Rorouni Kenshin Collab, 4th Return, Announced!

5/14 (Mon) 10am – 5/28 (Mon) 9:59am JST
(JP) Kenshin collab

Kenshin collab, just like the manga, revived! This time, Shishio Makoto makes it into the gacha and gets a Uvo!

More details on the collab soon, I guess.

What happened to the manga/Why are we all happy?

Recall that the author of Rurouni Kenshin was charged with possession of child pornography just last fall, and the manga went on hiatus. Many worried how it will affect Kenshin collab…

Well, the manga has recently announced to continue again starting this June! The author got fined and that was all. And now the collab returns as well, which is awesome news for us playing PAD! 🙂

Collab Information

New character in collab gacha: Shishio Makoto! He will have an Uvo.

Note: Not the same as the farmable one.

All collab gacha characters will return as well.

Collab dungeon will also return. Time to get yourself an Anji if you don’t have one!