14 Replies to “Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel Collab Details!”

    1. From what I can tell, the “ideal” team would be Emiya/ilmina/rcotton/Kamen Rider Den-O/Kamen Rider Den-O.

      A lot of other good subs were mentioned by Juan, but you can also go with subs like Ed or even sakuya or leilan in a pinch. Overall, I think that he’s going to be very whale to use if you want to get the most out of him, but there’s a good amount of budget subs that work fine.

  1. in the event exchange cards, swordsman and spearman should be changed to saber and lancer respectively, as that is the translation used regarding Fate

    1. Hmm sure, I couldn’t find any reliable sources for it (I’m not familiar with the series myself), will add that later!

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