PEM Lineup Rotation & Renewal | New Coloring Book versions of Horus and Sonia Gran Reverse!
Coming to the PEM tomorrow is the winners of the 2nd PAD Coloring Contest! The two winners are Horus and Sonia Gran Reverse. They will be added as recolored versions to PEM!
Super Snow Globe Dragons can also be rolled from PEM during this time!
Also Sakuya and Kali (Coloring book versions) can now be Limit Broken.
New additions: Horus, Sonia Gran Reverse, and Super Snow Globe Dragon. See below for details.
New Limit Breaks (coloring book versions) – No Super Awakenings.
- Sakuya
- Kali
- Horus
- Sonia Gran Reverse
Card information
From Official Twitter:

Devil / God
Active Skill: Enhance Light orbs. Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds for 1 turn. (4 max CD)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK when 4 colors are matched, 5x ATK when 5 colors matched. 1.5x ATK, 1.5x RCV when a skill is used.
- Limit breakable!

Sonia Gran Reverse
Active Skill: Increase orb movement time by 2x for 2 turns. 2x ATK for Dragon type for 2 turns. (15 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x HP, 1.5x ATK for Dragon type. 2x ATK when 4 colors are matched, 4x ATK when 5 colors are matched.
- Limit breakable!
The Originals (Colored artwork)
Source: Famitsu
Horus – Won the GungHo (God) Award!
- Colors supposedly represent the sun and universe, as Horus is god of sky and the sun.
Sonia Gran Reverse – Won the GungHo (Dragon) Award!
- The artist added roses to make her like a rose warrior!