Prepare for Alt Grotesque Being – Know the differences

| Sep. 9, 2019 | 4,238 views |   0    

Alt Grotesque Being is the buffed up version of the normal Grotesque Being (A5). Most floors share the same spawn with similar movesets and a bit of differences. Some additional mechanics might force you to stall on a previously one-shot floors so extra caution is needed if you never stalled on those spawns before.

This cheatsheet assumes you are extremely familiar with the normal version of Grotesque Being (A5) and only serve as a comparison of the spawns. Don’t take this as a comprehensive guide.

Here I will outline most of the changes in my opinion are often overlooked but dangerous especially if you are too familiar with A5 together with my own comments after running AA3 numerous times. Unchanged mechanics like resolves will not be mentioned. Common details like increased HP or Damage are left out except if they cause threat. Pay extra attentions to attributes marked with ★ and be sure to have a counter for them.

In the next post you will see details of all the new spawns and discussions on how to tackle them.

Floor 1 – 5

Floor 1
  • ★ HP 6 → 8
  • ★ ATK 23k x4 → 52k x4
  • Def 100m → 133m
An increase of HP to 8 might cause problem especially when you can’t oneshot them with a main attribute mass attack. They now also deals 52k damage x4
Floor 2
  • Preempts locks all orbs instead of 10
  • Preempts a 6 combo shield
  • ★  Resolves also triggers a 1 turn Heart unmatchable debuff in addition to an enhance and full heal
He has relatively low HP and will lock all orbs on first turn. Unless you have an L unlock, planned to spend an unlock active or lucky to have 5 hearts on board, it is very easy to trigger his resolves while clearing locked orbs for FUA. Triggering his resolve will push his damage to 110k – 130k per turn.
  • Preempts a 90% shield instead of 75%
  • Preempts a 999 turn status shield instead of 3 turns
The 90% shield pushes her effective HP to 364mil (Cthugua in A5 has 400mil for comparison). If you decide to oneshot her make sure you do it right and don’t put her into enrage at 20%.
Floor 3
  • Preempts 55020 instead of 27183
  • Preempts a RGB+Jammer board instead of RGB+Heart
  • ★ Preempts a 95% shield instead of 75%
The 95% shield pushes his effective HP to 422mil. If you hit him to <90% on first turn he will tape the bottom row instead of an attack boost.
  • Bind all cards for 3 turns instead of randomly 2 cards
Not a very dangerous spawn.
Floor 4
  • ★ Def 367k → 30mil
30mil defense with 80% shield makes it very easy to trigger the half HP moveset (4 secs TE debuff x 7 turns AND 100% gravity). Make sure you have enough attacking orbs and PDC beforehand. Otherwise, grind him down.
  • ★ Def 367k → 30mil
  • Preempts also absorb Dark in addition to Water
Normally your last dark subattribute could heal him up to full but rarely here because of the defense. If your last subattribute is dark, consider doing a FUA.
  • ★ Def 367k → 30mil
  • Preempts also absorb Dark in addition to Fire
  • Preempts increase Mortal Poison skyfall by 20% x 2 turns instead of 15% x 1 turn
Same as BOdin, except you get to endure 2 turns of mortal poison skyfall.
Floor 5
  • ★ Def 10mil → 30mil
  • ATK 45000 x1 → 67500 x2
They now spawn in pair. 30mil defense isn’t a low number and don’t get smashed.

Floor 6 – 9

Floor 6
  • ★ Also preempts a 999 turns 8mil void shield
He is a now a a very early spawn with resolve, void shield, low HP enrage and timed execution. Have fun.
  • Preempts a 7 combo shield instead of 5 combo for 99 turns
  • Also preempts a no skyfall debuff for 5 turns
  • Lock all orbs instead of Light and Dark
There are many ways to counter the no skyfall debuff & a 7c shield, but since he doesn’t hit hard, my advice is to stall out the debuff to make the later floors easier.
Floor 7
  • Also preempts a 15 turn spinner (1 spot, 2 sec)
  • Preempts poisons skyfall are 25% x 15 turns instead of 20% x 15 turns
Same deal as A5 with a even stronger poison skyfall and a long lasting slow spinner. Strongly advise to bring a hazard skyfall clear against Hinomitsuha.
  • ★★ Preempts 100% gravity instead of 99% before leader swap.
Dark resist latent if your lead doesn’t have a on LS shield otherwise it’s a guaranteed death.
Floor 8
  • Preempts now also tape top row in addition to bottom row
The only reason to bring tape resist.
  • Preempt 8 combo shield instead of 7 combo
  • Preempt TE lowered to 150% x 20 turns from 200% x 20 turns
  • Def 1792 → 20mil
Not a strong spawn comparatively. Increased defense with HP makes it very awkward because it is easy to put her into enrage. 8c shield can be “solved” by luck if you want to save some actives for latter floors. She is still using the old movesets afterall.
Floor 9
  • Preempts now reduce RCV by 75% x 10 turns instead of 50% x 10 turns
Moved from original F10, replaced Santa Claus. The RCV debuff (and poison skyfall from Hinomitsuha) can shut down a lot of teams relying on Heart OE for healing, but most people probably won’t or can’t bring a RCV buff/debuff to overwrite it.
  • Preempts now reduce TE by 2secs x 99 turns instead of 1sec x 99 turns
  • Hits 62481 if you have a TE buff (from Titania or etc) or debuff
  • Def 3880 → 24.4mil
Almost permanently reduces your TE by 2sec unless you have an overwrite. With the spinner from Hinomitsuha this could kill a lot of unprepared players. Got buffed to same tier of defense as the Odins, however she is devil type she might not pose threats to most of the team.

Floor 10 (Galliam / Zweihander)

New spawns. See Part 2 for more detail information.

Floor 11 – 15

Floor 11
  • Preempts a full heart board and 68292 before bomb
  • Heals to 100% and 3 turns awoken bind from resolve instead of 50% and 1 turn
No idea why they want to remove your board on first turn. The changed resolves moveset kills the old oneshot twice tactic. 
  • Preempts a 7 combo shield instead of 5 combo shield
  • Preempts 10 turns 50% locked skyfall instead of locked Light and Water skyfall
  • Delay 6 turns instead of 3 turns at full HP
Not a large change, but the delays definitely hurt a lot now if you couldn’t pull a 8 combo solve.
Floor 12
  • Def 400k → 10mil
  • Preempt remove all buffs (or hit 17280)
Increased defense makes it go from argurably able to damage control to requiring an absorb void active. Not a bad floor to stall for active if your lead has a easy activatable shield for the 150% gravity every 3 turns.
  • Preempts a 99% gravity
Nothing special except doubled damage from A5. A very mild spawn in comparison and good floor to stall for active.
Floor 13
  • Haste at 99% HP
  • Trigger resolves also put up a 6 combo shield
The haste of 99% HP makes it much harder to stall. At full HP she also awoken bind so she becomes a rather nasty spawn if you don’t have a two turn damage absorb void.
  • Preempts a 8 combo shield instead of 7 combo
  • Preempts 200% x 10 turns TE buff instead of 150% x 10 turns
  • Triggering resolves heals to 100% instead of 50%
  • Def 1536 → 17.8mil
Healing back to 100% means you can’t use the old tactic to three-shot him. Increased defense also makes it kind of hard to chip it down. Remember he still puts up a 5mil damage absorb and 10 turns leader change on the 9th turn.
Floor 14


Slightly increased damage, otherwise no change.
  • Preempts a 6 combo shield instead of 4 combo shield
  • Def 1280 →  10mil
Halves damage from Healer & Attacker might greatly reduce your damage against her with the increased defense. Pay extra attention if you are not familiar with her moveset.
Floor 15
  • ★ Def 10mil → 30mil
  • ATK 45000 x1 → 67500 x2
Same as Floor 5. 

Floor 16 – 17

Floor 16
  • Also preempts 1 turn awoken bind 
  • Also reduce 50% damage from Devil type
This definitely eats either a board active or an awoken unbind (w/ poison resist). 
  • Preempts a 100375 instead of 60833
He just hits harder.
Floor 17
  • Preempts 102960 instead of 72800
  • ★★ Preempts a 2 turn Light unmatchable debuff
If your team is Light based and doesn’t have a counter for this, then you will eat the 99% gravity + 28000 follow up hit on the first turn and a random 75k hit on the second turn and might not survive. 
  • Has lower HP than A5 version
  • Also preempts a 7 combo shield for 999 turns
  • ★ Also preempts 10 turns no skyfall debuff
Strongly advised to stall out the no skyfall debuff. The lingering effect is very detrimental on Radar dragons. With resolves it is not easy to set up a VDP/FUA 8c set up. If you still decide to oneshot him I hope you have enough active saved.

Floor 18 (Radar 5)

New Spawns. See Part 2 for more detail information.

Floor 19 – 21

Floor 19
  • Also reduce 50% damage from Water in addition to Wood
624mil effective HP for water and fire teams. Doesn’t do anything extraordinary.
  • Also reduce 50% damage from Wood in addition to Fire
936mil effective HP for wood and water teams. One skill sets binds all cards for 10 turns instead of random 3 cards for 10 turns. 
  • Also reduce 50% damage from Dark in addition to Light
  • Haste at 90% instead of 70%.
1560mil effective HP for dark teams. Still hits pretty hard but stallable pre haste. 
Floor 20
  • Also reduce 50% damage from Light in addition to Dark
3000mil effective HP for light teams. Hits 120k every movesets.
  • Also reduce 50% damage from Fire in addition to Water.
1600mil effective HP for fire and wood teams. If you decide to grind away the resolves, at 50% (resolves) hits 158k which can kill a lot of teams especially after gravity.


New spawn. The only reason you should be running AA3.  See Part 2 for more detail information.
Floor 21



Hit slightly harder than A5. Don’t die to Gaslo’s poison skyfall.

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