PAD 7th Anniversary Countdown Stream: News & Translations Compilation!
[Completed!] News/translations post on GungHo Official Stream, counting down towards 7-year anniversary! Featuring Arena Time Attack, new dungeon (Myne Descended), and more things like PCGF results, new evolutions and buffs!
Image-intensive post. Be careful.
This post is only possible with the help of 3 lovely people who are up at 4am/6am to help – Cate, Paulo, and Kennori!! (Thanks guys will definitely buy some Christmas presents)
Special thanks to chu2 for more pics, Jon and IronGolem for spotting some errors!
(As usual – Consider supporting the site by through donations if you like the site, if it helped you, and/or if you like what we’re doing. This entire site is a ton of work and we appreciate any way to keep us motivated!)
Separate posts for major news
- Version 16.0 Update Patch Notes
- New Godfest Exclusives – Valkyrie, Zeus, Athena
- Super Player’s Choice Godfest (2 parts)
- PAD Appreciation Fest.!!
- New Evolutions & Buffs
Stream details
Information Stream Details
Stream links YouTube, Niconico| Starts 10/25 (Thu) 8pm JST.
Stream starts: Arena Time Attack & Myne Descended
News posted in reverse order, OLDEST at top. You can use the table of contents above to jump to important time stamps.
If the page isn’t loading all contents (especially on Desktop), please try Ctrl + F5!
8:00pm – Stream started!
Featuring LUKA, Max Murai, and friends! Square Enix table cloth???
Umaemon handing out.. Umaibo.
Reminder: We have a Umaibo Ranking Battle in PAD Radar.
PADR Monster Memories still on sale in Japan if you fancy some real life gacha.
They opened a pack each. No one got anything good LOL.
8:09pm – Ultimate Arena 2, Time Attack!
Time to see who wins this…
Rules: Ultimate Arena 2 this time. No dupe, No collab cards (Assist ok). Fastest to clear wins.
The legend that will bring buff to Shynee and Baddie. lol.
A reminder to what gets buffed when they win.
Super Survey (Player’s Choice) Godfest roll x1 for those who predicted winner!!
Basically confirmed that PCGF will be a Super Godfest, most likely separate machine. Still waiting for PCGF details.
The participants are ready!
The votes from all of us. Iwai, Max Murai, Kadoman, and Umaemon. Ouch Umaemon.
The teams. Left to right:
- Iwai (Ea), using Blue Athena
- Max Murai (Rikuu), using Dark Athena
- Otsuka/Kadoman (Revo Artemis), using Mega Awoken Sylvie
- Umaemon (aka Daike aka YamaP LOL) (Shynee & Baddie), using Blue Ney
(Sorry for those who voted Umaemon)
Iwai (Ea) taking huge lead.
Everyone got through the Parvati wall!
First man down – RIP Rikuu buff dreams.
They didn’t even stand a chance – Iwai won, Ea getting buffed!!
(Max Murai restarted the dungeon)
YamaP Umaemon pulling up!
BTW Kadoman has been on that Z&H for a while…
Anyways Ea, Shynee, Baddie gets buffed!!!! (2nd place counts too lol)
Wait what? We just got an ad in between, of Sword Art Online (SAO): Alicization!
8:43pm – Myne Descended Challenge!
Annihilation Co-op challenge! If it’s completed with no-continues, all JP players get everything shown x7. Each continue drops prize count by 1.
0 Continues and we get PCGF roll x1 as well!!!
Max Murai rolled Fullmetal Alchemist gacha once!!
Aw. Not so scripted are we.
Team building for Myne Descended! Max Murai‘s team:
イワーイ軍 (Iwai army lol, so whale)
The host sit silently (and awkwardly) as they continue preparing…
Max Murai‘s team revised after a long discussion!
Floor 1: Bomb & Blind!
Also Mortal and Jammers….
Floor 2: Combo shield + status shield.
Floor 3: Blind + 100 damage Void Shield.
Floor 4: Status shield + preemptive damage (7,638 damage here) + skill delay + resolve. Yeeep.
Floor 5: Half RCV + 10m damage void shield.
Max Murai, praying to skyfall.
It’s 9:22pm and we’re still… praying to more skyfalls.
Boss floor (Myne): 0.5x time for 15 turns, 75% damage shield (15 turn), status shield.
Also a spooky remix to the dungeon boss theme!
Spinner magic, time to get Max even more tilted!
After some passing (and failing to one-shot), Max Murai used Miru to Change the World and stopped Spinners!
Stream Reward Recap!
Distributed later (date not announced)
- Rainbowpy x 7
- Diamond Dragon Fruit x7
- King Tamadra x7
- Super Snow Globe x7
- Jewel of Creation x7
- PCGF roll x1!!
News time: Version 16.0 Update! (Live after maintenance on 10/30)
Kosuke, YamaP, and Kadoman!
Interface overhaul!!! That’s the main dungeon screen!
Dungeon displays drops now!!!!! (We aren’t a 2012 game anymore!!)
Team selection interface update!!! Woohooooo!
Check out the assists!! “Normal Drop” at the bottom will be explained in a bit.
Displays the total amount of awakenings too now, like in PAD Radar!!!!
I’m seeing some unused badges… Those skyfalls icons…
You can pick helper from your own cards now!
To clarify, helper has to be a separate card that is not on your team (also can’t be currently assisted)
Let’s just say we have skins for orbs now!!
PADW orbs!!! Listed are (wasn’t shown):
- Normal orbs
- Fancy orbs (shown below, PADW ones)
- Valkyrie orbs
- Zeus orbs
- Athena orbs
New Technical Dungeon – Machine Noah!
Machine Noah Descended, 99 stamina, 10 floor, Annihilation difficulty

Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) Results!
These are the Top 25… Godfest Exclusives and gods JP players chose!
Super PCGF Gacha Details!
Two parts! Rates and full lineup are already announced, will be in a separate post later in prettier format.
Part #1: 10/31 (Wed) 12pm – 11/07 (Wed) 11:59pm JST | Part 1 rates & lineup
Part #2: 11/07 (Wed) 12pm – 11/14 (Wed) 11:59pm JST | Part 2 rates & lineup
- 10 stones per roll
- 7 star only!
- Max level
- Max awakening
- +297!
Annnnd Dark Witch, Veroa will be there too~ ALSO that’s not even the full lineup above. (there’s new GFE that are shown later, they didn’t show them at this point of stream)
New Godfest Exclusives Orb Skins!
They are the reason why we have different orbs for boards above!!! Once you get them, you get the special orb skins unlocked.
Valkyrie orbs so cute omg
Zeus orbs
Athena orbs
New Godfest Exclusives Stats! All Animated!

PAD Appreciation Fest. Announced!!
Yes a thank you event for all players!! Wheeee
1) Get a total of 200 free stones!! Login for 100 magic stones from each part!
Part #1: 10/31 (Wed) 4am – 12/01 (Sat) 3:59am JST
Part #2: 12/01 (Sat) 4am – 01/01 (Tue) 3:59am JST
2) 10 Magic Stones per roll! Super Player’s Choice Godfest!!
Part #1: 10/31 (Wed) 12pm – 11/07 (Wed) 11:59pm JST
Part #2: 11/07 (Wed) 12pm – 11/14 (Wed) 11:59pm JST
3) One of the new Godfest Exclusive (GFE) available at Monster Exchange!
Exchange using a special Thank-you Fest. Medal! You can exchange to get one of the 3 new GFE of your choice. (Lv. Max, Skill Lv. max, Fully awoken)
Medal distribution: 10/31 (Wed) 12am – 12/31 (Mon) 11:59pm.
Exchange available: 10/31 (Wed) 12am – 1/1 (Tue) 11:59pm.
4) Thank-You Fest! EXP of a Lifetime Dungeon!!!
EXP of Lifetime becomes 10x EXP compared to normal! 2 mil EXP each, 4,000,000 EXP total!!
Part #1: 10/30 (Tue) after maint – 11/30 (Fri) 11:59pm JST
Part #2: 12/01 (Sat) 12am – 12/31 (Mon) 3:59am JST
5) Special Lineup @ Pal Egg machine!
Login during each period for 25,000 Pal Points!
11/2 – 11/9: Super Enhance Carnival – All 5 Snow Globes added to lineup
11/9 – 11/16: Super Evo Carnival – Large Gem Stone series added!
11/16 – 11/23: Super Tamadra Carnival – King Tamadra added!
11/23 – 11/30: Super Plus Carnival – +21 Shynees (+7 all stats) only
6) SIX RESETS wait why not 7
All these below will be reset after maintenance SO GO USE THEM UP NOW JP PLAYERS
1. Premium Gacha (your gift)
2. Best Friend
3. Rank 150 Memorial Gacha
4. Rank 250 Memorial Gacha
5. Rank 500 Memorial Gacha
6. One-Time Bargain Bundle renewed
New Evolutions!
Reincarnated Lucifer

[4265] Reincarnated Lucifer
Devil / Attacker / God
Super Awakening:
Active Skill: Reduce HP by 50%; Deal 200x Dark damage to an enemy; Change far left column to Dark orbs and change far right column to Heal orbs (7 max CD)
Leader Skill: 3x ATK for each cross of 5 Dark, Light orbs; 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 5 Heal orbs in a cross formation
Reincarnated Krishna

Reincarnated Vishnu

Mega Awoken Baldin

[4745] Mega Awoken Baldin
Dragon / Machine
Active Skill: For 1 turn, 3x ATK for Dragon and Machine type; Change Light and Jammer orbs to Fire orbs, Wood and Poison orbs to Dark orbs (9 max CD)
Leader Skill: 1.5x Parameters for Fire Att.; 3x ATK when 6 or more combo; 2x ATK and reduce damage taken when matching Fire and Dark
Mega Awoken Sherias Roots

Mega Awoken Gremory

[4747] Mega Awoken Gremory
Active Skill: Change far left column to Dark orbs, far right column to Heal orbs; Recover Bind and Awoken skill binds by 2 turns (8 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x ATK & RCV for Devil type; 2x ATK on the turn a skill is used; 5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 5 Heal orbs in a cross formation
Evolution Materials
Live starting 10/25 (Thu) 11pm JST!
Buffs: Super Awakening for Angel 1 & Indian 2 Series!





Really appreciate what you do here. Keep up the amazing work. 🙂
Is it me or dose Baldin have someone inside of him (also pretty good sub for Rodin)
It looks like Baldin has Barbara inside it.
Thanks for all the hard work you guys do with compiling and translating this info! It’s much appreciated!
Thank you so much for the info was looking for a site that explained what was coming in JP version of PAD
Thank you all for your kind words!! 🙂 We will keep working hard!