6-Year Anniversary Official Stream – News/Translations Compilation (Updated 2/22)
Everything that was announced on the Stream, in one post! This post is done with a lot of help from fether (some translations and pics), Ripper (time stamps, some pics, and moral support), and Paulo (many of the pics, especially evo mats)!
LOTS OF PICS INSIDE, can be data-intensive! Also if the page isn’t loading all contents on Desktop, please try Ctrl + F5!
As this was done in the absolute fastest speed possible while I’m half asleep, there can be mistakes. Feel free to drop a comment if you spot any.
Edit (2/22): Stream rewards was announced incorrectly. 6th item on the rewards list is 6 Jewel of Creation!! Rewards are distributed 2/23 (Fri) – 3/1 (Thurs).
Also, wording for Amun’s leader skill fixed, to be more clear.
Edit (2/21): With more sleep, some more things fixed:
- DBDC returns, but I forgot to add the date/time. That’s added, starts next week.
- Added a note that Blue/Green Sonia’s active skill changed, so skill level resets.
- Added missing Arondight and Aten pics, whoops.
- Fixed Lajoie’s leader skill, totally missed the “Dark” part for the orbs.
- Added video footage of Dacho’s final hit to Hexazeon (super godly).
Updated 2/22: Stream Rewards Correction
Details (JP): Reward announcement
Rewards distribution: 2/23 (Fri) – 3/1 (Thurs), to your in-game mail.
So they announced the rewards from Stream incorrectly. They missed one item. Here’s the right list:
- 6 Magic Stones
- 6 Rainbow Py
- 6 Super Snow Globe Dragons
- 6 Diamond Dragon Fruit
- 6 Ancient Tri-God Masks
- 6 Jewel of Creations!!!!
Okay 6 items for 6-year anniversary. Makes WAY more sense!!
Updates from Stream
Originally posted on 2/20. Posts starts from very bottom since this was done in real time!
10:44pm – Stream over!
10:29pm – PAD artists drew art to celebrate! See here for the images.
10:28pm – PAD 6-Year cake!
10:12pm – Chrono Ma:gia time.
10:05pm – Persona 3-5 COLLAB!!!! Also coming soon!!
9:56pm – Yu Yu Hakusho Collab announced, coming soon!!!
9:54pm – Split Uvo Blue and Green Sonias, ANIMATED!!
Sonia Clare (Blue Sonia)
– Can also translate to Claire/Crea. Depends on NA localization later.
Active Skill: 3 turn bind recovery, removes lock status on orbs. Change all orbs to Water and Dark orbs. (15 max CD)
Leader Skill: 1.5x HP, 1.5x ATK, 1.5x RCV for Dragon type. Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds. 5x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken when Water and Dark attack at once.
- Edit: Note that active skill changed, the skill level will reset (although this is Uvo).
Sonia Fio (Green Sonia)
Active Skill: 3 turn bind recovery, removes lock status on orbs. Change all orbs to Wood and Dark orbs. (15 max CD)
Leader Skill: 1.5x HP, 1.5x ATK, 1.5x RCV for Dragon type. Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds. 5x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken when Wood and Dark attack at once.
- Edit: Note that active skill changed, the skill level will reset (although this is Uvo).
Evolution Materials:
Blue Sonia
Green Sonia
9:51pm – Aten, Fujin, and Raijin Split Uvos!!
Aten (Split Uvo)
God / Balanced
Active Skill: No change.
Leader Skill: Board becomes 7×6. 1.5x ATK for God type. ATK and RCV increase when 3+ colors are matched, up to 5x ATK and 5x RCV.
Aten (Split Uvo)
God / Devil
Active Skill: No change.
Leader Skill: Board becomes 7×6. 2x HP, 5x ATK for God type. Increase orb movement time by 5 seconds.
Fujin (Split Uvo)
God / Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: No change.
Leader Skill: 2x ATK, 2x RCV for Attacker type, increase orb movement time by 2 seconds. 4.5x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken when 6+ combos are matched.
Fujin (Other Split Uvo)
God / Attacker / Healer
Active Skill: No change.
Leader Skill: ATK increase when 4+ combos are matched, up to 6x ATK. 2.5x ATK for each cross of Wood orbs matched.
Raijin (Split Uvo)
God / Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: No change.
Leader Skill: 2x ATK, 2x RCV for Attacker type, increase orb movement time by 2 seconds. 6x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken when 4+ colors are matched.
Raijin (Other Split Uvo)
God / Attacker / Healer
Active Skill: No change.
Leader Skill: ATK increase when 3+ colors are matched, up to 7x ATK. 3x ATK for each cross of Light orbs matched.
Evolution Materials
9:48pm – Uvo Vishnu. Assist Evo for both Weapon series.
Awoken Vishnu
Physical / Dragon
Active Skill: Slightly increase skyfall of Wood orbs for 3 turns. Change right-most column to Wood orbs. (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x ATK, 2x RCV for Physical and Dragon types. ATK increase when 2+ combos of Wood orbs are matched, up to 7.5x ATK.
Evolution Materials:
Brave (Weapon) Series 1, Assist Evo (Shotel and friends. No change in active, all Attacker type):
Finally evolving into weapons!
Evolution Materials:
Brave (Weapon) Series 2 (Solais and friends. No change in active, all Attacker type):
Evolution Materials:
Claiomh Solais
Gan Jiang & Mo Ye
9:45pm – New Awoken Evos! Constellations (Antares and friends)!!
Awoken Antares
Machine / Physical
Active Skill: Change Heart, Jammer, Poison orbs to Fire orbs. Enhance Fire orbs. 1 turn haste. (8 max CD)
Leader Skill: Board becomes 7×6. 2x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken when 2+ combos of Fire orbs are matched. 4x ATK when exactly 5 orbs containing an enhanced orb is matched.
Awoken Alrescha
Balanced / Machine
Active Skill: Change Heart, Jammer, Poison orbs to Water orbs. Enhance Water orbs. 1 turn haste. (8 max CD)
Leader Skill: Board becomes 7×6. 2x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken when 2+ combos of Water orbs are matched. 4x ATK when exactly 5 orbs containing an enhanced orb is matched.
Awoken Spica
Healer / Machine
Active Skill: Change Heart, Jammer, Poison orbs to Wood orbs. Enhance Wood orbs. 1 turn haste. (8 max CD)
Leader Skill: Board becomes 7×6. 2x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken when 2+ combos of Wood orbs are matched. 4x ATK when exactly 5 orbs containing an enhanced orb is matched.
Awoken Pollux
Machine / Physical
Active Skill: Change Heart, Jammer, Poison orbs to Light orbs. Enhance Light orbs. 1 turn haste. (8 max CD)
Leader Skill: Board becomes 7×6. 2x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken when 2+ combos of Light orbs are matched. 4x ATK when exactly 5 orbs containing an enhanced orb is matched.
Awoken Castor
Attacker / Machine
Active Skill: Change Heart, Jammer, Poison orbs to Dark orbs. Enhance Dark orbs. 1 turn haste. (8 max CD)
Leader Skill: Board becomes 7×6. 2x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken when 2+ combos of Dark orbs are matched. 4x ATK when exactly 5 orbs containing an enhanced orb is matched.
Evolution Materials
9:41pm – New MP store cards (Egyptians, 750,000 MP)
God / Devil
Active Skill: Randomly spawn 3 Fire orbs. (3 turn CD)
Leader Skill: No skyfall orbs. 10 x ATK when exactly 7 combos are matched. 10x ATK when there are 3 or less orbs remain on the board after matching.
Assist Evo of Amun (Same active):
Mut (750,000 MP):
God / Balanced
Active Skill: No skyfall orbs for 1 turn. Change Wood orbs to Water orbs. (4 turn CD)
Leader Skill: 3x ATK for each cross of Water orbs is matched. 5x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken when 6+ connected Dark orbs are matched.
Assist Evo of Mut (Same active):
Khonsu (750,000 MP):
God / Healer
Active Skill: Change top row to Wood orbs. (5 turn CD)
Leader Skill: 3x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken when 6+ connected Wood orbs are matched. 3x ATK when 2 combos of Light orbs are matched, 7x ATK when 3+ combos matched.
Assist Evo of Khonsu (same active):
Evolution materials:
Dragonbound & Dragon Callers Returning, with new cards!
Returning 2/26 (Mon) 12am – 3/4 (Sun) 11:59pm JST.
Lajoie (or Rajoa, depending on translation)
Dragon / Devil
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Dark and Heart orbs. Recover 40% of max HP, 4 turn bind recovery. (13 max CD)
PreEvo Leader Skill (Left): Increase ATK when 4+ connected Dark orbs are matched, up to 30x ATK (at 30 orbs). Reduce damage taken by half at full HP.
UEvo Leader Skill (Right): 2x HP, 5x ATK for Dragon and Devil types. Increase ATK when 5+ connected Dark orbs are matched, up to 2x ATK.
Dragon / Devil
Active Skill: Greatly reduce damage taken for 3 turns. 2x ATK for Dragon and Devil types for 3 turns. (20 max CD)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK and slightly reduce damage taken when 7+ combos are matched. 3x ATK when 5+ connected Water orbs are matched.
Dragon / Healer
Active Skill: Change Water orbs to Light orbs, Dark orbs to Heart orbs. 1.5x RCV for 4 turns. (9 max CD)
Leader Skill:3x ATK for Dragon and Healer types. 2x ATK and slightly reduce damage taken when a cross of Heart orbs is matched.
9:40pm – 60 monsters getting Super Awakenings.
Live starting 2/21 (Wed) 6pm JST.
Too many images in the post already, here’s a link to Skyozora for the images!
9:35pm – New systems!
New +point system (Plus tank) to allocate +’s.
Evo Materials get stacked. On more careful examination by many PDX members, box space went from 3414 to 2821 with this change! Stacking the materials reduces the box space taken up. (Need official confirmation still)
Yay box space! And thanks for everyone who pointed this out.
Monster Exchange. Trade in things for materials you may need (Trading in Snow Globe Dragons for Super Snow Globe Dragons, for example).
The categories are Evo Materials, Rare Evo materials, Enhance materials, and Event.
Monsters gain actual EXP in dungeon!
Defeating monster with same skill also has a chance to skill up your monsters (Here it’s DKali getting skill up).
9:31pm – Yog-Sothoth won the GFE voting!
Available at 1,000,000 MP from 2/22 (Thurs) 12pm – 2/28 (Wed) 11:59pm JST.
9:30pm – Many resets coming!
- Premium Gacha reset
- Best Friend reset
- Rank 150, 250, 500 Memorial Gacha
- One-time Special Bargain Bundle
9:28pm – Limited-time only Google Gift cards (5000 yen) comes with a 6-Year Anniversary Tamadra. Google Play Cards only, no iTunes. Only available at Family Marts across Japan.
9:25pm – Hexazeon Descended Challenge (co-op on stream) completed! We (JP players) all get rewards!
Updated (2/22): 6 Jewels of Creation added as reward! See above.
No Stones were used in beating the new descended dungeon! We all get these on JP server:
- 6 Magic Stones
- 6 Rainbow Pys
- 6 Super Snow Globe Dragons
- 6 Diamond Dragon Fruits
- 6 Ancient Tri-God Masks
Why isn’t there 6 items…
9:15pm – Dacho and Suu playing the new dungeon, Hexazeon Descended. Hexazeon boss stage has great music, which is by Kenji Ito. It sounds like a Pokemon battle! The 3 new Evo materials (the mineral stones) defend the final boss Hexazeon.
Dungeon information is on Skyozora.
24 combo on earlier stage with skyfall, and this super epic 3×3 box with spinner orbs!! Dacho did awesome!!
Video footage of the final shot. Just too godly.
神 @dacho518 pic.twitter.com/9byyskR81k
— pad na (@nanapadnana) February 21, 2018
9:04pm – Uvo Rajin shown!
Active Skill: No change.
Leader Skill: 7x ATK when 3+ colors attack. 3x ATK for each cross of Light orbs matched.
Awakenings: +1 TPA, +1 SBR, +1 Guard Break.
58 以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします (ワッチョイ 61bb-4wKd [ [上級国民]]) 2018/02/20(火) 23:27:36.894 ID:DVp2j7bX0
Fixed, and thanks!
Is Amun’s leader skill 3 or less, or strictly less than 3? (2 or less)
Should be less than 3, I edited it to be way more clear now. Thanks for asking!
Isn’t Amun’s l.skill 3 or less as opposed to strictly less than 3?
3 or less, I switched it back to the PDX wording now to make it clear. Thanks!
Thanks for writing all of this
Hello. It’s that one guy making pad icons. I am not sure if you remember me
Sometimes when I am fishing out pics from the link you have sent me, it shows that I do not have access to it… Some examples are: Riku (evolved) Blue sonia (evolved). Do you have any idea why? Thankyou.
Dat 1 guy
Hi! I remember you!
I think the person who updates it (a friend of mine) did not update the animated cards. I will tell the friend!
Here is a link on GungHo’s webpage of the ones you wanted:
Rikuu: https://pad.gungho.jp/member/img/graphic/illust/4016.png
Blue Sonia: https://pad.gungho.jp/member/img/graphic/illust/4283.png
Hope it helps!