Tanabata Survey announced! [Reward distribution date added]
It’s survey time to put your wishes in! Will we get to vote for our favorite potential collabs again?
About the survey
Complete the survey and receive rewards at a later date! Survey is for Rank 10+ only.
Completing the survey will net you…
Magic Stone x 1
Plus one of the following (you get to pick in the survey)
- Super Snow Globe Dragon
- Diamond Dragon Fruit
- Rainbowpy
- Ancient Tri-God Mask
* Rewards distributed on 7/16.
Where is the survey?
It’s found in-game, in “Others” [その他] “Tanabata Survey 2020” [七夕アンケート2020].
Survey translations by fether
(Automatically filled)
Please select all that makes you feel like having fun when playing PAD
Multiple answers ok!
Japanese | English |
ランクがあがったとき | When I rank up |
新しいダンジョンをクリアしたとき | When I clear a new dungeon |
パズルでコンボが多くつながったとき | When I do a lot of combos |
自分が作りたかったチーム編成が完成したとき | When I finish making the team I wanted to make |
ガチャで欲しいモンスターが入手できたとき | When I got the monster I want from Gacha |
友達とプレイしてダンジョンをクリアしたとき | When I clear dungeons with my friends |
ランキングダンジョンで目標の順位に入賞できたとき | When I have got into prize range in ranking |
難しいダンジョンをクリアしたとき | When I clear a hard dungeon |
自分が思う会心のパズルができたとき | When I am satisfied with my puzzling skills |
ダンジョンクリアで欲しいモンスターが入手できたとき | When I got a monster I want from the dungeon I cleared |
モンスターを最も強い状態まで育成できたとき | When I breed a monster to its best form |
友達とパズドラの話をしているとき | When I talk about PAD with my friends |
その他 | Others |
Choose the most favourite puzzle type (leader skills):
Choose one only.
Japanese | English |
コンボパズル:コンボ数を重ねて爽快パズル | Combo: Invigorating puzzles with lots of combos! |
多色パズル:たくさんの色で敵を攻撃 | Rainbow: Attacking enemies with lots of colors! |
列パズル:一列で消して敵を一掃! | Row: Eliminate enemies with a row of orbs! |
L字パズル:ロック解除に防御まで!多機能なL字パズル | L: Unlock & Defense! Versatile L puzzles (wtf does that even mean) |
十字パズル:決まるとかっこいい! | Cross: Feels great when you did it! |
Choose the least favourite puzzle type (leader skills):
Choose one only.
Japanese | English |
コンボパズル:コンボ数を重ねて爽快パズル | Combo: Invigorating puzzles with lots of combos! |
多色パズル:たくさんの色で敵を攻撃 | Rainbow: Attacking enemies with lots of colors! |
列パズル:一列で消して敵を一掃! | Row: Eliminate enemies with a row of orbs! |
L字パズル:ロック解除に防御まで!多機能なL字パズル | L: Unlock & Defense! Versatile L puzzles (wtf does that even mean) |
十字パズル:決まるとかっこいい! | Cross: Feels great when you did it! |
Choose the type of monsters you wanted to be added:
Choose one only.
Japanese | English |
圧倒的!ドラゴン系モンスター | Cool Dragons! |
たまドラ等の可愛いモンスター | Cute monsters like Tamadra! |
可愛い/綺麗な女性キャラクター | Cute/Beautiful female characters! |
かっこいい/渋い男性キャラクター | Cool/Elegant male characters! |
Choose one of the following you would expect in the future of PAD:
Japanese | English |
ユーザーインターフェースの改善 | Improvement on UI |
降臨、闘技場、ストーリーダンジョンなど新ダンジョンの追加 | New dungeons such as descends, arena, story mode etc. |
新モンスターの追加 | Addition of new monsters |
既存モンスターの進化追加 | Addition of new evolutions to existing monsters |
コラボイベント | Collaboration events |
Which material do you want? (You will get one)
Choose whichever you want and you’ll get one.
Super Snow Globe Dragon | |
Diamond Dragon Fruit | |
Rainbowpy | |
Ancient Tri-God Mask |
Please feel free to tell us other suggestions or requests.
Free area to send GungHo comments if needed. Probably don’t write an essay though, English is probably okay.
Click the confirm button when done, then submit your response!
Does it matter if its i type it in Japanese or English ?
Likely a multiple choice/select answers sort of questions, so you probably won’t be typing anything lol.
NA surveys never
I’m actually wish most of the special dungeon like Chinese rush and other simular dungeon get reset each Month so we can earn extra stone like other games don’t hate me for this lol. For the having fun for me is Lucky sky fall combos since I’m not good at PAD still.
“Cool/Elegant male characters!” – LOL, but yeah I do want some more
“Improvement on UI” – I feel like this should be a given, I know they updated dungeon selection a while back, but I can’t shake the feeling the UI still looks ancient.
“Addition of new evolutions to existing monsters” – Where’s my Sumire/Tsubaki/other forgotten mons’s evos?!
F for cute/beautiful men and cool/elegant women
Thanks for the chuckle! haha