10 Magic Stones Per Roll! Super Godfest Featuring Great Witch Assists and Seasonals!
To celebrate YamaP’s achievement of reaching Rank 888, we’re getting a Super Godfest AGAIN! Separate machine, 10 Magic Stones per pull!
(As we thought – It’s collab related!)
About this Godfest
- Separate machine
10 Magic Stones per pull
- Featuring ★8 cards, new Great Witch assists along with seasonal rare cards!
- All cards pulled will be Lv. 88, max awakenings, and +297. (No Limit Break or Super Awakenings)
Not full lineup – will be posted when gacha is live.
Full lineup
Yes this is fully ★8.
Featured (★8) | 1.00% each, 8% total
Featured Seasonal (★8) | 2.00% each, 14% total
Godfest Exclusives (Evolved, ★8) | 0.75% each, 16.5% total
Pantheons (Reincarnated, ★8) | 1.58% each, 61.62% total
Monster Exchange
Available: 1/21 (Mon) 10am – 1/28 (Mon) 11:59pm JST (Ends later than SGF)
During Super Godfest, you can exchange the Great Witch’s Hats (the assists) to get the Great Witches at Monster Exchange (under Event (イベント) tab)!
Special 100% Skillup Dungeon
Available: 1/21 (Mon) 10am – 1/28 (Mon) 9:59am JST
There will also be a solo-only skillup dungeon available for cards obtainable in the Super Godfest Machine. Bring in your new rolls and get 100% skillup chance!
Lineup displayed in game.
why isn’t this machine 8 stones. I feel robbed.