[CoroCoro Magazine] Strongest Descended Dungeon Bosses you should own (and stone for, if needed)

| May. 14, 2020 | 213 views |   2    

Who’s your top 3 must-have farmable descended bosses? Here’s CoroCoro magazine’s top 3, as pointed out by Dr. Toragon and its assistant, researcher Taiga!

They do suggest to use Magic Stone for them if needed (which I do agree, just not an extreme amount though)!

Source: @mutekix9677

The image from CoroCoro

Top farmable descended dungeon bosses

1. Raziel

Dungeon difficulty: ★★★★★ 

  • Great leader skill, great active skill, amazing sub. 
  • Practically as strong as a good gacha roll 

2. Eir

Dungeon difficulty: ★★★☆☆ 

  • “Super sub” because of strongest RCV 
  • Really useful active skill!

3. Qilin

Dungeon difficulty: ★★★★☆ 

  • Precious active skill for countering damage absorb (especially if you don’t have one).

And that’s all. Do these match with your personal top 3 as well?

2 Replies to “[CoroCoro Magazine] Strongest Descended Dungeon Bosses you should own (and stone for, if needed)”

  1. I’ve never used either form of Raziel before. Is her ult’s leader skill really that significant of a trait? I just hate her dungeon so much 🙁

    Qilin sort of deserves to be there, since we’re only comparing farmables. The only other choices for her active I remember are Panera and Borma (and Qilin Dragon, yikes).

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