[Guide] How to Fix an Un-favorited and Unsorted Box
Ever had your box unfavorited and everything unsorted in box folders? By popular demand, here’s a working solution to fix the problem that we feel everyone should know!
This generally happens from bad connections.
- Nothing is favorite’d anymore.
- Empty folders / boxes
Before you do anything…
Use Data Recovery as soon as possible (by following instructions below). See Raijinili’s comment for detailed explanation (Thanks again!)
Here’s a short list of what you shouldn’t do:
- Do not favorite/rebox monsters manually again.
- Do not log in again AFTER doing that. (Login happens when you tap the title screen instead of using Data Recovery, and when your login session expires after a few hours.)
Video explanation on the fix
Japanese player Natti (famous for liking Artemis a lot) had this happen to him early this year, and made a video showing the working solution!
Step-by-step fix
For those who can’t watch videos, here’s how Natti fixed the problem:
On title screen, click on Data Recovery button on the top left corner.

A popup will be shown. This tells you that it will re-download necessarily data to run PAD.
- This doesn’t delete your play data.
- When the game reloads, you’ll need to download a large amount of core game data, so Wi-Fi is recommended.
If you’re certain about doing this, click the left button (Yes / はい) to continue.
“Are you sure you want to delete the core game data?” Click the left button (Yes / はい) to continue.
Deleting data… and done! Press OK.
Once the data is deleted, return to the title screen and start the game again. You’ll be greeted with the user agreement screen. Click on the second button from top (agree / 同意する), then left button (Yes / はい) on the next screen to continue.
Next will be the privacy policy screen. Click on the second button (agree / 同意する), then left button (Yes / はい) to continue.
Download will begin. Usually this takes 3-4 minutes to download on a stable Wi-Fi connection.
Once download is completed, your box should be recovered like Natti’s box! All his favorite’d cards and cards sorted in the box folders are back!
That’s all, hope it helps someone out there!
From what I understand of the whole favorites upload/download thing, it won’t work if you:
1. Favorite/rebox monsters again.
2. Log in again AFTER doing that. (Login happens when you tap the title screen instead of using Data Recovery, and when your login session expires after a few hours.)
The login might force an upload of your Favorites data, which now only contains the few things you favorited in step 1. Data Recovery won’t be harmful, but it will be a waste of time.
I haven’t thoroughly tested when exactly new favorites settings get uploaded, but they seem not to be uploaded until a login.
tl;dr: If you lose your Favorites, do NOT try to fix them manually. Use Data Recovery as soon as possible.
I can add that as precaution to the post. Thanks!
when i saw the article title, i was expecting tips on good ways of sorting the box, as that would be an article that i would be interested to see.
We drafted one a long time ago and never posted it, actually. Basically it ended up with us disagreeing with each other so it was scrapped.