4 New Evolution & Buffs for Select Great Witches & Dracoblades!
Along with the maintenance tomorrow are more new evolution and buffs! Karin making her late late LATE entrance!
The video
The buffs shown in video are not the complete list. Scroll down for complete list.
New evolutions
Super Reincarnated Astaroth

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4034 (5024) | 4639 (5629) |
ATK | 2471 (2966) | 2842 (3337) |
RCV | 932 (1229) | 1072 (1369) |


Active Skill: (11 ➧ 5) Inheritable
For 4 turns, 5x Wood counterattack; Change Fire, Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Wood orbs
Leader Skill: [4/324/4]
2x all stats when all cards are Reincarnated or Super Reincarnated Evolutions; 9x ATK and 1 additional damage when matching 6 or more connected Wood or Dark orbs
- Evolution requires Gem from the new descended dungeon, Beleth Descended. Dungeon is live starting 4/22 (Wed) 12pm JST.
- Artwork is from PAD pack in Chrono Ma:Gia.
Super Reincarnated Hermes

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 5019 (6009) | 5772 (6762) |
ATK | 2317 (2812) | 2665 (3160) |
RCV | 731 (1028) | 841 (1138) |


Active Skill: (12 ➧ 8) Inheritable
Change Wood and Heal orbs to Water orbs; For 2 turns, Water orbs are more likely to appear by 15%
Leader Skill: [4/225/1]
2x HP & ATK for Water Att.; Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds; 7.5x ATK and increase combo count by 2 when matching 2+ Water combos
Super Reincarnated Karin

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4886 (5876) | 5619 (6609) |
ATK | 3042 (3537) | 3498 (3993) |
RCV | 335 (632) | 385 (682) |

Active Skill: (13 ➧ 9) Inheritable
Change all orbs to Water, Wood, and Dark orbs; Charge all allies’ skills by 1 turn
Leader Skill: [1/306.25/1, 57.75%]
5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 35% when above 50% HP; 3.5x ATK and 1 additional damage when matching Water, Wood, and Dark at once
- Unrelated note: Paulo screencap’d a very happy Karin. :3
Mega Awoken Primordial Divinity, Amenominakanushi

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 6862 (7852) | 8234 (9224) |
ATK | 2031 (2526) | 2437 (2932) |
RCV | 46 (343) | 55 (352) |


Active Skill: (14 ➧ 10) Inheritable
Change all orbs to Water, Light, and Dark orbs; For 3 turns, reduce damage taken by 35%
Leader Skill: [4/400/1]
2x HP & ATK for Water Att.; Increase combo by 1 when matching 3 or more colors; 8x ATK when matching 6 or more connected Water orbs up to 10x at 8 orbs
[_playlist type=”video”][_track caption=”SRevo Astaroth” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/dadguide-data/media/animated_portraits/06147.mp4″ ][_track caption=”SRevo Hermes” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/dadguide-data/media/animated_portraits/06149.mp4″ ][_track caption=”SRevo Karin” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/dadguide-data/media/animated_portraits/06148.mp4″ ][_track caption=”Mega Awoken Ameno” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/dadguide-data/media/animated_portraits/05932.mp4″ ][/_playlist]
Evolution Materials
Astaroth’s evolution requires Gem from the new descended dungeon, Beleth Descended (details here). Dungeon is live starting 4/22 (Wed) 12pm JST.
Icons will be added when the cards are live.
Base |
Super Revo Karin |
Base |
Super Revo Hermes |
Base |
Super Revo Astaroth |
Base |
Mega Awoken Ameno |
The video did not show some of these buffs, this is the full list:
Card | Change |
Reincarnated Astaroth 転生アスタロト |
Active Skill: For 4 turns, 5x Wood counterattack; Change Fire, Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Wood orbs (11 ➧
Reincarnated Belial 転生ベリアル |
Active Skill: For 4 turns, 5x Fire counterattack; Change Wood, Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Fire orbs (11 ➧
Reincarnated Amon 転生アモン |
Active Skill: For 4 turns, 5x Water counterattack; Change Fire, Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Water orbs (11 ➧
Reincarnated Baal 転生バアル |
Active Skill: For 4 turns, 5x Light counterattack; Change Water, Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Light orbs (11 ➧
Great Witch of the Flame Chains, Madoo 炎鎖の大魔女・マドゥ |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, increase combo count by 2; Delay enemies’ next attack by 2 turns (19 ➧
Great Witch of the Lonely Island, Reeche 絶島の大魔女・リーチェ |
Great Witch of the Ice Flowers, Reeche 氷華の大魔女・リーチェ |
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark, and Heal orbs; For
Great Witch of the Solitary Peak, Zela 孤峰の大魔女・ゼラ |
Great Witch of the Stone Fists, Zela 岩拳の大魔女・ゼラ |
Great Witch of the Unexplored Region, Saline 秘境の大魔女・サレーネ |
Leader Skill:
Great Witch of the Glowing Gates, Saline 輝門の大魔女・サレーネ |
Leader Skill: 6x ATK when matching 3 or more connected Light orbs up to
Great Witch of the Specter Castle, Veroah 幽城の大魔女・ヴェロア |
Great Witch of the Phantom Souls, Veroah 幻命の大魔女・ヴェロア |
Leader Skill: [No skyfall] 3x ATK & RCV when 5 or more combos;
Madoo’s Magical Hat, Ohm マドゥの魔帽子・オム |
Reeche’s Magical Hat, Frow リーチェの魔帽子・フロウ |
Zela’s Magical Hat, Smokk ゼラの魔帽子・スモック |
Saline’s Magical Hat, Khoza サレーネの魔帽子・コーザ |
Veroah’s Magical Hat, Shaz ヴェロアの魔帽子・シャズ |
Dracoblade, Master of Nine Strikes 龍刀・九斬公 |
Green Dracoblader of Bold Peaks, Selica 山断の翠龍刀士・セリカ |
Active Skill: Create 2 Wood orbs; For 1 turn, increase orb move time by 1 second (8 ➧
Dracoblade, Rebellious Child 龍刀・我乱童子 |
Bright Dracoblader of Thunderstrikes, Kio 雷咬の明龍刀士・キオ |
Active Skill: Create 2 Light orbs; For 1 turn, increase orb move time by 1 second (8 ➧
Dracoblade, Snake Bones Princess 龍刀・蛇骨姫 |
Crimson Dracoblader of the Flame Twist, Akine 焔纏の紅龍刀士・アキネ |
Active Skill: For
Dracoblade, Light Fog 龍刀・薄霧 |
Azure Dracoblader of the Split Sky, Kyori 空裂の蒼龍刀士・キョウリ |
Active Skill: Create 2 Water orbs; For 1 turn, increase orb move time by 1 second (8 ➧
Dracoblade, Imperial Space 龍刀・宙天丸 |
Dark Dracoblader of Scattering Clouds, Ina 雲散の暗龍刀士・イナ |
Active Skill: Create 2 Dark orbs; For 1 turn, increase orb move time by 1 second (8 ➧
Super Reincarnated Anubis 超転生アヌビス |
Active Skill: For 4 turns, 5x Dark counterattack; Change Wood, Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Dark orbs(12 ➧
Bonus: That old fanart
Welllll finally no longer sleeping, Karin!
Source: Pixiv @Ishiyumi
Karin is the odd one out, with the tricolor match giving 1 bonus damage instead of shield, having a shield attached to the >50% clause, and lacking 1.5x HP.
Mega Amenominakanushi looks like Phenom with a stronger multiplier. I’m sure somebody more well-versed with all the cards in the game can analyze how they match up. Other than Kaiba, what are the FUA-in-LS cards out there?
Besides Kaiba, Coco is probably your best bet for a FUA pair. Rampaid works as well even though you loose his Dragon/Attacker buff on Ameno. Overall, Ameno looks already outdated. She would have been good a year ago but as the meta is right now she does nothing special in comparison to SS Rank leads.
Besides Karin being kinda odd (probably stick with Pixel Karin instead) I like how they added unbindability to the dracoblades. Makes their assist evos a little bit more worthy.
Don‘t know what I should think about Zela getting a combo drop awakening though.
Wouldn’t valentine andro work as well? it seems to be a decent pairing that way
Probably yes. Only problem I see with VAndro is her type restriction to God and Healer. Many powerful water subs aren‘t gods or healer unfortunately.
Astaroth looks like a beast 4/324/4 with auto follow up attack and possible poison resist or triple vdp’s. I don’t know who I will add as subs yet but she is worth evolving
reading this comment made me take a second look. I usually skim through pantheon updates. But yea your right shes really nice with a super duper nice LS. You are forced to use revos and pixels but that’s just for some people or may be even all they have. Either way the pixels themselves are actually really strong even in multiplayer, and I’m sure you can fill in the utility with revos and assist.
Oh hey, there’s the Ameno evo I’ve been waiting for! And it… totally shakes things up. I’m kinda bummed that no movement time buff in the lead skill, but being a tanky water lead means that Mizutsune is all you really need to cover that one issue. Lots of good water subs like Amatsu, Gabriel, Karin and more out there too.
Clearly I need to pull piles of Karins, I still don’t have any despite being rank 815!
It’s nice to see her super reincarnate too!