Gintama Collab Review
Gintama collab has a surpising amount of value because every card, including 5 star cards, have assist evos, making dupes more useful. The 5 star lineup also features the easiest to roll scroll resist and cloud resist assists plus some farming utilities like double row makers. The 6 stars all have 2 evolutions that fill different roles, but thankfully you can swap between them without losing limit break.
See here for more details on this collab.
6 Stars
Note: You can swap between Base/Cosplay evos without losing limit break/super awakenings.
Sakata Gintoki

Base Gintoki’s leader skill is exactly identical to Revo Anubis
, but he deals significantly more damage thanks to his offensive awakenings
and high attack. His active skill is also much more practical: the 2 turn 75% shield helps with the lack of HP/shield in leader skill and the +2c allows leader skill activation on boards that don’t have enough combos otherwise. That said, Anubis still has some advantages over Gintoki like higher HP and RCV, lower base cooldown for assists, and access to cloud resist
. For all these improvements, Gintoki still suffers from the same issues as Anubis: lack of passive defense, dependence on 7×6 for consistent activation, and loss of an active slot due to the skill use part of leader skill.
As a sub Gintoki works well for 7×6 teams, where his combo awakenings can be consistently activated for a total of 10x damage. He’s a strong solo mode VDP
option if you are able to do 10 combos and make box at same time which is something the +2c part of his active can help with, but his limited killer choices hinders his potential. The almost non-existant RCV and average HP may also pose a problem depending on the team.

[4749] Sakata Gintoki & Amenominakanushi Costume (Uvo)
Attacker / God
Active Skill: For 1 turn, increase combo count by 1; Change all orbs to Water and Light orbs (13 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x HP & 4x ATK for Water and Light Att.; 4x ATK when matching 5 or more connected or
Ameno Gintoki is a 4x HP 1x RCV lead with damage multiplier tied to 5 match of blue/lights, a playstyle previously seen with Zapan
and LHeradra
. His 256x multiplier is very high when compared to other x4 HP leaders and his ability to blob either
for damage makes him more flexible. The success of 4x HP 1x RCV leads depends heavily on RCV solutions
. While Gintoki does not provide much RCV by himself, his subpool has great options from both blue
and light
. An Ameno
lead pairing may seem like an obvious way to fix RCV, but it limits subs to light attribute, prevents full activation from blue orbs, and reduces his tankiness from excellent to average. It’s a viable option for easier dungeons like Arena 3, but double Ameno Gintoki is always better.
As a sub, Ameno Gintoki brings 3 skill boosts and VDP
(plus a second one via super awakening). His killer choices are just as bad as base Gintoki but he lacks additional damage awakenings to make up for it. His bicolor board and +1c active skill is useful for making a VDP and enough combos, but there are already tricolor boards with +2c
actives at the same cooldown. In general, nearly all potential applications of Ameno Gintoki as a sub can be covered by Blodin

With this assist evo, we now have a SB equip in every color. Compared to other SB equips
, Gintoki’s sword isn’t significantly better but there are some small advantages. The active(same as base Gintoki) is usable for any team instead of being tied to specific colors, and poison resist
is a nice bonus. A relatively long 19 CD when unskilled is nice as low CD SB
assists has a risk of overriding a base active needed for the build.
Which Gintoki do I make?
Since Gintoki is a pretty good card in both of his evolutions, the assist evo is not recommended unless you have a lot of dupes and no other SB equips. Even then it’s still a luxury as Amen
is available from the MP shop.
His two evolutions are very different from each other, make Ameno Gintoki for a tanky 5 match lead and keep base Gintoki for use on 7×6 combo teams.
Hijikata Toushirou

[4751] Hijikata Toushiro
Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall orbs; Change all orbs to Wood and Dark orbs (11 max CD)
Leader Skill: No skyfall; 3x ATK when there are less than 8 orbs remaining up to 7x ATK when 0 orbs left; 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching and
Orbs Left | >8 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
No ![]() ![]() |
1x | 9x | 12.25x | 16x | 20.25x | 25x | 30.25x | 36x | 42.25x | 49x |
![]() ![]() |
16x | 144x | 196x | 256x | 324x | 400x | 484x | 576x | 676x | 784x |
Hijikata is a leader with scaling orbs left multiplier, 25% shield, and relatively high multiplier. While his base HP is average, the team HP awakenings grants a 1.2x HP bonus with 2 Hijikata leads. Having shield tied to green and dark orbs is troublesome though, as the shield won’t always be available. Other orbs left leaders like Amen
and Kaede
are often used in swipe farming, but Hijikata is unsuited for that purpose since his orbs left multiplier is only 49x and full activation depends on specific colors, limiting what subs and actives one can use.
As a sub Hijikata provides extra HP, orb movement time
, and potentially a cloud resist
via super awakenings, but he has no offensive awakenings beyond the single 7c
from super awakenings. His active is a straight forward bicolor board, made 1 CD shorter due to the no skyfall effect that can be used to get around color absorbs without worrying about death by skyfall. Low HP teams that utilize green and darks like Kamimusubi
will appreciate Hijikata’s support, but high HP leaders like Vraska
are better off with subs like Romia who brings both TE
and damage

Despite his appearance, Liu Bei Hijikata isn’t much of a swipe lead due to the two color requirement. As a standard leader, the double 25% shield sounds tanky on paper but requires too many orbs (6 and 3
) to activate. 144x is a mediocre multiplier for the number of orbs needed, and Hijikata lacks the passive tankiness to stall for the orbs he needs.
As a sub Liu Bei Hijikata isn’t great either, not many leaders run rows and even fewer of them are green. Overall this evolution is pretty lackluster compared to the base form.
Assist Hijikata grants scroll resist much like Assist Glavenus
. His active is more usable for green or dark teams and the TE
is more generally applicable than double enhance mats killer
. That said, scroll isn’t a very dangerous mechanic and there is a good distribution of scroll resist
through super awakenings already.
Which Hijikata do I make?
I recommend keeping base Hijikata because Liu Bei Hijikata isn’t useful anywhere for the time being. As for the assist it’s better to roll for the more common scroll resist assist (Sakamoto Tatsuma) from this machine instead, unless you want both the active and scroll resist
Okita Sougo

Okita’s 4x HP/RCV and 100x atk multiplier makes him a seem like an incredibly tanky leader, but the big catch lies in the match 4 clause. On a 6×5 board, match 5 limits the number of combos one can make to only 6, thus you cannot activate any combo awakenings without actives or skyfall and cannot use TPA
at all. The 6 connected
requirement further restricts what damage awakenings can be used, making Okita a difficult lead to build around.
Okita’s triple ≥80% attack boost gives a passive 3.375x just for being above 80% HP and he brings 3 skill boosts
plus a burst active to the team. With super awakenings he can be a solo FUA
sub. Okita is a potential option for HP conditional leaders like Yog
and Zeus Verse
, but double or triple killer subs tailored to the dungeon will easily do more damage than him.

Baal Okita’s passive 3x RCV and orb match 25% shield grants him similar tankiness as Rikuu
, but with a lower multiplier to balance out him being a 2 color match lead instead of rainbow. While 9x RCV with 2 leads is usually excessive, it does let you match mortal poisons without care and focus on high HP subs like Paimon
. A decent leader overall, just not particularly interesting.
For offensive awakenings Baal Okita gets four TPAs instead of three 80% attack boost
, making his damage both higher and more controllable. He can be considered a better version of NY Kanna
for being light TPA subs with burst actives and FUA
via super awakenings, but take note of his below average HP and RCV when subbing him.
Okita’s eye mask is the first light attribute TPA assist and his active is a useful 2 turn burst for light or dark teams. As long as the 3x is enough for the team and dungeon, Okita assist can replace the burst inherit and add another TPA
. The jammer resist
is nice for achieving full resist but doesn’t do much by itself.
Which Okita do I make?
Since Base Okita is an impractical lead and a niche sub, Baal Okita is preferred.
The assist is pretty useful but keep in mind that, if your team wants both TPA and a light/dark burst, Baal Okita would probably make a good sub.
Takasugi Shinsuke

[4757] Takasugi Shinsuke
Active Skill: For 1 turn, reduce enemies’ defense to 0; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark orbs (14 max CD)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce damage taken when matching 4 or more colors; 2x ATK when matching 4+ connected orbs, up to 6x ATK at 8+ connected orbs.
Connected Orbs | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
< 4 Attributes | 1x | 4x | 9x | 16x | 25x | 36x |
≥ 4 Attributes | 16x | 64x | 144x | 256x | 400x | 576x |
Takasugi has a lead skill reminiscent of older blob + rainbow leaders like DQXQ
and Academy Kali
, but he avoids the problem of not obtaining enough orbs of the attribute needed for half the multiplier by allowing any orbs to be matched for the multiplier, even hazard orbs. 5-6 orbs of a type is average without considering hazards so his damage is usually 144x or more. Full 576x can be guarenteed with a 4 color board without hearts, and Takasugi’s own 5 color board guarenteeds a minimum of 256x if you get 6 orbs of each type with 7-8 orbs of at least one type being average. Having 2 leaders with double god killers
(triple god killer with super awakenings) make Metatrons
and Kalis
a breeze but prevents any damage control against spawns like Sopdet
super awake works well for Radar Dragons
and Hera-Beorc
and since his damage against gods is already high, only one lead needs to have VDP
. Having shield tied to part of the multiplier makes stalling harder, and his leader skill means he has to combo in matches of 3 instead of matching blobs to clear for orbs.
As a sub Takasugi hits very hard with his killers and high attack, but his HP leaves something to be desired. While his active unlocks orbs and guarenteeds activation for most color match/rainbow leads, it takes away hearts. The defense break component is ocasionally useful but it mainly serves to increase cooldown to counterbalance skill charge. Farming builds prefer cards like Archdemon Lucifer
due to Takasugi’s long cooldown and inability to use latent god killers.

Hades Takasugi has a Greco-Romans 1 style triple color resistance in his leader skill, making him very tanky but only against the 3 colors he resists. A combo based leaderskill is easy to use but 64x at 8c is low. Not a great leader overall.
As a sub his awakenings are nearly identical to DCotton
and Ren Amamiya
, but he is awkward as a FUA
sub since his active doesn’t make hearts and he cannot be easily inherited over due to the long CD, especially since he lacks skill charge
. God killer
or VDP
super awakening are both useful but once again his latent killer choices prevent him from fully capitalizing on it. scroll resist
can be nice for the few situations where scroll makes FUA impossible even with 5 hearts on the board.
The main use cases for SBR assists are farming teams running 0 SBR
cards like Machine Goe
and can’t fit a SBR
stick like Raguel
, and ≥80% attack boost
is nice for squeezing out the last bit of damage needed to kill a spawn. Normal teams tend to already have enough SBR and Takasugi’s active isn’t great, but 19 CD unskilled is long enough to manage should your team need the awakes from this assist.
Which Takasugi do I make?
There are other SBR assists
and ≥80% attack boost assists
and very few builds are improved with Takasugi assist having both.
Hades Takasugi is a decent FUA sub but largely outclassed by DCotton
, though there are some leads where he fits better due to typing and rainbow board base active.

Kamui’s leaderskill scales high but requires 9 for full multiplier and grants no defensive multiplier of any sort that would let him stall for those orbs. As such he’s not a very usable leader.
As a sub Kamui awakenings adds 10% more HP and 20% more RCV
with the possibility to have more of either from super awakenings. These awakes make up for Kamui’s low HP/RCV stat spread to some extent. Since his sole offensive awakening is a 10c, he fits better on 7×6 combo leads like Mai Shiranui
. Due to his damage absorb void active it’s difficult to justify using Kamui outside of dungeons with dangerous absorb spawns, especially with the detrimental side effect of halving the team’s RCV. There aren’t many cases where a 2 turn void damage absorb is relevant, though in A3 it does let you kill Parvati
without FUA
and still bait out Grisar’s
buff removal over the 2

Rikuu Kamui is a rainbow lead with good balance of offense and defence, but he is held back by the Fire attribute sub restriction which prevents the use of great rainbow subs like Ragnarok Dragon
and Ideal
. Additionally, many good red subs like Enra
lacks synergetic base actives. Putting aside sub options, Rikuu Kamui’s leaderskill is excellent: passive bulk allows a much easier time at stalling and a damage multiplier split into colors and combos allows for damage control when needed. Your two leaders have high damage output as well thanks to Double 7c
and high attack. Having two damage absorb void actives on your leaders is either great or redundant depending on the dungeon, but 17 CD is not prohibitivebly high when it comes to assists. Overall a good lead with potential to become much better if more suitable subs are released in the future.
Rikuu Kamui has both the lowest CD damage absorb void active and 3 skill boosts, giving him a niche as fujin active sub in 3p mode. Red double 7c subs with time extends
are uncommon, but once again the low HP is troublesome when trying to meet certain HP thresholds.
Yato’s Umbrella is the third unbindable assist available. Compared to other options
, the heart oe
from Yato’s umbrella is more widely applicable than color specific OEs but a damage absorb void active with a detrimental side effect isn’t a very desirable in dungeons without many absorbs. Thankfully the unskilled cooldown at 22 CD is long enough to work around.
Which Kamui do I make?
Of the two forms, Rikuu Kamui is both the better leader due to having a sensible leader skill and the better sub due to having one more skill boost and damage awakenings that don’t require 7×6 to be consistently activated. The unbindable assist is appealing but ultimately a luxury as most leaders are already unbindable and a sub being bound is not usually life threatening.
5 Stars
Shimura Shinpachi
Shinpachi has the first double row active that spawns both rows on the bottom, which allows for easy VDP 7c board set ups on non green or light full boards. The green/ight orb locking adds a second use for countering spinner mechanics from spawns with damage void. Using Shinpachi active on a full green/light board creates a locked board with 6 off color orbs in a row that can be used to make a 3×3 VDP box.
Base Shinpachi brings double SBR and some green rows
, but he’s more likely to be an assist instead. The assist form grants a cloud resist
, helpful against spawns with both cloud and combo shield like Fuu
in Panera Descended.
Kagura is notable for being the first double physical killer sub that can use latent physical killers. There aren’t enough dangerous physical spawns to justify running her on a standard team, but she gets the job done for farming teams.
The assist evo grants a time extend and her active unlocks and changes
. Not exceptional but usable if you just want more time extend and don’t mind the low cooldown.
Shimura Tae
Tae has decent killers and balanced typing, but there are already triple killer cards for both god
and devil
, plus Praline
who has 2 of both killers.
Her 50% suicide + board active is nice for low HP condition leaders like Raizer
. It works well with the under 50% attack boost
from her assist evo too. The board can also be used for jammer leads, though she’s not as nice as the farmable LJorm
whose board contains hearts.
Kondo Isao
Kondo’s active recovers 50% of HP and creates 6 , making it somewhat useful for Yog
. His
hair roller sword grants 2 jammer resists and has a longer CD than most other options
Katsura Kotaro
Because it spawns a column of along with a column of
, Katsura’s active is only 3 CD and can be cycled if you had 3 Katsura. Katsura’s stats and awakes are pretty terrible though, so that’s probably not a great idea.
The assist evo grants L attack but very few leads utilize that awakening and even fewer wants Katsura’s active.
Katsura’s cooldown is much lower than other actives that could generate 10 fixed orbs, so he can be recycled for making VDP after using the inherit earlier in the dungeon. It’s not exactly a convienent setup though. Explosion from the bombs can also be used for VDP, at the cost of 20% hp.
Sakamoto Tatsuma
Sakamoto is an easy to roll awoken bind recovery card though it only recovers 4 turns and Odindra
is MP shop and a far better sub. His assist evo gives a scroll resist
and since the active is usable to some extent, he can be an inherit for better awoken bind clearing subs.
His leaderskill grants 2.5x coin drop, 6.25x with 2 leads. It’s more than Ganesha
but less than Obochama
Yagyu Kyubei
Yagyu can stack latent dragon killers with her innate double dragon killers
, but her base attack is very low. Her assist evolution grants team RCV
and dark OE
, both are nice to have but hardly vital. Her active is a board refresh with a 3 turn small(35%) shield. Board refresh clears locks and get rid of hazards, and a small shield is nice for surviving big rage hits on already tanky leads. Just don’t try to refresh system with dupes of her, since the CD is too long.
Note: Elizabeth, Justaway, and Saria are from trading post, PaD Team Elizabeth is rewarded upon clearing the collab dungeon, and Hasegawa is a dungeon drop.
Mythical Creature, Elizabeth
Mythical Creature, Elizabeth

Elizabeth is another farmable 7×6 lead and arguably the best one due to a combo based leader skill, though a friend 7×6 lead like Diablos
is still the better option. The active clears 5 turns of regular binds, adds 5s movetime for 5 turns, and can be cycled with 2 Elizabeths in the team.

This cute doggo has the same board active as Tigerex
, useful for Denebola
teams. He also has green blob based leader skill with a bonus attack that can be used to kill resolves, though his damage multiplier is only 4x.

While his main purpose is trading fodder for other cards, Justaway has a unique active that deals 49 true damage and creates 3 bombs at 2 CD. It buttons DMeta Tama
and can be recycled for some rogue dungeon py invade builds. He also has double enhance material killer
and 3k base attack, but there aren’t any super tanky spawns of that type yet.
Similar to Katsura, you can use Justaway’s bomb spawning is setting up VDP on a full board. It costs 60% of your HP and does significantly less damage than the usual VDP methods with with row makers, but Justaway can potentially save a active slot through active recycling.
Puzzle & Dragons Team & Elizabeth Costume
Puzzle & Dragons Team & Elizabeth Costume

Super Awakening:

PaD Team Elizabeth has a orb match + rainbow leader skill with no subpool restrictions and a decent multiplier, but there’s no defensive multipliers of any sort. Since obtaining them is very simple, they make a nice starter lead for a new account.
The active is a board combined with a 20 damage x 5 hits button. A usable button, but the multi-hit animation is very slow.
Saria & Kagura Costume
Saria & Kagura Costume

Kagura Saria has unremarkable awakenings and stats, but her active is useful and she has a tanky light rows based leader skill. Her multiplier is on the low side, but she can be paired with better light row leads
Her active is a tricolor board with a small 1 turn RCV buff. While the effect is weak, it removes enemy RCV debuffs.
Hasegawa Taizou
Similar to Bufu
, the orb locking active of these sunglasses can be used to counter orb spinners. This is also the first farmable assist that gives 2 blind resist
His leader skill has resolve and halves your HP, which allows you to activate the resolve against lower hits. Since he also has a straightforward unconditional 4.5x attack, Hasegawa may see use in niche farm builds.
Should I roll?
The 5 star cards in this machine are surprisingly useful, especially Shinpachi(double row maker, ) and Sakamoto(
). I would do a few rolls just for the assist evos.
Should I trade?
The 6 star cards are all decently useful but not worth the price of 4 GFE in my opinon.
If you are still looking for an inheritable damage absorb void active, consider trading for Kamui.
Comments from other Authors
[speech name=tb_ax]
The Yato Umbrella is an insanely good assist, an assist evo with a rare combination of an active that’s useful on a wide variety of teams and extremely good assist awakenings, similar to Nicol Bolas Premium Card
. The RCV enhance on top of the unbindable awakening is icing on the cake, as there are quite a few cards that have great RCV or stack Heart OE awakenings and have great offensive awakenings, but are bindable. It is luxury for sure, but applicable in so many teams that I feel it could be worth trading for even, especially if you have the GFE trade fodders but don’t have a Fujin active yet.
Katsura’s marvelously low CD makes him a system option for a few teams, like Ameno Gin, Zapan, or even just trusty old Zeus Verse. Although the extra combo that you’re forced to match makes it slower than Enishi
or Kisuke
, it helps make combo shields more brainless and the unlock is great added effect. Damage control and amplification is possible with his 3 L awakenings (also he gets access to every killer latent!). Overall this is a card that you shouldn’t sleep on; I would keep like 6 of this card before you start selling, 3 for the system and 3 more for L equips.
Tae’s Omelet is the equip evo that I’ve been wanting for a long time and should be an exceptional way to give cards that extra oomph to oneshot tough floors especially in speedfarming builds. The CD is quite low even unskilled, so I foresee a near-future collab diamond or harder-to-acquire monster also getting <50% damage boost equip evo.
Finally, this is somewhat unrelated, but Puzzle & Dragons Team and Elizabeth Costume’s art reminds me of the album artwork for Blue Oyster Cult’s Fire of Unknown Origin. Just wanted to throw that out there.
[speech name=Reni]
Gintama, the very hyped collab! Keep in mind that the rate for Diamond eggs (and even the exact diamond you want) isn’t high. I rolled 10/10
Gold eggs on JP server. Not exactly a large data set, but similar result can happen to anyone since it’s RNG.
As Chu already has pointed out, don’t miss out on the farmables. Farm those
Justaways to exchange for Justaway![/speech]