PAD 7th Anniversary Stream – Translations Compilation!
[Stream is over!] News/translations post on everything that happened on GungHo Official Stream for PAD 7th Anniversary! Featuring collab news, new evolutions, event news, and more!! Image-intensive post.
Stream information
Information Stream Details
Stream links YouTube | Starts 2/20 (Wed) 9pm JST.
Who made this post?
5 people made this post possible! Consider supporting us through donations if you like the site, if it helped you, and/or if you like what we’re doing. Everything here is done in our free time on top of playing PAD!
[show_avatar email=7 user_link=authorpage avatar_size=40] | Cate: Primary translator who set an alarm just for this, up at 5am! |
[show_avatar email=5 user_link=authorpage avatar_size=40] | Kennori: Screenshotter #1 who is up at 3am. |
[show_avatar email=6 user_link=authorpage avatar_size=40] | chu2: Cheerleading Medjedra. |
[show_avatar email=11 user_link=authorpage avatar_size=40] | Paulo: Screenshotter #2, focusing on card info & animation, half asleep too. |
[show_avatar email=2 user_link=authorpage avatar_size=40] | Reni: Team organizer, secondary translator, updating this post. Digesting pizza as we go. |
Stream translation & compilation
News posted in reverse order, OLDEST at top. You can use the table of contents above to jump to important time stamps.
Stream started!
(Prerecorded again!)
Stream started with news, new LINE stickers available of Toragon!
Comes with animated Toragon and voiced too, lol. PAD emoji! That Tamadra!
Starts March 5, not free of course (40 points for a set, or 100 coins, or 240 yen).
PAD Radar update coming up!
Solo mode coming up! You’ll be able to gain medals from doing solo dungeons and you can also encounter PADR dungeons from scanning (maybe Japan only?). Stay tuned for full details.
GungHo Fest 2019 Soon™
Coming alongside PAD Challenge Cup 2019!
Contestant of Challenge Cup, usual PAD Professionals.
3 million yen prize on the line (probably with another year of food of some kind).
Event schedule.
You can find these people in GungHo Festival.
7th Anniversary (old+new) News
100 Magic Stones! (you already got this if you have logged in)
The current Godfest!
Event medal thing that we’ve already got, for exchanging new Godfest Exclusives.
New: Rank 700 Memorial Egg Machine!!
Memorial REMs reset, BF Reset, Present reset, One time deal reset and newly added Rank 700 Memorial REM!!
7th Anniversary Godfest Exclusives Survey: Result!
(for adding to Monster Exchange)!
Zela won!!! She will be available in Monster Exchange (one exchange only)!!
Exchange available: 2/21 (Thu) 12pm ~ 3/6 (Wed) 11:59pm JST.
Art contest results!!
Many funky and good ones! All are dragons!!!
Yes this is a bonsai dragon.
Lucky Dragon – Origami!
Okay this wins to me. Sha-77 Dragon.
Traffic-themed dragon!
All these will be in game in a later date.
New Ranking: GachaDra Ranking!!
Two rounds!
Round 1: 2/21 (Thu) 12am ~ 2/22 (Fri) 11:59pm JST
Round 2: [7×6 board] 2/24 (Sat) 12am ~ 2/24 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
- Players receive server-wide rewards based on total scores combined among everyone.
- Players receive individual rewards based on how they rank compared to other players (like ranking).
YamaP playing lol.
You can level up and gain more time clearing orbs.
It’s YamaP playing afterall, of course it didn’t last long…
Iwai played and cleared. Clearing the dungeon will give Lil’ Snow Globe Dragon, could also drop Tamadra and Pys.
Dark Ra Dragon will be added to Monster Exchange!
Not free of course, will cost 3 Event Medal – Black. Starts 2/21 (Thu) 12pm JST.
Event Medal – Black can be obtained by exchanging
5 Rainbow Event Medals.PAD 7th Anniversary Ranking Data (January 2019)
Leader ranking
- Mega Awoken Dark Metatron
- Valkyrie CIEL
- Madoo
- Reeche
- Yog-Sothoth
- Saline
- Yog-Sothoth
- Barbara & Julie
- Awoken Vajrayaksa
- Ganesha
Sub Ranking
- Odindra
- Whaledor
- Zela
- Valkyrie CIEL
- Reincarnated Tsukuyomi
- Ilmina
- Reincarnated Izanagi
- Zeus-Dios
- Reincarnated Archangel Lucifer
- Awoken Tachibana
Assist Ranking
- Trojan Horse
- Green Odin (Assist)
- Lugh
- Rathios (Assist)
- Gilgamesh
- Carat
- Red Sonia (Assist)
- Fujin
- Weld (Assist)
- Awoken Ra
Dungeons ran
(Highest number of times a dungeon was entered)
- Yamap Rank 888 Cup (Wooow)
- PAD Appreciation Cup 4
- Ganesha’s Trove (Mythical)
- 7th Anniversary Quest 2 (Lv. 21 – [7×6 board])
- Event Memorial Ultimate Arena (No Dupe)
Super Awoken Ranking
- Zela
- Reeche
- Madoo
- Reincarnated Archangel Lucifer
- Valkyrie CIEL
- Athena NON
- Cotton
- Eir
- Barbara & Julie
- New Year Artemis
More stats!
- Combo Count
- TOTAL Highest Damage
- TOTAL Coin
- Players that maxed out coin
- Tamadra killed during January (owww)
- Super awakenings on Jan
- Limit breaks happened on Jan
- # of users that have all crowns (by end of January)
- Users who have full attendance in PAD since the start (by end of January)
- Highest Rank in game (by end of January)
- Highest Best Friend count (by end of January)
Rank distribution
Yu Yu Hakusho Collab returning!!
Shaman King Collab coming soon!!!!!
Monster Hunter Collab returning!!
Devil May Cry 5 (DMC) Collab coming soon!!
Light Hera Dragon
- Leader Skill: ATK multiplier from 5x to 6x.
- Max Skill Lv. colldown decreased from 9 to 8.
- Super Awakening!
- Awakenings added.
- Limit Break! New stats on right for Lv. 110.
- Super Awakenings added.
- Awakenings added.
Dark Ra Dragon
- Limit Break stats!
- Super Awakenings added.
- Awakenings added.
- Limit Break stats.
- Super Awakenings added.
Machine Noah
- Limit Break stats.
- Super Awakenings added.
77 Monsters getting buffed!!!!
(And then the whole team cries)
Live after 2/20 (Wed) 10pm JST (literally already live what)
New evolutions!!!!
Apologize for bad quality, it’s hard to get good pics from stream.
Greco-Roman 3 Evos



Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 3573 | 4563 |
ATK | 2035 | 2530 |
RCV | 168 | 465 |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, void att. absorb shield effects; Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, Light, and Heal orbs
(20 ➧ 15)
Leader Skill: 5x ATK when matching 6 or more connected orbs; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching Fire, Wood, Light at once
[1/225/1, 75%]



Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 3765 | 4755 |
ATK | 1535 | 2030 |
RCV | 408 | 705 |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, void att. absorb shield effects; Change all orbs to Water, Wood, Dark, and Heal orbs
(20 ➧ 15)
Leader Skill: 5x ATK when matching 6 or more connected orbs; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching Water, Wood, Dark at once
[1/225/1, 75%]



Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 4653 | 5643 |
ATK | 1603 | 2098 |
RCV | 98 | 395 |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, void att. absorb shield effects; Change all orbs to Wood, Light, Dark, and Heal orbs
(20 ➧ 15)
Leader Skill: 5x ATK when matching 6 or more connected orbs; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching Wood, Light, Dark at once
[1/225/1, 75%]



Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 3515 | 4505 |
ATK | 1955 | 2450 |
RCV | 230 | 527 |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, void att. absorb shield effects; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Light, and Heal orbs
(20 ➧ 15)
Leader Skill: 5x ATK when matching 6 or more connected orbs; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching Fire, Water, Light at once
[1/225/1, 75%]



Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 3043 | 4033 |
ATK | 2183 | 2678 |
RCV | 238 | 535 |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, void att. absorb shield effects; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Dark, and Heal orbs
(20 ➧ 15)
Leader Skill: 5x ATK when matching 6 or more connected orbs; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching Fire, Water, Dark at once
[1/225/1, 75%]
Godfest Exclusives – Mega Evolutions!!
All of these are animated. We’ve all been waiting for this!!!



Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 4224 | 5214 |
ATK | 2287 | 2782 |
RCV | 666 | 963 |
Active Skill: Create 3 Fire, Heal orbs at random; For 1 turn, increase combo count by 1
(10 ➧ 6)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when 7 or more combos; 3.5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 2+ Heal combos
[1/196/1, 68.36%]



Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 4902 | 5892 |
ATK | 2445 | 2940 |
RCV | 372 | 669 |
Active Skill: Create cross of Light orbs with center at 2nd row from top and 2nd column from right; Create cross of Dark orbs with center at 2nd row from top and 2nd column from left
(15 ➧ 11)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 35% when above 50% HP; 3.5x ATK for each cross of 5 Light, Dark orbs
[1/29419.1104/1, 57.75%]



Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 4875 | 5865 |
ATK | 2159 | 2654 |
RCV | 541 | 838 |
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire, and Light orbs; For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Devil type
(17 ➧ 13)
Leader Skill: 2x HP for Devil type; 6x ATK on the turn a skill is used; 2x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 4 or more connected Light orbs
[4/144/1, 43.75%]



Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 4613 | 5603 |
ATK | 2746 | 3241 |
RCV | 276 | 573 |
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Dark, and Heal orbs; For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Dragon type
(13 ➧ 9)
Leader Skill: 2x HP for Dragon type; 6x ATK when 6 or more combos; 2x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 4 or more connected Heal orbs
[4/144/1, 43.75%]
First Super Reincarnated Evolution – Haku!!
Animated!!!! It makes perfect sense with Chirin Descended’s solo conditions – Revo Haku helper!



Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4034 (5024) | 4639 (5629) |
ATK | 2595 (3090) | 2984 (3479) |
RCV | 833 (1130) | 958 (1255) |
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire, Water, and Dark orbs; Charge allies’ skill by 1 turn
(13 ➧ 9)
Leader Skill: 1.5x HP for Dark Att.; 5x ATK when above 50% HP; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching Fire+Water+Dark
[2.25/225/1, 43.75%]
Gemstone Equips

Godfest Exclusive Assists!

That’s all!
(Now we can collapse, my laptop then Internet actually died 10 minutes into the stream…)
Shaman King and Yu Yu Hakusho!!!
So mega paimon, full Hp, use the Active… 2401x attack!?
I can’t thank you guys enough for getting this out this quick 😀
Hope you guys are ok
🙂 Thanks to the team, I couldn’t have done it alone!
Thanks for all your work!
You’re welcome!
So excited for the potentiality of Shaman King and DMC, and the returns of Yu Yu and MH. Thank you guys for the early and great translations!
Do you know the method we will have to use in order to obtain Zela?
Will we be using tokens for trading towards Zela?
Tokens are gonna be Godfest Exclusives, see the separate post~
Thank you so much for translating !
You’re welcome! 🙂
Devil May Cry collab was great!! I hope it gets a rerun soon?!… oh wait a second.