[PADR] Zeus-Giga and Hera-Luna added to Searchable Descended Dungeons!
Permanent addition starting after 8/19 (Mon) 12:00pm JST
Sources New Dungeons!
Two new dungeons added to PAD Radar! This time it’s Zeus Giga and Hera Luna!
How to find this
In PAD Radar, you can search and occasionally find these dungeons (like Borma, Zapan etc.)! The dungeons are ゼウス -GIGA- 降臨! (Zeus-Giga Descended) and ヘラ -LUNA- 降臨!(Hera-Luna Descended).
New Monster Memory

神空の全能神・ゼウス -GIGA-
God / Physical / Attacker
Skill: For 1 turn, 2x ATK for God type for self and opponent. Change middle row to Light orbs (self). (12 turn CD)

夜星の神王妃・ヘラ -LUNA-
God / Devil / Attacker
Skill: For 3 turns, decrease opponent’s orb move time by 25%. Spawn 5 Jammer and Poison orbs to opponent. (12 turn CD)