10 Magic Stones Per Roll! Super Player’s Choice Godfest (SPCGF)!
Year-end voted Super Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF), with the new Fest Exclusive! Also with Limited-time Monster Exchanges as usual!
About the machine
- Separate machine,
10 Magic Stones per roll.
- All rolls will be Lv. Max, full awakenings, +297, and maxed skill level!
Debut of New Fest Exclusive, Albert!
New Fest Exclusive & ★7 Fest Exclusives + Samurai 3 Series
★6 Fest Exclusives
Full lineup & Rates
1.41% for every card. Click to see which way to sort.
Fest Exclusives (42.3% total)
★9 | 1.41% each, 14.1% total
★8 | 1.41% each, 19.74% total
★7 including Albert | 1.41% each, 5.64% total
Cotton & Ney (★6) | 1.41% each, 2.82% total
Pantheons (57.81% total)
★9 | 1.41% each, 23.97% total
★8 | 1.41% each, 19.74% total
★7 | 1.41% each, 14.1% total
★9 | 1.41% each, 38.07% total
★8 | 1.41% each, 39.48% total
New Fest Exclusive (Albert) + more (★7) | 1.41% each, 19.74% total
Cotton & Ney (★6) | 1.41% each, 2.82% total
Limited-Time Monster Exchange
Found under Monster Exchange Event are limited-time exchanges during Godfest!
Desired Card & Exchange Requirements | |
[5739] Latent TAMADRA (Extra Slot) 潜在たまドラ☆枠解放 ▼ Trade 2 cards in. |
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow イベントメダル【虹】 ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow イベントメダル【虹】 ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
Why do these kinds of posts have so few “RIP My Wallet” reactions but other posts have so many of those reactions?
Who voted in Enkidu? Is there some Enkidu use I missed?
He’s not that great but since he’s a six star pantheon he’s a rarer card so it’s good to pick him up just in case he ever becomes good.
wow, only 1 sam 3 card made it in. The best one though I would say.
This is one that I would blow a lot of stones on if we had it in NA region especially since all are at their best evolution so even the ones I’m not too thrilled about would be useful.