10 Magic Stones Per Roll, 7th Anniversary Super Godfest Announced!
To celebrate the 7th Anniversary of Puzzle and Dragons, a Super Godfest will be available for two weeks! Also debut of Godfest Exclusive versions of Ancient Dragon Knight, Echidna, and Divine Queen Hera!
The featured lineup for this Godfest will change after the end of the first week to Part 2.
About the Egg Machine
10 Magic Stones per pull (separate machine)
- All rolls are ★7, comes as fully leveled, full awakenings, and +297!
- Debut of the three new Godfest Exclusives – Ancient Dragon Knight, Echidna, and Hera!
Two different lineups!
Week 1 | 2/20 (Wed) 12 AM – 2/26 (Tue) 11:59 PM JST
Highlight (Featured cards)
Full lineup
Featured Godfest Exclusives | 1.5% each, 18% total
Evolved Cottons | 0.3% each, 1.5% total
Evolved Neys | 0.15% each, 0.75% total
Other Godfest Exclusives | 0.75% each, 12.75% total
Pantheons (★7) | 1.76% each, 66.88% total
Week 2 | 2/27 (Wed) 12 AM – 3/5 (Tue) 11:59 PM JST
Highlight (Featured cards)
Full lineup
Featured Godfest Exclusives | 1.5% each, 18% total
Evolved Cottons | 0.15% each, 0.75% total
Evolved Neys | 0.3% each, 1.5% total
Other Godfest Exclusives | 0.75% each, 12.75% total
Pantheons (★7) | 1.76% each, 66.88% total
100% Skill-up dungeon available!
As part of the event, a 100% Skill-Up Dungeon will be available for all cards obtained in this Egg Machine! Lineup is displayed in game! 🙂
Wait when would this come to na?
Sometime later, whenever GungHo NA feels like it!
I’m definitely saving for either this godfest in NA or MH
Do keep in mind that we have no idea when MH will return too! If it returns in summer then… you’ll be waiting… a… lonnnng time…