Complete quest by: 8/31 (Fri) 11:59pm JST
Claim rewards by: 9/14 (Fri) 11:59pm JST
Guess who the reward for this month is? Yep, it’s Beach Valkyrie!! (which means Beach REM news soon!!)
Also recall that you can collect 3 Rainbow Event Medals to exchange for Rare Stones of R/B/G Elemental Kings, or special cards from GungHo Collab happening right now!
All quest dungeons are co-opable.
About Rainbow Event Medals
These are new event medals you get from completing each difficulty of the August Quests, and was introduced since June Quests.
See here on a guide about these special Event Medals!
Descends and Reward List
Full Clear Rewards
All dungeon clear:
Snow-White Beauty, Valkyrie ClaireExpert dungeons full clear:
Rainbow Event Medal (イベントメダル【虹】)Novice to Int. dungeons full clear:
Rainbow Event MedalDungeon & Rewards
All rewards are sent directly to mail.
JP name: 初級~中級者向け
Dungeon List on Skyozora (soon)
Dungeon Name | Reward |
Heracles ヘラクレス 降臨! |
One-Shot Metal Dragon Rush! |
Takeminakata (No Wood/Dark Orbs) タケミナカタ 降臨!【木闇なし】 |
One-Shot Gold Dragon Rush! |
Thief (Goemon) 大泥棒 参上! |
One-Shot Emerald Dragon Rush! |
Guan Yinping (Phys/Healer Enhanced) 関銀屏 参上!【体力回復強化】 |
One-Shot Sapphire Dragon Rush! |
Draggie (Attacker Enhanced) ドラりん 降臨!【攻撃強化】 |
One-Shot Ruby Dragon Rush! |
Challenge Lv.5 チャレンジLv5 |
One-Shot Jewel Rush! 一度きりの宝玉ラッシュ! |
Challenge Lv.4 チャレンジLv4 |
One-Shot Keeper Rush! 一度きりの番人ラッシュ! |
Challenge Lv.3 (Tri-color) チャレンジLv3【3色限定】 |
One-Shot Lit Rush! 一度きりのリットラッシュ! |
Challenge Lv.2 (Tri-color) チャレンジLv2【3色限定】 |
10,000 Pal Points |
Challenge Lv.1 (Tri-color) チャレンジLv1【3色限定】 |
10,000,000 Coins |
JP name: 上級者向け
Dungeon list on Skyozora (soon)
Dungeon Name | Reward |
Hexazeon ヘキサゼオン 降臨! |
Super Snow Globe Dragon |
Moby Dick (4 seconds orb movement) 白鯨 降臨!【操作時間4秒固定】 |
Rainbowpy |
Serket セルケト 降臨 |
Dark Resist+ Latent |
Cosmo Crusader (No RCV) コスモクルセイダー 降臨!【回復なし】 |
Light Resist+ Latent |
Jormungandr ヨルムンガンド 降臨! |
Wood Resist+ Latent |
Hel ヘル 降臨! |
Water Resist+ Latent |
Yamatsumi (Wood Enhanced) ヤマツミ 降臨!【木属性強化】 |
Fire Resist+ Latent |
Aegir (7×6 board) エーギル 降臨!【7×6マス】 |
Diamond Dragon Fruit |
Sonia Gran ソニア=グラン 降臨! |
Jewel of Creation |
Sphinx スフィンクス 降臨! |
Snow Globe Dragon Noir (Lv. Max) |
Mephisto メフィスト 降臨!【回復なし】 |
Snow Globe Dragon Blanc (Lv. Max) |
Noah (All Attri.) ノア 降臨!【全属性必須】 |
Snow Globe Dragon Vert (Lv. Max) |
Hera Sowilo ヘラ・ソエル 降臨! |
Snow Globe Dragon Bleu (Lv. Max) |
Izanami イザナミ 降臨! |
Snow Globe Dragon Rouge (Lv. Max) |
Zeus-Dios ゼウス・ディオス 降臨! |
King Tamadra |
Challenge Lv.10 チャレンジLv10 |
Ancient Tri-God Mask |
Challenge Lv.9 (Special) チャレンジLv9【特殊】 |
Super Snow Globe Dragon |
Challenge Lv.8 (Fixed team) チャレンジLv8【固定チーム】 |
Rainbowpy |
Challenge Lv.7 (4 second orb movement) チャレンジLv7【操作時間4秒固定】 |
Plus Points (+297) |
Challenge Lv.6 チャレンジLv6 |
6-Year Anniversary Tamadra |
Buffs to Beach Valkyrie!
Live starting 7/30 (Mon) 6pm JST.
Limit Break & Super Awakenings for both
Beach Valkyries!! Both forms gains