How to Maximize Your Rewards in PAD Pass Free Trial

| Dec. 25, 2019 | 829 views |   4    

As it turns out, there’s a best time to start your free trial of PAD Pass. Here’s the explanation!

For North America server: Since PAD Pass starts in June (which has 30 days), count the days accordingly.

The logic

PAD Pass comes with daily rewards that changes daily. Most of the rewards so far has been pretty moderate, but daily Magic Stone certainly is sweet! Now if you’re not hoping to do any in-app purchases, picking the 7 days to claim your free trial can be important.

Turns out the best day in December for the free trial is tomorrow (12/26), as 7th day would be the Godfest Gacha!

The tricky bit is that you have to unsubscribe more than 24 hours before the last day, which means 5th day is when you need to unsubscribe, before next month is charged. This is done through Play Store/App Store, and translated instructions can be found here.

On the 5th day, it’ll show あと2日 (2 days left) under PAD Pass.

12/24 Extreme King Metal Dragon x1
100,000 Monster Points (Lv 1 – Lv 5)

  • Lv 1: 100,000 MP
  • Lv 2: 200,000 MP
  • Lv 3: 300,000 MP
  • Lv 4: 400,000 MP
  • Lv 5: 500,000 MP
1st day, subscribe
Latent Skill Delay Resist Tamadra x1
2nd day
Latent Tamadra (Pt. 4)
3rd day
Event Medal – Rainbow x1
4th day
Py (1 of 5 attributes) x1
5th day. Unsubscribe
Snow Globe Dragon (1 of 5 attributes) x1
6th day
King Tan (1 of 5 attributes) x1
7th day. Free roll get!
Godfest Gacha (Lv 1 – Lv 5)
1/2 Tue/Wed Rush (Fire)
1/3 Tue/Wed Rush (Water)

If you haven’t used up your free trial, this might be the best timing to do so. Good luck!

4 Replies to “How to Maximize Your Rewards in PAD Pass Free Trial”

      1. I got Kamimusubi from the free gacha and unsubscribed! I hope you have a Happy New Year Reni and keep up the good work!!! 😀

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