[Patch note] PAD Radar – Version 2.2 Update!!

After maintenance on 1/18 (Thursday).
6 Hour Maintenance: 1/18 (Thurs) 12am – 6am JST
Announcements (JP): Patch note, Maintenance notice

Disclosure of Gacha rates, addition of Follow-up attack, and Challenge Battles from Search! Exciting!

1. Changes in the display of Gacha menu!

Gacha lineup can be found by clicking on the “lineup” button.

This also shows the rates of obtaining each card. (Notice how it’s single digit before the decimal for the increased rate ones…) 

You can also click on the link at the bottom to view Soul Armors’ active skills. Just the names though, so not very useful.

Again, this does not apply to the Radar Point Gacha (not premium currency).

For special gachas that come after purchases of Magic Stones, you get to see the lineup as well.

2. New Awakening – Follow-Up Attack!

Good old FUA. Still a resolve killer.

Matching a column of Heart orbs will give an additional attack that is equivalent to 1% of opponent’s maximum HP.

3. New features for in-game mails! 

Added buttons to receive all mail (bottom RIGHT), delete all mail (bottom LEFT), and protect mail.

4. Challenge Battles may appear after Searching!! 

Previously you have to be in Japan to find the Dragon Callers. Now you can find them from Search! (UNCONFIRMED IF STILL JP-ONLY)

Like Chests, when you move away from a location, the Dragon Callers will not move away once Searched.

Previously they just appear in Maps when you’re in Japan. This will be removed after the patch, so you only find them when you hit Search!

5. Others

  • Bug fixes.
  • Small brush-ups.