How to quickly refavorite your box if it gets unfavorited

| Mar. 28, 2020 | 1,740 views |   0    

This post is a follow-up to [Guide] How to Fix an Un-favorited and Unsorted Box, which uses the Data Recovery option on the login screen to try and fix an unfavorited, empty-folder box. I highly suggest reading this article first before trying the method in this article out.

Personally, I’ve never gotten the method in that article to work, probably because I go through a few logins and logouts before I realize my box has been unfavorited. However, I have devised an efficient way of manually refavoriting a completely unfavorited monster box.

What will this fix accomplish?

This process will manually refavorite everything in your box that can be both favorited, except Vendor Materials (i.e. Rainbow Event Medals and exchange tokens). It is brainless and fast, much moreso than normal method of manually tapping and holding each card to bring up its stats page and tapping the favorite icon.

There is a short video of me performing the process after setting it up near the end, after the setup is completed. I will also discuss modifications to the process in order to favorite only certain types of monsters.

The Fix

I will include a step-by-step guide with images as well as a video of the process in action! (Keep in mind for the sake of demonstration, my whole box isn’t unfavorited, but I will favorite around ~30 cards so you can see the process in action).

Step 1: In the Monster Tab, select the Monster Box option.

Step 2: Set the ordering to “Fav.”

Step 3: Set a filter so your “Material” cards won’t get in the way.

Tap the “Change Order” button and head to Filters. Select all types that aren’t Evo, Awakening, Enhance, or Vendor Materials. Also, check “Includes Subtype” to off (otherwise Evo gems will still get in your way, because their subtypes might not be “Material” subtypes).

Step 4: Scroll down to where your “Materials” begin.

(You can technically start anywhere, but this lets you favorite as many monsters as possible in one go instead of starting in the middle of the list.)

Step 5: Tap the middle card of the last row of cards you want to favorite.

(In the above image, it would be the Gungho Assist card between Zeusdra and Kamen Rider Genm). You’ll get a menu with a few options, the second of which will be “Add to Favorites”. Take note of where this button is in your UI. It is different for different aspect ratios.

Step 6: Scroll your Monster Box slightly to align the “Add to Favorites” button with the monster icon.

Make sure that if you tap the monster icon, you can tap the “Add to Favorites” button without moving your finger.

Step 7: Start tapping!

When you favorite a monster, it floats up to the top of your box, which pushes the next monster to be filtered up, so your finger is aligned to tap on that monster icon and refavorite it again. You can continuously tap in this same spot to refavorite your whole box this way!

Vendor Materials would get in the way of this process if they weren’t filtered out; as they can’t be enhanced, their menu only has 3 options and the “Add to Favorites” button would be misaligned with everything else.

This process favorites around 100 monsters per minute. This might even be faster than the data recovery process if your internet is slow and your box isn’t too big!


If for some reason, you only want to favorite a certain type of monster, you can modify the “Sort” and “Filter” options to only favorite certain kinds of monsters, for example:

  • Selecting Wood Att. and not including Subatt. on top of the filters set in Step 3 will float all your wood monsters to the top. You can scroll down to where your wood monsters end and start tapping to only favorite Wood monsters.
  • Sorting with 1st Priority “+” and 2nd Priority “Fav.” will float all of your +297 monsters to the top. You can scroll down to where your +297 monsters end and start tapping to only favorite +297 monsters.

An important caveat: because there is some distance between the top of the menu and the row where you align the “Add to Favorites” button, this method isn’t efficient for favoriting small batches of monsters (~15-20ish). But at that point it shouldn’t be too tedious to manually refavorite your remaining monsters.

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