[Video] Surviving a Waterfall of Poison Orbs

| Jun. 20, 2019 | 496 views |   0    
also helped!

Just wanted to showcase a crazy 25-combo Poison orb skyfall waterfall video from Twitter, that amused a lot of us on PDX!

Nerune (@nerunepad) was playing against Zebun (Radar Dragon, dungeon distributed during GungHo Festival 2019. Skyozora dungeon link) and had some great luck (?) at Poison orb skyfalls!

A total of 122 Poison orbs were matched, which deals 1675% damage to his max HP. Not only is the skyfall insane, he also survived!


Originally it was a simple VDP match to one-hit KO Zebun…

…It ended up becoming 25 combos of pure toxicity.

Luckily Li (Rii) gives extremely high RCV, with 10x ATK & RCV when below 20% HP!

And with that, he cleared the dungeon!

Pretty crazy skyfall, but also a good reminder that Rii-chan does have 10x RCV (though conditional), which comes in handy at extreme situations like this! I’d have a heart attack from it, if I had that much Poison skyfall!

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