[PADR] Shaman King Collab – Monster Memories!
4/22 (Mon) 10:00am - 5/6 (Mon) 9:59am JST
Sources PADR Shaman King
Like the main game, PAD Radar also gets Shaman King collab! This time also with leader and Monster Memories!
Only one shown, and can be purchased from pre-built team, or rolled from the Rare Gacha!
Attacker | ATK: 2078![]() |
Active Skill | |
なんとかなるって | Spawn 5 Wood orbs for self and opponent. For 2 turns, reduce opponent’s defense by 50%. (12 turn CD) |
いくぞ阿弥陀丸 | For 2 turns, fix orb movement time to 7 seconds. Change Fire and Dark orbs to Wood orbs. (11 turn CD) |
じゃあもうひとふんばりするか | For 1 turn, 90% damage reduction. For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Wood attribute. (12 turn CD) |
Leader Skill | |
4x ATK when HP is above 80%, 2x ATK when below 79%. 2x ATK when matching 2+ Wood combos, 3x ATK when 3 combos. |
Monster Memories
Translations will come later when all the Monster Memories are posted by Japanese players!
- King of Future, Hao / 未来王・ハオ

Active Skill: For 2 turns, 3x ATK for Fire attributes to both self and opponent. (12 turn CD)
- Spirit of Sword, Yoh Asakura / スピリット オブ ソード・麻倉葉
- Anna Kyoyama / 降魔調伏・恐山アンナ
- Super Bushin, Tao Len / スーパー武神・道蓮
- Iron Maiden Jeanne / 聖・少・女アイアンメイデン・ジャンヌ
- O.S. Great Spirit / O・Sグレートスピリッツ

スピリット オブ ソード・麻倉葉
Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: Spawn 5 Wood orbs to self and opponent. For 2 turns, reduce opponent’s defense by 50%. (12 turn CD)

Attacker / Healer
Active Skill: Change top-most row to Fire orbs, bottom-most row to Wood orbs. For 1 turn, reduce opponent’s orb movement time by 50% ( turn CD)

Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: For 2 turns, 2x ATK for Light and Dark attributes. For 1 turn, bind opponent’s monsters. (11 turn CD)

Balanced / God
Active Skill: HP becomes 1; For 2 turns, reduce opponent’s defense by 75%. For 2 turns, lock skyfall orbs. (8 turn CD)

Active Skill: Change all orbs to 5 attributes. For 1 turn, 3x ATK for God type and no skyfall combos. (11 turn CD)
- Ryunosuke Umemiya / 梅宮竜之介
- Johann Faust VIII / ファウストVIII世
- Horohoro / ホロホロ
- Chocolove McDonell / チョコラブ・マクダネル
- Lyserg Diethel / リゼルグ・ダイゼル
- Opacho / オパチョ

Physical / Attacker
Active Skill: Spawn 4 Dark orbs. For 2 turns, bind opponent’s monsters. (12 turn CD)

Attacker / Healer
Active Skill: Full HP recovery. Change Fire orbs to Dark orbs, Water orbs to Light orbs. (8 turn CD)

Active Skill: Lock opponent’s orbs. Change Fire and Wood orbs to Water orbs. (10 turn CD)

Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: For 1 turn, reduce both opponent and self defense by 100%. Lock 10 random orbs on opponent’s board. (6 turn CD)
(lol the skill name, shafted!)

Active Skill: Unlock opponent’s board. Change 3rd column from left to Wood orbs, and 3rd column from right to Fire orbs. (9 turn CD)

Active Skill: For 1 turn, 80% damage reduction. Change bottom row to Fire orbs. (10 turn CD)
- Marco / マルコ
- Mikihisa Asakura / 麻倉幹久
- Tao Jun / 道潤
- Tamao Tamamura / 玉村たまお
- Manta Oyamada / 小山田まん太
- Matamune / マタムネ
- Silva / シルバ

Active Skill: For 2 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Light orbs for self and opponent. Change middle row to Light orbs. (12 turn CD)

Physical / Attacker
Active Skill: Change left-most column to Wood orbs, right-most column to Fire orbs. For 2 turns, reduce opponent’s defense by 50%. (11 turn CD)

Active Skill: Randomly spawn 8 Jammer and Poison orbs. (10 turn CD)

Active Skill: Change top-most row to Wood orbs, bottom-most row to Light orbs. For 2 turns, lock skyfalls of Wood and Light orbs. (12 turn CD)

Active Skill: Change all orbs to Water, Wood, and Light orbs. For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Water, Wood, and Light attributes. (13 turn CD)

Active Skill: Blind opponent’s board. Spawn 2 Wood, Light, and Dark orbs to opponent. (9 turn CD)

Active Skill: For 3 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Wood and Dark orbs. Change left-most column to Wood orbs, right-most column to Dark orbs. (10 turn CD)
- Guardian Spirit, Shamash / 持霊・シャマシュ
- Guardian Spirit, Eliza Faust / 持霊・エリザ・ファウスト
- Guardian Spirit, Kororo / 持霊・コロロ
- Guardian Spirit, Morphine / 持霊・モルフィン
- Guardian Spirit, Archangel Michael / 持霊・大天使ミカエル
- Guardian Spirit, Imari & Shigaraki / 持霊・イマリ&シガラキ
- Yoh Asakura / 麻倉葉
- Anna Kyoyama / 恐山アンナ
- Tao Len / 道蓮
- Iron Maiden Jeanne / アイアンメイデン・ジャンヌ
- Hao / ハオ
- Hair-in Mama, Opacho / ヘヤーインMAMA・オパチョ
- Guardian Spirit, Amidamaru / 持霊・阿弥陀丸
- Guardian Spirit, Bason / 持霊・馬孫
- Guardian Spirit, Spirit of Fire / 持霊・スピリット オブ ファイア
- Guardian Spirit, Tokageroh / 持霊・蜥蜴郎
- Guardian Spirit, Mic / 持霊・ミック