Meme team explained: King Frost Cloak

| Jun. 22, 2018 | 6,554 views |   2    

So I’m sure we all got hyped a bunch by Persona Collab, some of you may have been taken away by the franchise like Ken did, others may have been taken away by the design of the cards, but a good amount of people have noticed this hidden gem from the collab and that is the farmable King Frost Cloak .

[4398] King Frost Cloak


Active Skill:Void Dark damage for 1 turn. Full HP recovery for 2 turns (18 max CD)

Leader Skill: None.

So what stood out? Active skill is decent since we’re not getting Genie flood out from REM anymore. The dark damage nullify is actually not that bad but it isn’t something that useful overall. Leader skill doesn’t exist so we can skip that. Awakenings hmm..

Each gives 5% resistance to water and that means each cloak gives 10% resistance. Since King Frost is farmable…

Putting down 6 King Frost Mantle Inherits


We can easily put something like this together, it gives the team 60% water resistance, now let’s add a few more base in. In order to make a consistent 100% resist team we cannot forget to put in the color changer and since we have so much space, we may as well tag on a resist dragon to make this entire thing easier on latents.

Adding in Nirai Kanai and Courage


Now with this template team we’re at x18 which is 90% resist. We’ll just need 10% more to achieve 100% resist to water, it can be done with or or another card with , either way the rest of the slots are very flexible since there’s nothing that is limiting you. If you think you need some other shield you can even take off one of the King Frost Mantle and fill up the latents with or .
Note: are 2.5% each

This template is claimed to have 100% consistency against all dungeons. Do you believe it? I think it’s just a good fun meme that somehow works… and since I don’t like spending my entire life in just one dungeon I will probably never find out the answer.

Luckily some folks decided to try it out for us, here are videos that took the template onto Arena 4 and Alt. Arena, enjoy!


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