Card Review: Super Reincarnated Anubis

| Dec. 24, 2019 | 1,798 views |   2    

Anubis  has always been a fan favorite pantheon card, and just a few years ago, he was one of the most desired cards in the game. Fast forward to today, however, and it’s rare to see people talking about Anubis, even after he just recently received a new form . But why is this? And is there any way to still successfully apply Anubis to teams in the modern-day? Let’s find out.

Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 5708 (6698) 6564 (7554)
ATK 2110 (2605) 2427 (2922)
RCV 642 (939) 738 (1035)
[5740]Super Reincarnated Anubis
God / Devil / Balanced

Active Skill: For 4 turns, 5x Dark counterattack; Change Wood, Jammer, Poison, Mortal Poison orbs to Dark orbs
(12 ➧ 7)

Leader Skill: 6x ATK when 8 or more combos up to 10x at 12 combos; 4x ATK and 2x RCV on the turn a skill is used


Sub Potential:

Active Skill: For 4 turns, 5x Dark counterattack; Change Wood, Jammer, Poison, Mortal Poison orbs to Dark orbs. (Max 7 CD)

Anubis kept his exact same active skill going into his super reincarnated form, which is probably the most disappointing thing about this new form. While hazard removal used to be a desirable secondary effect, the abundance of weapon assists that provide hazard resist awakenings have made this effect less valuable on the whole. In addition, a 5x counterattack being tied to the active skill is nearly useless in modern content, as there are very few applications for it in something like Arena, and there exist several better users of counterattack for farming. 

What you’re left with is a 7 turn active skill, which will likely be inherited over, as its primary use will only be that of a single orb changer. Retaining a somewhat dated active skill has been a problem that several other super reincarnated cards have faced, and Anubis at least doesn’t have it as bad as some others .

On a more positive note, Anubis makes for a solid 7×6 sub. His combination of 4 TE, 10 combo, and team HP actually benefit several leaders that often utilize 7×6 boards, as most of them lack built in HP multipliers, and always appreciate more movement time. It is worth considering, however, that we have several other options for dark TE subs and 10c dark subs , so just consider if having both in one place warrents the investment in Anubis or not.

Lead Potential:

Leader Skill: 6x ATK when 8 or more combos up to 10x at 12 combos; 4x ATK and 2x RCV on the turn a skill is used (1/1600/4)

While disappointing to some, Anubis doubled down on his previous identity and did not gain any defensive multipliers with his super reincarnated form, gaining even more firepower instead. He jumped from having a 900x multiplier in his reincarnated form to having a 1600x multiplier in his super reincarnated form.

There are both pros and cons behind this choice. On one hand, this new evolution did not fix the core issues of Anubis, being that you must either use a 1 turn cooldown sub on your team to hit maximum damage each turn, or use Anubis in very short dungeons, where you can simply pop an active skill every turn and one shot everything off your enormous multiplier. On the other hand, this improved multiplier gives Anubis a few fairly solid niches.

For one, he can clear almost any descend dungeon in the game with ease once paired with a 7×6 leader , you just need to bring the right active skills, as he will likely be unable to take more than one or two hits from enemies at once. His boosted RCV multiplier will at least allow for the possibility of healing back up from damage taken, however.

Another application for Anubis as a lead is the idea of using him for Training Arena 1 or Training Arena 2. Because these dungeons don’t feature any enemy mechanics like preemptive attacks , void shields, absorbs , or resolves, you can very easily blow up every single floor with Anubis’s enormous multiplier, given you pair with a strong 7×6 leader like Rajang . Training Arena 2 may be more strict to build around than Training Arena 1, but with enough optimization of killer awakenings on your subs, you should be just fine.


While some people may be annoyed that Anubis remained a glass cannon leader in his super reincarnated form, I actually think he may be one of the strongest ones we have seen yet.

Many of the super revos we’ve seen this year have either been held back by their old active skills , or have failed to establish any meaningful identity from their stat spread and awakenings . While not all super revos have been bad, they have felt fairly inconsistent in quality on the whole.

Anubis offers significant 7×6 sub potential, and an active that is short enough to inherit over, while also not being totally useless to begin with. He is also still usable as a leader for specific content, while not feeling like a gimmick. Because of this, I feel as though he is worth investing in, even if you only do so with one copy to start out.

2 Replies to “Card Review: Super Reincarnated Anubis”

  1. Anubis x Metatron would be phenomenal if we got a god card w/ a 1 turn cool down. Tempted to do it w/ Zaerog’s new release since it forces you into 50% HP each round and Anubis recovery boost heals back easy.

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