Shaman King collab will be returning to Japan server… soon!! No dates announced yet.
Super awakenings were not shown in teasers. All translated by Upc!
Day 2: New cards
New evolutions from previous 6-stars

Attacker / Physical

Active Skill: (14 max CD)
For 1 turn, increase combo count by 3; Change Dark and Fire orbs to Wood orbs; Change Water orbs to Heal orbs
Leader Skill:
4x ATK and increase combo by 1 when matching 6 or more connected Wood orbs; 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 5 or more connected non Wood orbs.

Balanced / Devil

Active Skill: (31 max CD)
For 3 turn, bypass void damage shield effects; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Dark orbs.
Leader Skill:
4x ATK 5x ATK when matching 4 or more colors. Deals 500,000 additional damage at 5 colors; 4x ATK and reduce damage taken when matching 5 or more connected orbs.
(Murako posted an updated version 3 hours after initial post.)
Monster Exchange


Active Skill: (8 max CD)
Reduce unable to match orbs effect by all turns. Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Dark orbs.
Leader Skill:
5x ATK and reduce damage taken when matching 4 or more colors. 3x ATK and reduce damage taken when above 80% HP.
Day 1: New cards
5-Star Rarity
6-Star Rarity

God / Balanced

Active Skill: (10 max CD)
For 2 turns, bypass att. absorb shield effects. Create 6 Light orbs.
Leader Skill:
15x ATK and reduce damage taken when matching 2+ Light combos. Increase combo by 2 and 1 additional damage when matching 6 or more connected Light orbs at once.

Physical / Machine

Active Skill: (14 max CD)
Create 10 Fire, Wood, and Heal orbs over any orbs. Charge all allies’ skills by 2 turns.
Leader Skill:
6x ATK for Wood Att. Increase orb movement time by 3 seconds. 3x ATK and reduce damage taken when matching 4 or more connected Wood orbs at once

Physical / Machine

Active Skill: (14 max CD)
Create 10 Fire, Wood, and Heal orbs over any orbs. Charge all allies’ skills by 2 turns.
Leader Skill:
2x ATK and increase combo by 2 when matching 4 or more connected Fire and Wood orbs at once. 9x ATK for Wood Att. 2x HP for Fire Att.
They’re coming back!
No new evolutions in video but Tao Ren, Hao, and Yoh Asakura were highlighted! Perhaps (and hopefully) new evolutions will be coming?
Man, DMC is looks very different from what i remember
The ongoing joke on PDX discord is that every DMC is mentioned, it’ll be pushed another week, lol
tbh its been so long thats its no longer a joke, its reality.
When it says over any orb does that include lock orbs?
I think every time it says “any orbs” for those types of actives, it means by type of orb, not additional effect on the orb. The active can select locked orbs to change because the lock isn’t part of the orb, but the lock causes the actual change to fail.
Would be a nice new mechanic if it can change lock orbs and still keep the lock afterwards
The closest we have (and probably will ever have) is stuff like 5647 Orphen’s active – unlock, change, re-lock certain types of orbs.
Now I’m glad I rolled 2 Hao last time. He will be able to replace my damage void dude on my no skyfall Yami Marik team and he is a perfect fit.
Wow at that Yoh evo. I didn’t use Yoh last time dispite being how popular she was. I instantly made her into equip assist for my zela/zkitty team. Now I may de-evo them and reuse her. SHE AWESOME FOR MULTIPLAYER. She keeps all her awokens. Thats 4 offensive awokes and a 5th from a equip SFUA would be easy to do. She works perfect on herself.
But Yoh is a guy…lol. Just being a turd and pointing that out for semantics.