Persona Collab Review
Persona follows the recent collab trends of “niche/useless 5 stars and good 6 stars”. For typical players this machine won’t be worth more than a roll or two, since most of the 5 stars are of questionable value. The 6 star lineup has a interesting leader and two good subs, but nothing metagame defining like Edward
or Yusuke
in their respective collabs.
The farmables are pretty interesting though, be sure to make some skill cards
and king frost capes
, including 3 extra skill cards to get Morgana
from the trading post.

Mitsuru is a double devil killer sub with the ability to use latent devil killers. Her damage is higher than Mito and Shazel due to higher base attack, but Shazel’s ability to stack other killer latents generally put him on top damage wise. That said, Mitsuru is Blue and has an SBR, which eases up team building in solo and 3p modes.
Her active delays by 1 turn and adds a 5 turn heart skyfall. The skyfall effect can be chained with 2 Mitsuru on the team, but overall it is a low impact active.

Aigis’s 20 true damage x 5 times active is another DMeta Tama
solution. She can be used as a multi target button against tamadras and such, but her animation is slower than regular all target buttons. The other effect of the active is generation of 5 random light orbs. This is helpful for teams that uses only light orbs but can mess up activation of multi-color teams and it is not predictable enough for swipe teams.

The active is a 1 turn 3.5x green burst + orb unlock. Not too bad for tough, board locking spawns like Dark Metatron
but times when you need both effects at once is rare and it’s only 1 turn.

Kuma is basically the second coming of Baggi Cat
, his 25% shield lasts for 9 turns while his CD is 11, for a total ~80% uptime when used as a sub. It’s too bad that Kuma is a terrible as an actual sub, but at least he brings some skill boosts and time extends.

She’s a double orb changer that creates fire and water and clears away hazards. It’s decent for a fire/water leader like Jhoira
but the CD is longer than Urd
who also creates fire and water, clears away hazards, and puts hearts on the board too.
She’s also a x80 single target fire nuke, but there are many nukes that do more damage (even to green targets).
Goro Akechi

Goro is the first 5% true gravity in the game and he has some cheesing applications where he can slip under the damage void while something stronger cannot, for example one can bypass Ena’s
“beat 8 combo shield or die” moveset without comboing by using a Goro inherit to damage her. Gravity aside he’s also a blue to light orb changer.

As a leader, Yuki has a multiplier identical to Rikuu but with different activation requirements. Instead of any 5 colors, Yuki’s lead skill requires 3 specific colors (); instead of 3x ATK/RCV to dragons, Yuki needs to do 6 combos. He also lacks Rikuu’s built-in time extend, making awoken binds more difficult to stall out. Since it’s desirable to run all attributes for skill charge
, a Yuki team isn’t necessarily composed of all blue, light, or red main attribute subs. Even completely off color subs like Ragnarok Dragon
can work.
Yuki is also a fairly good sub in combo and rainbow teams due to double 7c, balanced typing, useful active, and skill charge
. His active is essentially Raijin
but 13 CD thanks to a (mostly useless) nuke component. It’s simple but very practical as it unlocks the board, clears hazards, and guarantees any color activation needed. 13 CD is also relatively low for a skill charge
sub, making him a good inherit base for long CD actives. Keep in mind that Yuki is just an average 7c
sub with mediocre stats if you don’t take advantage of his skill charge
Farming wise a fire attribute nuke based on the team’s total water attack isn’t particularly sought after right now, but it could change if a strong water multiboost base is released.

Yu is the first card to have 2 VDP and deals 6.25x damage when making a box instead of the usual 2.5x, great for farming situations where 7c
or TPA
takes too much effort. Balanced typing on a VDP sub is very desirable for the latent killer flexibility. That said, a 3×3 box is too orb hungry to activate on random boards, so Yu effectively does 1x damage when not making a box, thus he’s not as generally usable when compared VDP subs with double 7c
or killers. Aside from VDP
Yu also provide some team support in form of heart OEs
, though his base RCV is not high enough to make him notable as a dedicated RCV stick on his own.
His leader skill is far more interesting, 4/100/1 multiplier combined with heart OEs on both leads grants great tankiness and decent damage potential. Yu plays similar to LHeradra
as tanky 4x HP 1x RCV leaders that need to blob lights for activation. While he needs 6 lights instead of Lhera’s 5, Yu is much more flexible as he has no typing restrictions, isn’t limited to matching exactly 5 orbs, doesn’t need enhanced orbs, has a SBR, can use VDP
, and brings his own heart OEs
to patch up the 1x RCV. Although Yu has a blob/row leader skill, he can make use of 7c subs like Ideal without too much difficulty thanks to built-in +2s, which also helps when team is awoken bound.
Yu’s active is defense void plus random spawn of 8 light orbs, it’s a reasonably reliable way to get enough orbs for his leader skill & VDP, and bypass enemy defense at the same time.

Ren’s leader skill requires 3 colors and 2 heart combos for a decent but not exceptional 225x. His shield being tied to having 6 hearts orbs on the board makes it difficult to stay alive.
Ren’s active is what makes him standout, especially in a NA context. He has one of the 4 full awoken bind clear active in the game, the other three being Sakura
from Shonen Sunday (which NA will never get), the not inheritable Odindra
, and Jhoira
from MTG. The side effect of 1 turn delay is only useful when the enemy lacks a status shield, but this does include delaying Metatrons
in Alt Arena.
As a sub Ren is a strong addition to the growing pool of Dark FUA subs. Ren’s awakening lineup almost identical to Dark Cotton
save for an extra TE
. Balanced typing gives him flexible killer selection and the ability to cover FUA and awoken bind clear without sacrificing much damage is useful even if his weighted stats aren’t the best.

Elizabeth is seemingly designed to be a tanky 5 orb lead, but her middling multiplier and mediocre awakenings doesn’t give her any particular niche. 3 LAtk gives her similar output as 3 TPA but neither are as strong as 7c. A cloud resist
that can be used in coop is cool but cloud mechanics can usually be worked around with stalling or more time extends, you can get cloud resist
from Jin
or Jhoira’s assist evo
Her active is a bit more unique, being the first color absorb void active that does not mess with the board. There are likely some farming scenarios where this is desired, but teams can usually deal with a bad board from other color absorb voids with an additional board change. She won’t stay unique for long though, as a ranking on JP rewarded Sleipnir
, who is also a color absorb void active that does not mess with the board. Aside from color absorb void, the active is also a full heal + bind clear active similar to Base Ceres
Note: The equips have long cooldowns when unskilled, very nice when you only want the awakenings.

The active is similar to Riza
as both are single target true damage combined with 3 turns of awoken bind clear. It can be used against DMeta Tama
, but 20 damage is not quite enough to kill some variants, forcing you to ping down the rest.
Dia provides 2 autoheals when inherited, similar to Grodin Equip
who also gives that plus some extra stats and an arguably more useful active. Dia is farmable though, so it may be nice to stack several of these for cheesing strategies. There was a JP ranking dungeon where you are limited to 10000 HP with RCV disabled, and having autoheal assists on the team was vital for success.

This is the first inheritable board lock active, it’s useful for stopping spinners and preventing enemy orb changes (until you match away the locked orbs at least). It also clears away hazards.
Bufu provides 2 blue rows, which is useful for meeting damage thresholds on blue farming teams and for increasing Ibaraki
‘s power. If you care about blue farming and don’t have many Legiana Equips
, be sure to grab several.

The active adds +1c for 3 turns and provide 3 turns of Jammer skyfall. 3 turns of +1c is useful for maintaining consistent damage on combo leaders and for dealing with consecutive combo shields in some farming builds but ultimately it’s a low impact effect compared to +2c or +3c. Jammer skyfall provides a way to remove enemy 99 turn jammer or poison skyfalls. Dark Fenrir
can do the same at a much lower CD, but Agidyne is free.
Agidyne adds 20% additional chance to resist board blind and/or poisons
. It’s a situational equip and there are better options from the REM and MH collab like Sasuke Equip
or Rathian Equip
for poison resist and Chiyome Equip
, Hanzo Equip
, or Narga Equip
for blind resist.

The active voids dark attribute damage for a turn and adds 2 turns of full auto heal. Both effects are fairly niche since dark attribute damage void is spawn dependent and auto heal buff cannot instantly activate HP conditional skills like Zeus Verse
The ability to get 10% resist against a color that has a matching color changer
opens up cheesing possibilities, read more about it here. You can also use King Frost Cape to add a bind clear
to something unbindable and create a cleric sub, though a mere 3 turns from heart row isn’t always enough.

Morgana has mediocre stats and an awkward active, but he can provide a good amount of RCV through his 2x heart OEs and 2x team RCV
awakenings. While his leader skill is really orb hungry for a low multiplier, he’s one of the few farmable 7×6 leaders available. These two traits give him an interesting use on Rushana
, where he can function as both a RCV source and the 7×6 swap in leader.
The active can be anything between a 300x rocket launcher or a 50x pea shooter depending on your luck. He is inheritable and hits all targets, so if you have way more multiboost bases than inheritable nukes then getting multiple Morgana might be worthwhile. The other half of his active is random generation of 5 greens, which can be combined with the nuke aspect for fun results.

The twins have the only 9 color board changer in the game, creating . You could combine this active with a
changer like Bufu
to guarantee 12 orbs of the desired color and rainbow activation, but that requires subbing the twins directly as they are uninheritable. 20% gravity is alright, but you should just make a Hera
or Zera
Unless you intend on completing this machine out of love for the Persona franchise, I wouldn’t bother with more than one or two rolls.
As usual these 4 GFE trades are luxury, none of them does anything revolutionary but if you have some unwanted GFEs it might be worth.
Ren Amamiya is a great sub and situationally better/more fitting than Odindra
, plus inheritable full awoken bind is rare in general.
Yu Narukami can clear current endgame content with high consistency, but note that NA does not have access to Aladdin
, one of his best subs. See Cate’s Alt Arena guide for some sample teams.
Yuki is a nice sub for rainbow teams and Elizabeth fills some niches, but I don’t think they are worth trading 4 GFEs for.
[speech name=aFireBlaze]I wouldn’t be rolling a couple of packs in this collab if I was not a fanboy.
There’s really not much worth aside from a few exceptions for farming, and even then they still prove niche. The real prize are the farmable equips in this dungeon.[/speech]
great review! I find all your reviews very informative and useful. keep it up! 🙂
Good review and you’re really cute btw uwu
always looking for any post from this site~ great job as usual!
Is this event going to come back? Am a fangirl of Persona so I would like a second shot.
Until GungHo make this collab happen again, no one will know! I certainly hope it’ll come back as well! 🙂