Live since 4/26 (Fri) 6:00pm JST
Buffs resulted from YamaP’s Gacha Challenge for Shaman King Collab! Let’s see how much everyone got buffed… They sure like to give us fingers, eh?…
Buffs resulted from YamaP’s Gacha Challenge for Shaman King Collab! Let’s see how much everyone got buffed… They sure like to give us fingers, eh?…
Producer of PAD, YamaP, rolls the Shaman King collab gacha to see what will be buffed!…
Buffs for YamaP’s Gacha Challenge are here! Let’s see if any buffs are game-changing though…
Live since 4/1 (Mon) 6pm JST.…
YamaP rolled Monster Hunter Collab gacha for Gacha Challenge! His rolls will be buffed!…
A fateful buff, coming up for the current collab – Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel collab!…
Surprising news early in the morning – YamaP’s Gacha Challenge, Heroine Edition!…
Late post as I’m on vacation and my Wi-Fi was so poor that I actually couldn’t load the video, until I sat in a coffee shop!…