[Misc. News] PAD Japan 55 million download / Super Awakening for the rest of Three Kingdoms series?
A few good news for what’s coming up! Delivered by Fether!
1. 55 million download!
Another milestone! Japan server has reached 55 million download on August 3. Special events are planned and will be up in coming days~
[Official announcement in PDF]
2. Super Awakenings for DQXQ, Cao Cao, Liu Bei
YamaP says they were not forgotten! Yet! Their missing super awakening will be added later in August! Their actives will be buffed too!
— 山本大介 (@DaikeYamamoto) August 14, 2020
Sounds bad, seems like they have no intention of making their super reincarnated form any time soon
since Lubu was the only one left behind, now they all can have SA’s since they all have reincarnates now