Lumon’s Take on Shiva Dragon MD2

| Oct. 6, 2022 | 2,653 views |   1    


Hello, it’s Lumon! It’s been quite a while since I (or anyone) have posted anything on the blog, but I got the itch to write after crafting and fine-tuning my new farming build for MD2. Obviously, red brick swipe farming with Ultraman Leo and Super Reincarnated Shiva Dragon isn’t a novel concept, but it does take a little bit of work to create exact teams for certain dungeons.

Inspired by Nia Hoshino’s team (easily found thanks to Chase’s excellent write-up here), I made some minor changes to optimize it a little bit. Of course, this does remove quite a lot of flexibility, but I’m sure you can make something work between the concepts presented here and in the original builds from JP. (Example teams by @Saba_kan042 on Twitter here and here.)

Many thanks to Aelita#7313 on Discord for testing my build and pointing out mistakes.


  • Ultraman Leo and Shiva Dragon are pretty self-explanatory, but just in case; Ultraman Leo provides a bonkers leader skill and unlock, burst, and heart generation on demand. The burst is particularly significant as it allows for semi-controllable damage outputs from each sub-attribute as well as from the team overall which can be used to get around certain spawns. Meanwhile, Shiva Dragon is the engine, providing the red brick orb generation as well as hasting everything in the beginning.
  • Hans covers almost everything else needed to smoothly run through the dungeon; void void, color void, and even unmatchable orb clear via the latent.
  • Raoh’s new equip form silently carries the team from the back; it obviously provides a multi-turn damage absorb void to punch through F3 and F4, but it also deals with Nut and her problematic hastes. What’s crazy is that it does all this while also providing a ridiculous five rows plus a combo orb awakening.
  • Halloween Izanami’s equip provides an extremely short shield inherit that comes up in time to block a killing blow from Blue Mille. Unfortunately, it does force more micromanagement of Hans’s active, but better than dying a third of the time, right? No replacement unless you lengthen the cooldown.
  • Odin Dragon’s Tiara greatly augments recovery while also solving Dark Moltdra on F2.
  • The two Glanz Arms raise the team’s health high enough to tank Blue Mille’s third hit and Green/Light Mille’s half-health hits without a shield while also providing a couple of rows each. Probably replaceable as long as you keep the Team HP count the same, but do note that the damage will feel very different than how I describe it in the rest of the article.
  • Light Sara’s Bracelet provides extra recovery and the last bit of health needed to tank the aforementioned hits along with a very convenient tape resist.


  • Leos and Shiva Dragons are not replaceable unless you want to run an entirely different build.
  • Hans is probably not replaceable here as well unless you make major changes to the build and the way it operates.
  • Raoh’s equip is not replaceable. Same with Halloween Izanami’s equip.
  • Glanz Arms and Light Sara’s Bracelet are technically replaceable as long as you bring the same amount of Team HP, though I can’t vouch for damage if replacing the Glanz Arms.
  • Odin Dragon’s Tiara is technically replaceable but practically irreplaceable due to its unique combination of active effects and awakenings.

Example Run

  • TBA.

Floor Guide

F1: Knights

  • Shiva Dragon (Haste), Hans (Haste), Shiva Dragon (Haste), Leo (Odin Dragon Tiara), Shiva Dragon (Haste), Leo, Swipe

Lot of active use, but readies Hans for F2 while clearing unmatchable, setting up shield, and removing anti-burst effect.

F2: Carbuncles + Moltdra

  • If Dark Moltdra (50%): Shiva Dragon, Swipe x2
  • If Light Moltdra (Not Fire Absorb, 40%): Shiva Dragon, Swipe
  • If Light Moltdra (Fire Absorb, 10%): Hans, Shiva Dragon, Swipe

Don’t worry about health despite Dark Moltdra’s large hit; it will be recovered later. Also, don’t worry about overcharging Hans’s inherit; it will be reset soon.

F3: Carbuncles + Turtle

  • Leo (Raoh), Shiva Dragon, Swipe

Easy peasy.

F4: Cronus

  • Shiva Dragon, Swipe

Easy peasy.

F5: Magicians

  • If Light Moltdra w/Fire Absorb: 1c; Hans, Light TPA; 0c; Shiva Dragon, Swipe
  • Else: Hans, Light TPA; 0c; 0c; Shiva Dragon, Swipe

The 0c is important because it lowers the turn timer of the assist removal debuff without charging up Hans’s active.

F6: Chester

  • Both Leos, Shiva Dragon, Match Max Heal; Shiva Dragon, Match 10c (Check Combo Orb Count)

You may not need to try to heal as much as possible if you got Light Moltdra earlier, but it’s still good to top off your health before moving on. Don’t forget to watch for the combo shield unless you want to waste at least two more turns and potentially let the inherit on Hans come up.

F7: Tethys / Astraea

  • Tethys: Shiva Dragon, Hans, Leo (Odin Dragon Tiara), Swipe
  • Astraea: Shiva Dragon, Hans, Swipe

One of the very few floors with VDP. Thank goodness for Hans. Do not use the Leo with Raoh’s equip.

F8: Orochi / Tsukuyomi

  • Orochi: Leo, Shiva Dragon, Match Heal x2
  • Tsukuyomi: Shiva Dragon, Match 11c

If you are at full health, you can tank both hits from Orochi, but you will be dangerously low. Don’t forget to check for combos on Tsukuyomi; look for combos before she blinds you.

F9: Osiris / Nephthys / Nut

  • Osiris / Nephthys: Shiva Dragon, Swipe
  • Nut
    • Orochi: Shiva Dragon, Swipe; Hans, Shiva Dragon, Leo (Odin Dragon), Swipe
    • Tsukuyomi: Shiva Dragon, Leo (Raoh), Swipe; Shiva Dragon, Leo (Odin Dragon), Swipe

While Osiris and Nephthys are free, Nut is the worst. Thankfully, by timing actives correctly, you can ensure a safe solution to Indra on the following floor by using Raoh’s full shield inherit to tank. Don’t forget to burn the other Leo with Odin Dragon’s Tiara so that you can Leo if you encounter Vritra.

F10: Indra / Vritra

  • Indra
    • No Nut: Leo, Shiva Dragon, Swipe
    • Nut: Leo (Raoh), Swipe; Shiva Dragon, Swipe; Shiva Dragon, Match 11c
  • Vritra
    • No Nut: Shiva Dragon, Leo, Match Heal (Optional Light TPA Match)
    • Nut: Leo (Raoh), 1c; Shiva Dragon, Leo, Match Heal

Technically, if you encounter Vritra and then Light Wee Jas, it would be nice to save the inherited Raoh, but otherwise it’s just blocking out the base active.

F11: Wee Jas

  • Green Wee Jas
    • If Hans’s Inherit Up In 2 Turns (Or Less): Hans, 1c; 1c Twice; Shiva Dragon, Match 10c
    • If Hans’s Inherit Up In 3 Turns (Or More): Optional 0c (Remove Time Debuff), Shiva Dragon, Match 10c
  • Light Wee Jas
    • Shiva Dragon, Swipe (No Extra Combos); Hans, Shiva Dragon, Swipe (No Extra Combos); Shiva Dragon, Swipe, Minimum 2 Turns (Add Combo For Damage)

Green Wee Jas is very nice; just reset Hans if needed.

Light Wee Jas is the stinker of the dungeon; I recommend the above mainly to avoid stalling on F13 (Norns) while also removing a lot of turns off the time debuff in case of Metatron. As for the swiping, remember that without Leo, the subattribute pings deal about 1.5 billion damage each, and increases greatly with each combo. Since Light Wee Jas has a 2 billion damage void shield, not matching extra combos helps maintain damage control (although not the end of the world if it goes over). Once the 50% shield goes up, the void shield threshold effectively rises to 4 billion, which basically means anything goes unless you Leo and then actively combo to double cap everything.

F12: Paimon / Eschamali / Metatron

  • Paimon / Eschamali: Shiva Dragon, Leo, Match Everything
  • Metatron: Stall Minimum 1 Turn, Use Hans (Stall To Use If Needed), Shiva Dragon, Swipe; Play Game; Leo, Shiva Dragon, Match Max Heal

Very small chance of dying on Paimon because of absorbed light damage from Hans via skyfall. Doesn’t happen much but has happened to me. If you want to play it safe, swipe a non-brick blob first and then kill the next turn; Paimon doesn’t generate jammers/bombs, but you must recover health lost from damage taken unless you want to die to a preemptive on F13.

Metatron is the slow spawn, with her mandatory game. The important part is that she hastes all actives by two turns if you pass (and kills you if you fail), so make sure to burn Hans before playing the game; you can stall by matching non-brick blobs, which deal no damage. You also need to stall at least one turn here to make sure Metatron’s heart skyfall buff does not overwrite Baby Mille’s heart skyfall buff.

F13: Norns

  • Urd / Verdandi: Hans, Shiva Dragon, Match 8c
  • Skuld: Hans, Shiva Dragon, Match 8c; Shiva Dragon, Match 8c

Not terribly scary but every spawn on this floor has a fat preemptive so be wary of that. While you don’t need Leo, you can use Leo to generate hearts for recovery. Also, don’t forget to use Hans on Skuld even if she doesn’t absorb red to manage the short inherit cooldown.

F14: Planar

  • Shiva Dragon, Swipe x2

Use Leo to heal if needed; preemptive is tiny, but the next hit packs a punch.

F15: Baby Mille

  • If @ 49,406 HP (Or Lower): Shiva Dragon, Leo, Match Heal; Hans, Shiva Dragon, Swipe Brick Only; Leo, Heal; Shiva Dragon, Swipe
  • If 49,407 HP (Or Higher): Shiva Dragon, Swipe; Hans, Shiva Dragon, Leo, Match Max Heal; Shiva Dragon, Swipe Brick Only

The key to this floor is making sure that you don’t kill Baby Mille on the turn you use Hans’s active; by not killing right away, Hans gains an extra turn to charge which allows him to come up on time for either Green Mille’s guaranteed red absorb at 50% HP or for his inherit to come up one turn before Blue Mille’s killing fourth blow. When chipping to kill, remember that Baby Mille’s void shield threshold is at 2 billion; too many extra combos will probably push subattribute damage over that threshold and put the active timing of Hans in peril.

If you are using a longer shield inherit on Hans (since who keeps Halloween Izanami around), remember to stall extra turns so that the shield is up for Blue Mille. Number of turns is the active + inherit cooldown minus six. For example, Halloween Izanami on Hans means the active + inherit cooldown is seven, so seven minus six means I need to stall one turn.

F16: Milles

  • Light Mille: Shiva Dragon, Leo, Match Max Heal + Max Damage; Hans If 6c Moveset
  • Green Mille: Shiva Dragon, Leo, Match Max Heal + Max Damage; Hans @ 50% HP
  • Blue Mille: Light / Blue TPA; Shiva Dragon, Leo, Max Heal + Damage x4; Hans (Shield), Shiva Dragon, Leo, Max Heal + Damage; Shiva Dragon, Swipe x2

Light Mille is my least encountered spawn, surprisingly, but she doesn’t seem too difficult. Just make sure to heal hard, and to full heal before chipping below 50% HP. Use Hans if up and if Light Mille puts up her void shield. Remember that below 50% HP, Light Mille converts the board to hearts; if you use Leo here after Shiva Dragon, remember that the orb generation animation is skipped when timing your swipe.

Green Mille is potentially the fastest of the three, with a 64% chance for a four-turn kill. Unfortunately, she can also be the most frustrating. Match non-brick blobs if she puts up a red absorb, and don’t forget to heal hard every turn. Her lock moveset may make healing slightly yikes. Probably the least consistent spawn.

Blue Mille is definitely the slowest of the three and gave me the biggest headache while I was theorycrafting. Technically, if you are able to get a Light / Blue TPA above the Shiva Dragon brick zone, you can try for a seven-turn kill, but it’s pretty risky and not really worth doing when you can just swipe twice instead to guarantee a win.


Is this build better than the fujin latent build template? Maybe. While my modified build technically doesn’t sacrifice any consistency, it probably dies a fair bit more in practice because recovery is a little sketch. Micromanaging Hans’s active and inherit is also a pain. However, in exchange, I do gain a little bit of speed for my troubles since I can one-tap Paimon / Eschamali while the fujin latent builds cannot. Generally, I average around 11-13 minutes per run while brainlessly swiping most of the way, which is nice. If you prefer consistency over speed, then you should probably look at someone else’s build.

Leo is great. Shiva Dragon is great. Farming sucks, but Leo and Shiva Dragon make it suck a little less. Here’s how I do it, and hopefully, this helps you quickly acquire those sweet SSGs.

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, let me know in the comments below.

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