[PAD-G] PAD Gold – New Present Code For Valentine’s Day!

Because you might be alone at home and playing PAD Gold on your Nintendo Switch during Valentine’s day… Free 500 Rainbow Orbs to roll/purchase teams in PAD Gold!

Present Codes

The code will work one-time only, for either Japanese or English versions of the PAD Gold on Nintendo Switch. You can claim the code in game, by pressing the present box in the main menu and entering the code.

Here are all the current available present codes available:

Release Date Title Present Contents Present Code
2/14/2020 Happy Valentine’s Day 500 Rainbow Orbs 5UFU8R29K5TT9522
1/17/2020 Commemoration of the game’s debut at the Next-
Generation World Hobby Fair ’20 Winter in Japan
500 Rainbow Orbs 5QFWQV2H9VZGU3CT