(Whoops, A Leak!) Upcoming Update with +Egg Bank, Leaked from HK/TW!
Accidents happens, but this one… is huge. Hong Kong/Taiwan (HK/TW) server, which is very closely associated to JP server, leaked the upcoming update of PAD! Coming really soon on 5/28 (Mon): +egg bank, and more interface improvements!
Obviously, the original post is now removed but words are spreading like a wild fire in the Chinese and Japanese communities. And now… here.
This is a bit more in-depth version of what Fether has posted on the PAD subreddit!
When is this happening?
Supposedly after maintenance on 5/28 (Mon). I hope no one is fired for posting this update early by accident, whoops.
Plus Egg Bank
As we all wanted, +egg bank will be implemented! It’s… as we all knew already, you can allocate + values yourself through the new “Monster Enhance” menu.
Renewed Interface: Monster Enhance!
New options for Skill-up, Plus, Awoken (stackable tamas), Latent, Limit Break, Super Awakenings. You can still use Power-Up Fusion Screen for fusions.
- Stocked plus eggs and Tamadras are shown on the menu, as shown below.
- You will not get coins anymore from selling pluses after the maintenance!
Warning: You can get the Plus points in the bank by selling the +eggs, but keep in mind that doing so will decrease the +297 count needed for Maniac Quest.
Monster Enhance menu has these options:
- Skill Level Up Fusion
- + Enhance (Plus eggs)
- Awakenings
- Latent Awakenings
- Limit Break
- Super Awakenings
Red boxes show the total pluses in bank. You can use the stored pluses in both “+ Enhance” or “Super Awakenings” options.
Plus eggs from clearing dungeons will automatically put plus into plus bank! It’s displayed on result screen.
Updated Interface for Skill Level Up
Only monsters that can skill up will be shown. Skill-up screen will show monster skill level as well!
A new button that shows skill-up fodders/monsters with same skill, that are less than 3000 MP (so farmables).
New Interface for Awakenings!
You can choose to awakening 1 or all Awakenings (can’t select order for particular awakenings, as usual).
No EXP will be gained, and no coins will be used when Awakenings are gained.
Note: This is only for Tamadras. King Tamadras still require Power Up fusion as before.
Stackable Tamadras and Latents!!
- Stackable Tamadras and Latents, like Evo Materials!
- You can now trade 2 Baby Tamadras for 1 Tamadra!!
Note that Tamadra Zeus and Thirty-One Tamadra cannot be stacked.
If any of your stackable cards (such as Latents) have Latent Awakenings on them, they will be refunded as a regular Latent Tamadra back to your box.
New Latent Awakenings Fusion Interface
Choose a Base Card, then pressing the button lets you choose the available Latent Awakening Tamadras for fusion (only ones that can be fused).
New Limit Break Interface
This new option only shows the cards you can Limit Break. Choose the Base Card, then a Super Snow Globe Dragon, fuse then you get Limit Break.
No more screwing up fusing Super Snow Globes!
(The top part of the pic below shows stackable Latents)
New Super Awakening Fusion Screen
As in the rest, only displays the cards that can be Super Awoken. Small icon on the card shows the current Super Awakening on the card.
Special Note: Paulo noticed that Zaerog∞ actually got a different Super Awakening than expected: !! There seem to mean there is definitely more to the update!!
Current Super Awakenings for Zaerog are
, see:
About Selling Plus Eggs
This will no longer give extra coins! The plus eggs on the card will transfer directly to the Plus Bank.
Also, cards used in Monster Exchange (Trading Posts) will not refund pluses, so be careful when you trade in your +297 DKali or something.
Evo Material Changes / New Evo Material: Rare Stones
Many types are available (This one is Fire Rare Stone [Large], there are also R/B/G/L/D and large/medium/small…. yeah.) This new material replaces most descend monsters as materials for Awoken Evolutions.
Like other Evo Materials, these are stackable.
Hopefully a huge list comes later.
Teleport to Monster Exchange Screen During Evolution!
Well, this is to trade for Rare Stones needed for evolutions, if you are missing any!
Here, Okuninushi requires the Dark and Wood Rare Stones for evolutions. You can click on them to teleport to the Monster Exchange screen and trade in fodders for them.
Rare Stones: Trade Materials
Trade in 1 of the farmable cards in the “Evo” and “Rare Evo” tabs for the new Rare Stones. Shown here are the Rare Stones [Medium].
Since they are available in two tabs, perhaps more Rare Stones are available?