New Functionalities and New Systems (aka the leaked stuff)!
Official post to the leaks we had earlier! New systems and UI changes!
New Plus eggs System: “Plus Points” (+Points)!
Manage all plus eggs through the new “+Point” system! View your +Points in the new Monster Enhance menu.
This shows up on both the “+ Enhance” and “Super Awakening” buttons. Both shows total +Points you own.
+Points on Tamadras will be automatically sent to +Points after maintenance.
Obtain +Points by the following methods!
1. Sell monsters with + attached.
- After maintenance, no coin bonus can be obtained from selling +eggs.
- Warning: If you haven’t done the +297 Maniac Quest, selling +eggs will decrease the +297 count needed for the Maniac Quest.
2. From dungeon Drops with +eggs.
If you get a +egg from a dungeon, it’ll be automatically sent to +Point bank. It’s displayed on result screen.
You can allocate + values yourself through the new “Monster Enhance” menu.
New Monster Enhance Interface!
Found in the Monsters menu is the new interface to power-up your monsters! You can still use Power-Up Fusion as before, these are just more specific versions of it. Fusions done in this menu do not affect the “fusion total count” that you can use for sorting.
- Skill Level Up Fusion
- + Enhance (Plus eggs)
- Awakenings
- Latent Awakenings
- Limit Break
- Super Awakenings
This menu automatically shows cards that can be skilled up.
For example, here they are skilling up Zeus Dios. Clicking on the button (highlighted in red) will only show cards below 3,000 Monster Points with the same skill.
Plus Enhance (+ Enhance)
Obviously, for allocating plus points to monsters.
Set the amount of pluses on each monster! You can choose +points for HP, ATK, and RCV separately. This requires coins.
There’s even a +297 button for convenience!
This menu lets you allocate Tamadras for awakenings.
You can choose the number of awakenings by clicking on icon (but you can’t select independent awakenings of course, must be in order). No coins needed.
This does not work for King Tamadra, which still requires Power-Up Fusion.
Latent Awakenings
Choose a base card, then you can choose the Latent Tamadras available for the card
Level Limit Breakthrough
As usual, choose a base card, then choose a Super Snow Globe Dragon to Level Limit Break.
Super Awakenings
Only cards with Super Awakenings will be shown. If the card is already Super Awoken, the current Super Awakening will be shown.
Choose a base card, allocate +Points, spend some coins. Confirm, then you get a random Super Awakening as before.
Changes in Evolution Materials: Rare Stones!
New Rare Stones for evolutions! Many types available as seen in GungHo Fest.

Rare Stone can be exchanged from Monster Exchange (though not the only method to obtain).
Awoken Materials Stacking!!
Tamadra and friends are getting stacked! Exceptions are Tamadra Zeus and Thirty-One Tamadra.
Also, Baby Tamadras can be exchanged for a Tamadra in Monster Exchange now. 2 Baby Tamadras for one big one.
Evolution from Baby Tamadra to Tamadra will no longer be available.
Other Changes
With the introduction of Rare Stones, these changes are happening in the Evolution tab of Monster Exchange:
1. You will only need to trade in 2 cards instead of 3.
2. The following are removed from Monster Exchange:
- Rainbow Keeper & Gold Keeper
- Dragon Fruit & Red/Blue/Green Dragon Fruits
- Dub-Mythlit, Angelit, Devilit
- Mystic Mask, Ancient Blue & Green Sacred Masks
- R/B/G/L/D Jewels