[YamaPeeks] YamaP shows upcoming new search filter!

Coming soon to PAD finally – filter your search in your box by awakenings, improved! This was supposedly to be shown on a stream, but stream is cancelled now due to COVID-19 prevention.

YamaP’s preview

Note that this is still in development so final version may be different!

Shown on YamaP’s tweet, using an official Rank 1000 account is the new search filter, select awakenings to include, to find the cards that meet the exact requirement in your own box!

  • The checkbox is for matching exactly the awakenings desired/
  • On” toggle is to include sub-attributes of a card.

And here’s the full awakening list to choose from. Tap on the awakening on the top row (selected ones) to unselect, and there’s the “Clear” button to clear the selections.

Hit OK to return to the screen above.

P.S: Why is there…. 10 slots… of awakenings…? For searching Super Awakenings?

Pretty exciting news, now I can find cards with the exact amount of awakenings in my box, much easier! Hopefully this arrives soon.

8 Replies to “[YamaPeeks] YamaP shows upcoming new search filter!”

    1. I do not think there will be a tenth awakening slot. I am pretty sure that tenth box servers the purpose of evening out the layout, having another slot for non-perfect match searches, and to be able to search for an perfect match for nine awakenings and super awakenings (super awakenings are a tenth awakening).

  1. To be fair this makes finding equips with specific awakenings far easier and is really the only way I can see me and most others use this feature…
    Cos if it only shows those that have the exact awakenings say you put in 4 skill boosts. You won’t see the dual skill boost ones with 2 of them… it’s not a perfect feature.
    It’s a lot better than things are now and is much needed (finally) but in a way, it’s somewhat flawed.

    1. Considering the game already considers awakenings such as super skill boosts to be equivalent to two skill boosts, it is not outside the realm of possibility that this feature will as well.

    2. Resources like Ilmina.com are still superior in the sheer amount of refinement, and showing you options you may not have/have made yet. That being the case, it just means less needing to have another device with them open, or leaving the app to use them. Even if it is not perfect, it does not need to be since we already have third party resources that do the job perfectly fine.

  2. yea, it’s still really nice that’s it’s an in game way of looking it up. Ofc ilmina will still be better. Simply because I bet this only shows what cards you actually have in your box, but not counting other evos and the cards you don’t have, that have the proper awokes

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