The Addition of the Plus Bank: Mini Overview on New Plus Point System
With the patch released on 5/28, GungHo introduced the Plus Point Bank to the Japanese version! (NA version will get this in ~2 months) This is a little overview on what it is, what its limitations are, and how you can take advantage of it.
What is the Plus Point Bank?
The plus point bank is a new way of storing the pluses you obtain from dungeons. Whenever you clear a dungeon and get a Plus Egg, the pluses on that monster will automatically be stored in the Plus Bank.
How to Bank Plus Points
There are currently two ways to deposit Plus Points in your Bank: From +egg drops in dungeons and selling cards with pluses on them.
Plus Points From Dungeons
In the image below, the player obtained a +297 Zeus, whose pluses were automatically added to their Plus Point Bank; the total balance shown to the right, next to the total pluses earned in that dungeon.

Plus Points from Selling Cards
Below, we can see a player who had a +99 Cauchemar (+66 HP and +33 RCV), selling it and acquiring those pluses in their plus balance.
Here we see the player has a total of 312 Pluses in their bank.
Next, they go to sell a card in their box. Here the player has selected a Cauchemar with +66 HP and +33 RCV. After which, they can view what they obtained from selling; the Coins, Monster Points, and Plus Points.
After selling Cauchemar, the player now has an additional 99 pluses in their Plus Point balance.
How to use the Plus Point Bank
In the Plus Point Bank, you can select any monster to enhance, and assign pluses to what you specifically need regardless of the stats those pluses belonged to.
So. if a player obtained a +297 Zeus and the pluses were stored in their bank, they can allocate those pluses into +99 ATK for three different cards, +99 HP and ATK for one card and +99 RCV for another card, or any combination they wish. Conversely, if someone obtained 3 +99 RCV cards, they can +297 any one card they wish.
Below, the player here will enhance their +248 Amenominakanushi (Ameno, +99 HP/ATK, +50 RCV) and make it a +297! First, the player enters the “+ Enhance” menu (Monsters -> Monster Enhance -> +Enhance); taking note of their balance on the lower right.
Once there, the player here chooses their Ameno, who still only has +50 on RCV.
Once selected, the player can either press and hold the +1 or +10 button beside the RCV field till its max, or simply press the +297 button to auto allocate pluses.
Once confirmed, the players Ameno is now a +297 card!
Should someone have pluses from before the update, such as a stockpile of +99/+297 Shynees, they can still fuse them into monsters normally through Power-Up Fusion menu.
What you can’t do
As nice as the plus point bank is, it does have its limits. There are two things you should keep in mind when working with pluses in the future:
Removing Pluses
The interface for the plus point bank is a tad deceitful. If you go and look at the Ameno example, you can see there are options for reducing pluses from a card. Note this is only for the pluses that’s you’ve allocated during that specific session. So, should that player wish to make their Ameno +296 for whatever reason, they would press the “-1” button; these buttons do not work on pluses that have been permanently allocated.
The only way to recover pluses from a monster is to sell it, which is important to realize for Cards obtained through the REM, which you should never sell.
Monster Exchange
Trading monsters in the Monster Exchange that have pluses on them will still cause the pluses to be lost forever. This means trading a Zeus Vulcan that has +297 for a Unique Evolution Stone will cause you to lose those pluses. Plan accordingly!
Perks of the Plus Point Bank
Sell your +297 Gold Tamadras!
A while back, before cards automatically came with six latent awakening slots, Players had to fuse a +297 Latent Slot TAMADRA into the card they wished to grant an extra latent slot. After that change, those Tamadra became “Gold Tamadras” which can be sold for a hefty sum of Coins and Monster Points. Players who had a stock of +297 Latent Tamadras were unsure of what to do with them. Those of us who have held onto them can now sell without fear; obtaining the Coins, MP, and Pluses!

Easier method of dealing with +50/60/75 REM Cards from old Plus Carnivals.
This mostly applies to those of us who have rolled in the Plus Carnivals when they were around in the Rare Egg Machine (REM), though this hasn’t been an issue since the REM Renewal.
Finishing off other non-297 cards are no longer a nightmare.
Some players, such as myself, have cards sitting about that are ~290-296 and haven’t had the patience to finish them off will now be able to with little effort.
More freed up box space! No longer having to worry about +99/+297 overflow.
Players who have a plethora of +99’s or +297’s on fodder cards can now free up quite a bit of box space by selling their Plus Fodder.
Unfinished +99/+297 Fodder’s won’t sit in the box like a sore thumb.
Goes hand-in-hand with the Plus Carnivals, also players who got +285 Shynees won’t have to look at the incomplete mess it is anymore.
Super Awakening Cards is now much easier.
No more micromanaging cards to get +297 to super awaken a card. Note it’s now possible to directly Super Awaken an un-297’d card. Doing so will cause the game to feed the Card you’re Super Awakening 297 Pluses, then an additional 297 for the Super Awakening.
Image source
Sauce for the Haku enjoying a snacc: Here on Pixiv.
Very informative. Thanks