[PADR] Ranking Battle: “Firefly Light in Cool Night” Cup! (Updated 8/10 – Results)

Annnd time for a less ridiculous ranking battle! No more rarity restrictions!

The usual, fight against everyone and get more Battle Points (BP) by winning more, for more rewards!

Update 8/9: Rewards distributed since 8/9 (Thu) 11am JST.

(Updated 8/10) Top 10 in Ranking

The usual bunch of top 10!

1. Shiva Dragon
2, 5. Makoto Yuki (Persona 3, 4, 5 Collab)
3, 4, 6. Sonia Gran Reverse
7. Ippo Makunouchi (Magazine Collab)
8. Power Pro Kun (Power Pros Collab)
9. Odin Dragon
10. Reincarnated Indra

Top 20 Leaders

1. Sonia Gran Reverse 
2. Makoto Yuki (Persona 3, 4, 5 Collab)
3. Ippo Makunouchi (Magazine Collab)
4. Power Pro Kun (Power Pros Collab)
5. Blue Odin
6. Ryune
7. PAD High School Baseball Club, Sonia (Power Pros Collab)
8. Samurai Zaerog
9. Saria
10. Ren Asamiya (Persona 3, 4, 5 Collab)
11. Younger Toguro (Yu Yu Hakusho Collab)
12. Nergigante (Monster Hunter collab)
13. Yu Narukami (Persona 3, 4, 5 Collab)
14. R/L Horus
15. Barroth (Monster Hunter Collab)
16. Shiva Dragon
17. Skuld
18. Morgana (Persona 3, 4, 5 Collab)
19. Elia
20. Reincarnated Indra

Top 20 Subs

1. Ilmina
2. Younger Toguro, 100% Form (Yu Yu Hakusho Collab)
3. Julie
4. Kanna
5. Fujin
6. Barbara
7. Diablos (Monster Hunter Collab)
8. Sheria Roots
9. Sakuya (PAD Academy)
10. Kiri
11. Natsu (Magazine Collab)
12. Scheat
13. Meridionalis
14. Amatsu (Monster Hunter Collab)
15. Ippo Makunouchi (Magazine Collab)
16. Ideal
17. Sinbad (Magazine Collab)
18. Zinogre (Monster Hunter Collab)
19. Eschamali (June Bride)
20. Raizen (Yu Yu Hakusho Collab)


  • Win more battles to get more BP! 
  • No dupes. 
  • Disconnecting counts as a loss.


Unlike in PAD, if you get 40% percentile, you get prizes of 40, 50, 75, and 100%!

Percentile Reward
Top 10 The profile title “晩涼の蛍火”, which is roughly “Firefly light in cool night“! (+ all below)
1% Crown! (PADR-only, shows up on profile!) (+ all below)
10% Satsuki Monster Memory. (+ all below)
20%  Hattori Hanzo Monster Memory (+ all below)
30%  Meitetsu Monster Memory (Claimable in PAD as gift dungeon) (+ all below)
40% 50 each of Fire/Water/Wood/Light/Dark orbs & 10 Rainbow orbs. (+ all below)
50% 50 each of Fire/Water/Wood/Light/Dark orbs (+ all below)
75%    1000 Gold (+ below)
100% 1000 Radar Points


Dragon / Physical
Active Skill: Change Water, Jammer, and Poison orbs to Dark orbs. 1 turn haste. (7 turn CD)
Hattori Hanzo

Attacker / Devil
Active Skill: Change Fire orbs to Dark orbs. (5 turn CD)
Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: Change Wood orbs to Dark, Light orbs to Heal orbs. (8 turn CD)