[YamaTalk] YamaP: Next update – Row Enhance awakenings will be buffed
Row fans, are you ready for excitement/disappointment?
…Or are you ready to rock and row?
YamaP brought this spoiler up to hype the Cameo buff (Gemstone Princess) that seems underwhelming at the moment. Either way, let’s wait and see. Update will be coming next month!
列パファンの方はもうしばしお待ちください! https://t.co/97VzUQBFw3— 山本大介 (@DaikeYamamoto) November 18, 2020
If rows go from 1.5x attack to 2x attack, RIP PAD. Madoo’s equip, Zela’s equip, etc. are going to be busted forever!
They don’t, rows increase damage by 15% per team for the entire team, but any buff to damage would be nice. Maybe rows will be able to use one of the newer utility latent awokens.
If rows were +50% team damage each, they would already have been busted. I can see them buffing rows to +25% at most.
LOL i was about to be like those people don’t look like they are social distancing. Then I see they are all yama P. Then I realized I have no idea when that photo was taken anyway lololololo
Historically, a core problem with Row Enhance is that they have always been attribute specific and thus only work well on mono-color teams of an exact color, as opposed to TPA, 7c, and VDP that universally apply to all colors which greatly limits their flexibility in team building.
In addition, cards that have them tend to be saturated with so many instances of them now that they take up all the room away from other Awoken Skills, which greatly sacrifices overall team utility and countering enemy mechanics.
Thankfully, at least the core fatal flaw of Row Teams being mutually incompatible with Follow-Up Attack and getting over large combo absorb walls has been remedied by certain modern day Leader Skills like Dante and Ina’s. They could definitely still use some compression in the form of a Super Row Enhance, or alternatively, an upgrade so that matching ANY formation of 6+ connected orbs triggers it as not to compete with 3×3 VDP.
On a fun note, the actual name for the Awoken Skill is “Enhance Attribute”. There surprisingly has never been anything inherently in the name or icon that explicitly indicated it should only apply to rows. We mostly just dubbed it Row Enhance because it does a much better job of of explaining how it has been used. ^_~
Row Enhance + condensed awakening incoming…. right after they remove the rows from the colored Valk Ults…
For better or worst, they didn’t entirely remove them, so much as shuffled the previous set of Awoken Skills one evolution form prior and cleaned up their order. Those earlier forms are now more or less equal to what their final ultimate forms used to be before the buff for those who prefer classic REM Valkyrie action.