[PADR] Yu Yu Hakusho Collab Revival, More Leader & Monster Memories! (Translated!)
Like in main game, PAD Radar gets Yu Yu Hakusho collab as well! This time, there are more leaders added!
Translations are up!
Screenshots are all from PAD Radar Unofficial Twitter.
10 leaders total (2 new)! Same outfit (and abs) for Ace/Ana!
Devil | ATK: 2220 ![]() |
Active Skill | |
お前ごときに負ける俺ではないのだ | For 2 turns, 80% damage reduction. Blind opponent’s board. (13 turn CD) |
後悔に変えてやるざ | Change middle row to Light orbs for self and opponent. Lock Light orbs for self and opponent. (12 turn CD) |
とどめだ | For 2 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Light orbs for self and opponent. Shuffle all orbs. (12 turn CD) |
Leader Skill | |
2x HP & ATK for Light attribute. 4x ATK when matching 7 combos, 5x ATK when matching 8 combos. |
Attacker | ATK: 2558 ![]() |
Active Skill | |
本当の楽しみはこれからだ! | For 2 turns, lock Fire and Dark skyfall orbs. Change Light orbs to Dark, Heal orbs to Fire orbs. (11 turn CD) |
決着をつけようじゃないか | For 2 turns, no skyfall orbs for self and opponent. (6 turn CD) |
少々本気を出すか… | Change left-most column to Dark robs, right-most column to Fire orbs. For 2 turns, reduce opponent’s defense by 50%. (11 turn CD) |
Leader Skill | |
4x ATK for Attacker type. 3x ATK when matching Dark and Fire. |
Balanced | ATK: 1820 ![]() |
Active Skill | |
オレは捨てねー! | Change all orbs to Water, Light and Heal orbs. For 2 turns, increase orb movement time by 1.5x. (12 turn CD) |
くらいやがれぇぇぇー! | For 3 turns, Slightly increase skyfall of Water and Light orbs. 1 turn haste. (7 turn CD) |
とことんやろーぜ! | Randomly spawn 5 Water and Light orbs. Lock Water and Light orbs. (8 turn CD) |
Leader Skill | |
5x ATK, 2x RCV when matching 7+ combos. 2x ATK when matching Water and Light. |
Devil | ATK: 2794 ![]() |
Active Skill | |
あー…ハラへったな… | HP becomes 1. For 3 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Light orbs to opponent. For 3 turns, randomly spawn locked orbs to opponent. (10 turn CD) |
メシーッ!クレサロオオオオ | For 2 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Light orbs. For 2 turns, lock skyfall of Light orbs. (10 turn CD) |
筋と度胸はなかなかのもんだ | Change left-most column to Heal orbs, right-most column to Light orbs. Lock all Light and Heal orbs on both self and opponent’s boards. (8 turn CD) |
Leader Skill | |
2x HP & ATK for Light attribute. 6x ATK when matching exactly 5 connected orbs containing 1 enhanced orb. |
Balanced | ATK: 1718 ![]() |
Active Skill | |
使えるのは手足だけじゃない | 80% HP recovery. Change bottom row to Wood orbs. (8 turn CD) |
お前は… ”死”にすら値しない… | Change all orbs to Wood, Dark, and Poison orbs. For 2 turns, reduce opponent’s defense by 50%. (9 turn CD) |
今 楽にしてやるよ | For 2 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Wood orbs for both self and opponent. Change Fire orbs to Wood orbs (self). (12 turn CD) |
Leader Skill | |
2x ATK and 50% damage reduction when HP is above 80%. 4x ATK when matching 6+ connected Wood orbs. |
Attacker | ATK: 2813 ![]() |
Active Skill | |
右腕だけで十分だな! | For 2 turns, 2x ATK for Dark attribute. For 2 turns, reduce opponent’s defense by 50%. (10 turn CD) |
残像だっ! | For 2 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Dark orbs. Shuffle all orbs. (7 turn CD) |
邪眼の力をなめるなよ | Change Light and Heal orbs to Dark orbs. For 2 turns, increase orb movement time by 1.5x. (12 turn CD) |
Leader Skill | |
5x ATK when matching 2+ combos of Dark orbs. 2x ATK when matching 6+ combos. |
Devil | ATK: 1820 ![]() |
Active Skill | |
おっと…失礼 | For 1 turn, reduce opponent’s orb movement time by 50%. Randomly spawn 5 Jammer orbs to opponent. (13 turn CD) |
初めて…敵に合えた… | Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, and Dark orbs. For 1 turn, bind opponent’s monsters. (11 turn CD) |
筋肉操作 | Change Heart orbs to Poison orbs. For 1 turn, 3x ATK for Devil type. (6 turn CD) |
Leader Skill | |
2x HP & ATK for Devil type. ATK increase when matching 4+ combos, up to 4x ATK. |
Balanced | ATK: 1368 ![]() |
Active Skill | |
全霊力を込めて撃つ! | Change Heal orbs to Water orbs. Lock all orbs. (8 turn CD) |
負けるんじゃないよ | Change top row to Heal orbs on opponent’s board. For 1 turn, 75% damage reduction (self). (12 turn CD) |
あたしも我慢ならないね! | Change all orbs to 5 attributes (Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark orbs). For 1 turn, no skyfall orbs for opponent. (10 turn CD) |
Leader Skill | |
5 second orb movement time. 1.5x HP & 2x ATK for all cards. 5x ATK when matching 5+ attributes. |
Healer | ATK: 1133 ![]() |
Active Skill | |
一件落着ですね | Slightly increase skyfall of Heal orbs for 3 turns. Change right-most column to Heal orbs. (8 turn CD) |
ピンポンピンポンピンポーン | Change Fire orbs to Light orbs, Dark orbs to Heal orbs. Enhance Heal orbs. (8 turn CD) |
うやまってへつらえ~! | Change all orbs to Light and Heal orbs. For 2 turns, no skyfall orbs. (10 turn CD) |
Leader Skill | |
5x ATK when matching 5+ connected Heal orbs. 2x ATK & RCV when matching 2+ combos of Heal orbs. |
Physical | ATK: 1450 ![]() |
Active Skill | |
切れだぜ、完璧によ… | Randomly spawn 9 Light orbs. Lock Light orbs. (10 turn CD) |
花は桜木 男は桑原! | For 3 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Light orbs. Change top row to Light orbs. (9 turn CD) |
一太刀なりと奴にくられしてやるぜ! | Change all orbs to Light, Heal, and Jammer orbs. (8 turn CD) |
Leader Skill | |
ATK increase when matching 2+ combos of Light orbs, up to 7x ATK. 2x ATK when matching 4+ connected Light orbs. |
Monster Memories
- 魔族大隔世・浦飯幽助 [New]
- 闘神・雷禅

Yusuke Urameshi (Mazoku)
Balanced / Devil
Active Skill: For 3 turns, 2x ATK for Light attribute. Change Heal orbs to Light orbs. (12 max CD)

Toshin Raizen
Devil / Attacker
Active Skill: For 2 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Light orbs. For 2 turns, lock skyfall of Light orbs. (10 max CD)
- 霊界探偵・浦飯幽助
- 100%の力・戸愚呂弟
- 黒龍波を極めた者・飛影 [New]
- 聖光気の使い手・仙水忍 [New]
- 霊剣使い・桑原和真 NEW!

Spirit Detective, Yusuke Urameshi
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Water and Light orbs. (12 max CD)

Younger Toguro, 100% Power
Devil / Attacker
Active Skill: HP becomes 1. For 2 turns, reduce opponent’s defense by 75%. For 2 turns, increase orb movement time by 3x. (11 max CD)

Devil / Attacker
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire, Water, and Dark orbs. For 2 turns, bind opponent’s monsters. (13 max CD)

Minoru Sensui
Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: For 2 turns, 2x ATK for Attacker type. For 1 turn, 80% damage reduction. (11 max CD)

Kazuma Kuwabara
Physical / Attacker
Active Skill: Change middle row to Light orbs. For 2 turns, increase orb movement time by 2 seconds. (6 max CD)
- 妖狐蔵馬
- 邪眼師・飛影
- 霊光裂蹴拳の使い手・仙水ミノル
- 桑原和真
- 霊光波動拳の使い手・幻海 [New]
- 魔界の支配者候補・軀 [New]
- 元癌陀羅国元首・黄泉 [New]

Yoko Kurama
Balanced / Devil
Active Skill: Change Fire orbs to Wood orbs. Change opponent’s Fire orbs to Dark orbs. (8 max CD)

Hiei, the Jagan Master
Devil / Attacker
Active Skill: For 2 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Dark orbs for self and opponent. Change bottom row to Dark orbs. (12 max CD)

Resshuken Master, Minoru Sensui
Active Skill: For 2 turns, no skyfall orbs. For 2 turns, reduce opponent’s orb movement time by 50%. (12 max CD)

Kazuma Kuwabara
Active Skill: Change 2nd column from right to Light orbs. For 1 turn, reduce opponet’s defense by 50%. (5 max CD)

Spirit Wave User, Genkai
Active Skill: Change Heal orbs to Water orbs for self and opponent. For 1 turn, reduce opponent’s orb movement time by 50%. (12 max CD)

Devil / Healer
Active Skill: Randomly spawn 5 Fire and Dark orbs to opponent. For 1 turn, increase orb movement time by 2 seconds. (9 max CD)

Devil / Attacker
Active Skill: Change top-most row to Dark orbs. Change bottom row to Wood orbs for self and opponent. (12 max CD)
- 幻海
- コエンマ
- ぼたん
- 刃霧要
- 80%の力・戸愚呂弟
- 樹 [New]

Active Skill: Change Heal orbs to Water orbs. Lock all orbs. (8 max CD)

Active Skill: For 2 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Water orbs for self and opponent. For 2 turns, 50% damage reduction. (12 max CD)

Active Skill: Change Fire orbs to Light, Dark orbs to Heal orbs. Enhance Heal orbs. (8 max CD)

Kaname Hagiri
Active Skill: Randomly spawn 4 Heal, Jammer, and Poison orbs to opponent. (11 max CD)

Younger Toguro, 80% Power
Devil / Attacker
Active Skill: Change Heal orbs to Poison orbs. For 1 turn, 3x ATK for Devil type. (6 max CD)

Devil / Balanced
Active Skill: For 2 turns, lock skyfall of Wood orbs. Shuffle all orbs. (8 max CD)
- 酎
- 陣
- 鴉
- 霊界獣・プー
- 死々若丸 [New]
- 美しい魔闘家鈴木 [New]
- 浦飯幽助
- 蔵馬
- 飛影
- 雷禅
- 仙水
- 戸愚呂弟
- 軀 [New]
- 黄泉 [New]
- 火の心・プー
- 水の心・プー
- 木の心・プー
- 光の心・プー
- 闇の心・プー