[24 Hours Only] In-Game Survey: Who in New Year Gacha should be buffed??
Live already! 1/6 (Mon) 6:00pm - 1/7 (Tue) 5:59pm JST
Sources New survey!
So instead of YamaP rolling for buffs, this time it’s by popularity! Top 3 voted New Year cards will receive buffs!!
All participants get a FREE NEW YEAR ROLL so you better vote if you’re on JP server!!
The survey
The survey is found in-game. Others -> Survey (yellow text).
- Rank 10+ required.
- Voting reward:
New Year Gacha free roll!
Survey lineup
Basically the whole New Year Gacha. Who do you think deserves a buff?
Oh nice, probably a better way to do buffs for seasonal REMs rather than YamaP rolling for hours to get a significant roll (or the one he actually wants to buff :P).
Voted for NY Tsukuyomi since she was the very first high rarity seasonal monster I got. NY Reeche should already be safe since so many people on twitter already voted for her. A buff for Artemis would also be nice :3 I‘m excited even though the buffs might be just minor stat- & awakening buffs with slight LS-adjustments. Nothing big though I suppose.
Artemis is a loss cause at this point. She had the TPA curse before this rerun and her buff this year was yet another TPA. What she needed was another L-shield awakening from the condensed awakenings so that dual leads could give a 20% shield. Too many TPAs is just an inherit problem of her’s now.
Her active skill is also a little too long for how little it does compared to other Fujin actives.
you are the voice of reason itself
It’d be hilarious if Ny Reeche would already get buffs.
Honestly though, I wish they could buff her active to include VDP or, only make the shield require you to do four attributes. Reeche is great but, I honestly believe she could be a better card.
As much as I would appreciate it, I highly doubt they will change her AS. It would increase her already high CD even more. Just inherit Sheling Ford assist, Hayato or Akine for some VDP. An added follow up attack for matching rainbows (just like Hayato) or a 2x RCV buff would be nice.
i said hes the voice of reason for many reasons. But dispite NY Reeche being the one who really needs the buffs I feel, I have NY yomi also, as do many other people. We would prefer NY yomi get the buffs lol
Tbh I’m always excited to see a buff for non-high rarity cards. The 8-9* cards are in a good place right now imo so I would love it if the lesser rarity won. Ame no Uzume is probably what I want to see getting buff.
An equip form would be nice tbh
We probably will not get an assist for anything. They usually only buff the already existing card in these situations. Only when they have actually asked for which card should receive a new ult do they actually give one.
Maybe they should buff NY Kami to make her useful…for the first time ever.
I am gonna assume that the two free rolls JP players get from these survey will not make their way to NA…
Considering only JP is getting the survey when the HK/TW server is having these events at the same, and not getting to participate in the survey, it is highly probable we will not either. However, it is not impossible. Seeing as we do have the in-game survey feature now, and usually, although it is random instead, when YamaP would roll, more than three cards would get buffs. It makes sense for it to be only three for a number of reasons, but because it is only three we just might be given the opportunity over here as well. It would be nice, even if it most likely will not happen.