water and Light Att.; 4x ATK when matching 5 or more connected Water or Light orbs
- Note the different Active Skills between Base and Uvo forms.
- Different voice from Base form of Gintoki!!
- Voice effect [YouTube]


Super Awakening:

Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall orbs; Change all orbs to Wood and Dark orbs (11 max CD)
Leader Skill: No skyfall orbs; 4x ATK and reduce damage taken when matching Wood and Dark; Increase ATK when there are less than 8 orbs remaining, up to 7x ATK at 0 orbs left


Super Awakening:

Active Skill: For 1 turn, reduce enemies’ defense to 0; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark orbs (14 max CD)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce damage taken when matching 4 or more colors; Increase ATK when matching 4 or more connected orbs, up to 6x ATK

★5 Rare Gacha

Dungeon Drop

Dungeon First Clear (Annihilation) Reward


Super Awakening:

Active Skill: Deal 20 fixed damage to one enemy 5 times; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light and Dark orbs (9 max CD)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK when matching 5 or more connected orbs; 4x ATK when matching 5 colors at once
Monster Exchange Only