[Patch Note] Version 18.1 Update!
Newest version featuring new subscription services and more! For once this is a 24-hour maintenance!
New subscription service: PAD Pass!
Added to the top of Shop menu is PAD Pass! Details in separate post.
Only available on iOS and Android (Google Play).
Story Dungeon: Odin Chapter added!
As shown on stream, details here. Clearing the new chapter will reward:
- TAMADRA x 1000
- New Evolution Material (for Odin)
- Story’s Boss Monster (probably new?)
As before, cards shown in the Story Dungeon will be buffed. No exact lineup was shown.
Unlock more Latent Awoken Skill slots for Reincarnated & Super Reincarnated cards!
New (very cute) Latent Unlock TAMADRA added to unlock up to 8 Latent slots (2 more).
- Only usable on selected Reincarnated/Super Reincarnated cards
Simply fuse the Latent Unlock TAMADRA at the “Latent Awakening” button (found beside Awoken Skill) to unlock a Latent slot.
A 7th Latent slot is unlocked on Super Reincarnated Haku shown here. You’ll need another Latent Unlock TAMADRA to unlock the 8th.
ATK multiplier in dungeon adjusted
Now shows everything except for attribute (vs. enemies) and Killer effects.
Again, you can turn it on/off in Others Options
YamaP’s Pixel Slimes now added
And it’s also buffed before release, no wonder it took so long! Details in separate post.
New Technical Dungeon: Catastrophic Ultimate Colosseum (Special/No-continue)!
Details in separate post. New arena-type dungeon, 200 stamina per run and 21 battles. Also a new card will appear in the dungeon!
Other changes
- Bug fixes and small brush-ups as per usual.
damn it, i really don’t use pantheon cards 🙁 alot of them lack the punch that other collabs and things do. maybe thats the point though so it doesn’t get crazy power creep’d
No picture of the new tamadra?
It’s already showcased in the stream news days ago, but I guess I skipped that pic somehow in the patch notes (6 posts a day is not easy lol). Added it back~
Game just came up in the past half hour while I was checking when it’d come back up.
Update’s finished three hours ago! :O