[Official Stream] 2020 Year End Special Stream – Recap & Translations!
[Updates done] News/translations post for the final stream of the year for Japan server! Featuring news for upcoming events, collabs news, new evolution, and more again!
Warning: Image-intensive post.
Stream information
Stream link YouTube | 12/27 (Sun) 6:00pm JST
The translators
Just Karyu who managed to return at the right time for stream! This post is all his work, and just compiled by me (Reni).
As usual, supporting comments and/or donations are totally welcome!
Recap & Translations
Year End Event – Some details!
New monster: Brahma Dragon
Brahma Dragon will invade in A6 and AA4.
Invade period: 12/28 (Mon) 12:00 – 1/11 (Mon) 23:59 JST
Brahma Dragon’s Gem is needed for new Assist Evo of Indian 1 series!
Year End Challenge Dungeons!
- Dungeon 1: a3 + a4 (Reward: 5 rainbow medal)
- Dungeon 2: aa4 + alt shura (Reward: 10 rainbow medal)
- Period: 12/28 (Mon) 12:00 – 1/3 (Sun) 23:59 JST
New: Exploration dungeon!
A special dungeon where you can find hidden floors!
only 1 floor from start, when you fufill the hidden condition, new floor will appear
Exploration dungeon period: 1/1 (Fri) 12:00 – 1/7 (Thu) 23:59
Year End Super Godfest with new Fest Exclusive!
Ice and Snow Queen, Miada
SGF period: 12/31 (Thu) 12:00 – 1/3 (Sun) 23:59
New bundle: 100 Magic Stones + guaranteed 10 pull REMdra (price: 8000 yen)
Sale period: 1/1 (Fri) 0:00 – 1/4 (Mon) 9:59 JST
Pre 9-Year anniversary event!
Get 100 Magic Stones from login!
Login period: 1/1 (Fri) 0:00 – 2/1 (Mon) 3:59 JST
Exchange medal for 6* GFE each week!
You can get 1 exchange medal from each of the following period, that means 4 exchanges total.
- 1) 1/1 (Fri) 0:00 – 1/10 (Sun) 23:59
- 2) 1/11(Mon) 0:00 – 1/17 (Sun) 23:59
- 3) 1/18 (Mon) 0:00 – 1/24 (Sun) 23:59
- 4) 1/25 (Mon) 0:00 – 1/31 (Sun) 23:59
Lineup for period 1:
Lineup for period 2:
Lineup for period 3:
Lineup for period 4:
For PAD Pass subscribers: You get 1 more medal each week
So 8 exchanges total if you’re subscribed to PAD Pass! 8 Fest Exclusives yay!
6* and 7* GFE skill up dungeon available for whole January
Also Exp of a lifetime dungeon every week in January
Card stats!
Brahma Dragon
Destructor, Brahma Dragon
Dragon / Balanced
Active Skill: For 1 turn, RCV x0.5; For 1 turn, combo count +2; Change top row to water orbs, bottom row to fire orbs (9 max CD)
Leader Skill: HP x2 for Fire and Water attribute; Combo count +2 when matching 2 or more water combo; ATK x16 and slightly reduce dmg taken when matching fire and water orbs
New Assist Evo for Indian 1 Series!
Active Skill: For 3 turns, enemies’ defense becomes 0; For 3 turns, greatly reduce dmg taken (14 max CD)
Active Skill: Fully recovers HP, bind and awoken bind status; Create 5 heart orbs from non-water orbs (10 max CD)
Active Skill: Change dark to wood orbs, water to heart orbs; For 2 turns, RCV x4; For 2 turns, ATK x4 for Wood attribute (10 max CD)
Active Skill: For 2 turns, RCV x2; For 2 turns, greatly reduce dmg taken; Fully recovers bind and awoken bind status (12 max CD)
Active Skill: Change top row to dark orbs; For 1 turn, ATK x4 for dark attribute (10 max CD)
New Fest Exclusive: Miada!
Snow Queen, Miada
Active Skill: Delay enemies’ next move for 2 turns; Transform to [6871] (18 max CD)
Leader Skill: [Board becomes 7×6] ATK x4 and slightly reduce dmg when matching 2 or more water combo
Snow Queen of Freezing Fruit, Miada (Transform)
Healer / Attacker
Active Skill: For 1 turn, Orb move time x1.5; Unlock all orbs; Create 6 water orbs from non-heart orbs (4 max CD)
Leader Skill: HP x1.5, ATK and RCV x2 for Healer and Attacker type; ATK x9 and slightly reduce dmg taken when matching 2 or more water combo
Stream arena time challenge on stream!
REM cards will receive buff if challenge succeed!
Result: Buffed cards!
Misteltein, Amon, I&I, Ars Nova, Thor, and Uranus!!g
Collab news: Fujimi Collab Rerun!
Dates TBA.
New Collab: Monogatari Series!
Collab starts on 1/4 (Mon) 10:00 JST!
Starts on 1/4 (Mon) 10:00 JST!
Thank you Karyu and Reni! They have been extremely generous recently with the ten pulls, but the medals and login stones really take the cake! Also why is Miada wearing not wearing anything in the snow 👁👄👁
Probably those who becomes snow doesn’t get cold 😀
Sure, why not (:3」z)
I’m glad that the Fujimi Collab is coming back, but I’ve already gotten Lina Inverse and Sosuke Sagara. So I don’t think I’ll be spending Magic Stones for it when it comes back out in NA unless they bringing in new Monsters for the Collab. But then again I never gotten Kaname Chidori so I might consider on rolling again and if I’m lucky again I’ll get another Lina Inverse because she had a one percent chance of obtaining her and I can’t even remember how many rolls it took to get her. So yeah, i’ll be waiting to see what happens when this Collab returns and hopefully be ready for it.
I wish GungHo added feature to exchange low level evo mats to higher level. Example I always running out Dragon Fruit. But in my box there are 300+ Dragon Seed and Dragon Plant that almost never used in any Awoken/Reincarnation evo. Only for early evo form that most REM unit never used it. Exchange 5x Seed to Plant, 5x Plant to Fruit and so on.
Imagine if I could exchange 5x R/G/B Dragon Fruit to Diamond Dragon Fruit. From stamina view point it cost a lot than running Arena. But at least it giving a chance for those who can’t beat with 100% success rate.