[Resource] Radar Dragon Descended (Kunpoo & Friends) – Farming Builds! [Updated]

| Aug. 30, 2019 | 2,243 views |   0    
, also helped!

[Updated with ultimate build] Builds for this year’s Radar Dragons! We never thought we’d need to publish this, but I guess it’s time since NA now has them as guerrilla dungeons!

Note that these farming teams were for Japan version, compiled by Appgle. Use your creativity to make them work for NA server, if a card isn’t available! Do keep in mind that these aren’t the only clear team possible.

Note: As all the summary below are manually done, errors are possible. Check the corresponding videos if you feel something seems off. (Be nice if you do comment, this page took a whole week!)

If there’s enough demand, I may come back and add more to the post. Feel free to share working builds/videos in comment section too, these builds are at least 3 months old!

Featured image source: @subachoco

Kunpoo Descended

Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 2321 (3311) 2785 (3775)
ATK 2309 (2804) 2771 (3266)
RCV 394 (691) 473 (770)

Dungeon links: PDX Database, Skyozora | Blog post

[5175] Sakura Flamedragon, Kunpoo

Attacker / Dragon

Active Skill: Recover 50% of max HP; For 1 turn, 4x ATK for Fire Att.
(40 ➧ 15)

Leader Skill: 1.5x HP for Fire Att.; 4x ATK for Dragon type; 5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 6 or more colors (5+heal)
[2.25/400/1, 75%]

Kaede x Kaede

YouTube Video x 25. All cards +297 except for the mask.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Zela , ensure to activate and 6 or less orbs remain.
2 B Dios , Carat , Hunter
3 A Dios , Eugeo , Demon Mask
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

(Sword Art Online collab)
Any double row changers such as Chad

Violet Demon Mask

if another present

(Yo-kai Watch World collab)

Saline x Zeus Verse

YouTube Video x 36. All cards +297. Note that Saline = Lv. 110, x3. Ensure Zeus Verses are skilled.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Slimamander , Zeus Verse , Zeus Verse
2 B Kirito , Zeus – Giga
3 A Sheena , Verche , Eugeo , Demon Mask , 7 combos with .
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Nameless Blade, Masamune

(Yo-kai Watch World collab)
Hades or any 30%+ gravity

Unnamed Blade
(Sword Art Online collab)
(Ensure x4)

(Sword Art Online collab)
Any unlock orb active
Sheena & Verche
Any 2 cards whose active results in full Light board. Example: Ilm + Light Cotton

(Sword Art Online collab)
Any double row changers to make 7 combos + , such as Chad

Violet Demon Mask

Zeus Giga

YouTube Video x 36. All cards +297.

I’ve skipped the details for this one as no assist details were provided – Check the video to see what they did though!

Male Hunter (Auroros Gear) x Kaede

YouTube Video x 27. All cards +297. Note that Kaede has x3, Yusuke has x3.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Yusuke , Dios , Mel
2 B Dios , Rathalos X Gear , Carat , stack combos
3 A Zeus-Giga , Auroros Gear Hunter , 8 combos with activated.
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Valentines Carat

Yusuke Urameshi
(Yu Yu Hakusho collab)
Saline (Lv. 110) with or , for boss stage

Any card with such as Rushana


Valentines Chocolate, Kraken Rider, Unicorn Rider, etc. for


Rathalos X Gear Hunter
(Monster Hunter collab)
Klein or any non-Wood row maker

Amen x Echidna

[ Twitter Video ] A build by Tadashige. A bit more whale.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Kamen Raider Double (assist) , MGoemon , Mel
2 B Surtr
3 A Surtr , Morrigu , Jin , 7 combos with activated.

Unma Descended

Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 2659 (3649) 3191 (4181)
ATK 2660 (3155) 3192 (3687)
RCV 80 (377) 96 (393)

Dungeon links: PDX Databse, Skyozora | Blog post

[5177] Azure Riverdragon, Unma

Attacker / Dragon

Active Skill: Reduce HP by 50%; Deal 200x Water damage to an enemy; Reduce binds and awoken skill binds by 4 turns
(32 ➧ 7)

Leader Skill: 6x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 9 or more connected Water orbs; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when 5 or more combos
[1/324/1, 68.36%]

Zeus Verse x Zeus Verse

YouTube Video x 34. All cards +297. Note that Saline = Lv. 110, x3. Ensure Zeus Verses are skilled.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Zeus – Giga
2 B Light Dog Dragon , Slimamander , Zeus Verse , Zeus Verse
3 B Swipe
  A Carat , Saline , Brachydios , 5 combos with (making a VDP using the bottom row orbs and ignore the top but make sure it doesn’t goes to light)
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Any other form of Carat works, e.g. Valentine Carat

Light Dog Dragon

Raphael (Not Awoken/Revo), Jean Kirstein , Sylph

*If you use Raphael, you can replace a Whaledor with Zera , but make sure to check skill level and on the team

Hades or any 30%+ gravity

Amen x Amen

YouTube Video Saline with Devil Killer Latents, and LL Yusuke with 3 Dragon Killer Latents. Non-IAP Team B.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Carat , Saline
2 B Light Jorm (Poison), Light Dog Dragon , Assassin , Amen(Asuna )
3 A 0 combo
  B Pass
  A Zeus – Giga , Halloween Zaerog , 7 combos with activated

Yog-Sothoth x Zeus Verse

YouTube Video Yog with 3 Devil Killer Latents. Empty slot between Light Dog Dragon and Myr is a Violet Demon Mask .

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Yog-Sothoth , Amaterasu , Carat
2 B Light Dog Dragon , Demon Mask (same skill as Morrigu), use Myr when the top row changes to Light orbs and make a Heart 3×3 using the Light orbs (for )
3 A Pass
  B Blue Gadget , 0 combo
  A Saline , Jean Kirstein , 5 combos with .
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Any full HP healer

Any other form of Carat works, e.g. Valentine Carat

Light Dog Dragon
Raphael (Not Awoken/Revo), Jean Kirstein , Sylph

Violet Demon Mask

Kirin x Zeus Verse

YouTube Video Saline with 3 Dragon Killer Latents.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Zeus – Giga , Kamen Raider Double
2 B Light Dog Dragon , Zera , Van Crow , Zeus Verse
3 B Swipe
  A Saline , Shinpachi’s Glasses (assist) , 4 combos with activated.
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Light Dog Dragon
Raphael (Not Awoken/Revo), Jean Kirstein , Sylph

Rokks Descended

Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 3548 (4538) 4258 (5248)
ATK 1993 (2488) 2392 (2887)
RCV 213 (510) 256 (553)

Dungeon links: PDX Database, Skyozora | Blog post

[5179] Howling Stormdragon, Rokks

Attacker / Dragon

Active Skill: Lock Heal orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, and Dark orbs
(34 ➧ 9)

Leader Skill: 3.5x ATK for each cross of 5 Fire, Wood, Dark orbs; 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching Fire, Wood, Dark at once
[1/29419.1104/1, 43.75%]

Saline x Zeus – Giga

YouTube Video x 30 (29+ required). All cards +297. Saline has 3 Attacker Killer Latents.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Saline , Manticore
2 B Odindra , Zeus – Giga
3 A Carat , Zeus – Giga , 4 combos with activated.
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Nameless Blade, Masamune
Valkyrie Ciel (Assist) , Zweilhander (Assist)

Any other form of Carat works, e.g. Valentine Carat

Team A’s Zeus – Giga
Saline with Unnamed Blade

Unnamed Blade
Rathios (assist) , Kirin (assist)


Sakura Matou , GOdin or any cards that heals 5 or more turns of Awoken Skill Bind

Saline x Zeus Verse

YouTube Video x 35. All cards +297 on Team A, and only Zeus Verse is 297. Saline has 3 Attacker Killer Latents.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Saline , Manticore
2 B Odindra , Barioth X Gear , Sheena , Verche
3 A Carat , Zeus – Giga , 4 combos with .
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Nameless Blade, Masamune
Valkyrie Ciel (Assist) , Zweilhander (Assist)

Any other form of Carat works, e.g. Valentine Carat

Team A’s Zeus – Giga
Saline with Unnamed Blade

Unnamed Blade
Rathios (assist) , Kirin (assist)


Sakura Matou , GOdin or any cards that heals 5 or more turns of Awoken Skill Bind

Sheena + Verche
Avalon Drake + Fuma Kotaro or any other that makes a full Light board.

Scheat x Zeus Verse

[ Source: Altema ]

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A MGoemon , Rodin
2 B Dios , Kanan , Carat
3 A MGoemon , 4 combos with activated.
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Manticore , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Chibi Lilith
* Needs additional

MGoemon (Boss floor)
Beach Goemon , Uvo Goemon (Will need Assist)


Balboa , Spica (with 3 God Killer Latents), Ilmina (replace Dios with Fire full board)

Masamune (assist)

Assists with Attacker or God Killer.


Any 5-turn Awoken Skill Bind recovery.

Any other form of Carat works, e.g. Valentine Carat

Whippe Descended

Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 3058 (4048) 3670 (4660)
ATK 1205 (1700) 1446 (1941)
RCV 930 (1227) 1116 (1413)

Dungeon links: PDX Database, Skyozora | Blog post

[5181] Sacred Fruitdragon, Whippe

Healer / Dragon

Active Skill: For 5 turns, reduce damage taken by 30%; Delay enemies for 1 turns
(37 ➧ 12)

Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 3+ Light combos; 4x ATK when matching 5 or more connected non Light orbs
[1/256/1, 75%]

Zera x Zeus Verse (Gravity Build)

[ From Twitter ] One of the awesome builds, just gravity all the way through. Shown are base Zeus Verse which works.


Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Zera , Zeus Verse , Trailokyavijaya
2 A Akuma , Zeus Verse , Zeus Verse
3 A Pass
  B Shelling Ford , Hades , Zeus Verse , Zeus Verse

Zeus – Giga x Zeus Verse

YouTube Video x 35. All cards +297.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Carat , Zeus – Giga
2 B Wood PreDRA (Fujin), Coca-Cola TAMADRA (full heal), Sheena , Verche
3 A Shelling Ford , Slimamander , Zeus Verse x 2
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Any other form of Carat works, e.g. Valentine Carat

Hades or any 30%+ gravity

Wood PreDRA
Any damage absorb void actives within 35 turns

Any cards with full HP healing active

Sheena + Verche
Ilm + Light Cotton or any 2 that makes a full Light board.

Amen x Amen

[ Source: Altema ]

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A MGoemon , Assassin , 7 combos
2 B Lugh , MGoemon , Eugeo , 7 combos
3 A Satan , Eugeo , 7 combos with activated.
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Lumiel, DMeta

Whaledor (either side)


Any non-Fire spawning double row changer is fine.

Eugeo (Team A)

Any non-Dark spawning double row changer is fine.

Eugeo (Team B)

Any non-Fire spawning double row changer is fine.


Any damage absorb nullify active.

Zebun Descended

Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 3580 (4570) 4296 (5286)
ATK 2425 (2920) 2910 (3405)
RCV 43 (340) 52 (349)

Dungeon links: PDX Databse, Skyozora | Blog post

[5183]Devil Prince, Zebun

Devil / Attacker

Active Skill: Poison all enemies (80x ATK); For 3 turns, Dark orbs are more likely to appear by 15%
(37 ➧ 12)

Leader Skill: [Fixed 4 second movetime]; 6x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 5 Water or Dark orbs in L shape; 3x ATK when 5 or more combos
[1/324/1, 43.75%]

Amen x Zeus Verse

YouTube Video Bigfoot requires 2 Attacker Killer Latents.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Saline , Manticore
2 B Yomi , Zeus – Giga
3 A Zeus – Giga , Eugeo , 7 combos with .
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Zeus – Giga

Reeche (Assist)

Rodin , Chibi Lilith


Fenrir Viz with 3 God or Attacker Killer Latents, Sherias Roots , Rei Sirius with 3 Attacker Killer Latents

Ganesha , Light Horus or any actives that enhances Light orb or damage buffs like Carat

Zera x Zeus Verse (Gravity Build)

[ From Twitter ] Awesome build, just gravity all the way through.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Zera , Zeus Verse , Trailokyavijaya
2 A Hades , Zeus Verse , Zeus Verse
3 A Pass
  B Shelling Ford , Hades , Zeus Verse , Zeus Verse

Yusuke x Zeus Verse

YouTube Video LL Yusuke has 3 Devil Killer Latents.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A

Carat , MZeus , Hera-Nyx , Saline , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Zeus Verse

2 A Swipe
3 B Yusuke , 1 combo with .
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Kamen Rider Double

Akuma’s Prayer Beads
MZeus (Skill Lv.1 with any works (total 37 turns or above)

Reeche (Assist)
Zeus – Giga Assist or any equips with bind resists and a 20 or more turns active

Kaede x Kaede

YouTube Video Noahdra and Blodin have 3 Devil Killer Latents.

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Noahdra , Kamen Raider Double (assist)
2 B Satan
3 A MNoah , Shinpachi’s Glasses (assist) (or any active making a green row, e.g. Acala )

Saline x Zeus Verse (Easy Team B)

YouTube Video x 18. All cards +297 on Team A. Saline needs to be Lv.110, with 2 Devil Killers and 1 Attacker Killer Latent. Easy Team B, doesn’t need to be 297 on that side!

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Awoken Thor , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Saline
2 B Saline
3 A Yusuke , 1 combo with .
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Masamune (assist)

Reeche (Assist)
Zeus – Giga Assist , Nicol Bolas (assist) , Yato Umbrella , Zela’s Hat , Asuna (assist) , Kamen Rider #1 (assist) , Blizzaria (assist) , Mut (assist)

Gintoki (Assist)
Akuma (assist) , Karin Shindou (assist) , Vraska (assist) , Yama Tsukami (assist) , Nergigante (assist) , Yuuki (assist)

[JP] The Universal Build

A build by Ogre. This one build works for all 5 dungeons.

Gravity it all

YouTube Video

Floor Player Guide (in exact order)
1 A Super Awoken Machine Zeus , Zeus Verse , Zeus Verse
2 A Akuma , Zeus Verse , Zeus Verse
3 A Pass
  B Van Crow , Hera-Nyx , Hera-Nyx
Card in sample team Possible substitutions

Reeche (Assist)
Zeus – Giga Assist , Nicol Bolas (assist) , Yato Umbrella , Zela’s Hat , Asuna (assist) , Kamen Rider #1 (assist) , Blizzaria (assist) , Mut (assist)

Akuma (Assist)
Gintoki (assist) , Karin Shindou (assist) , Vraska (assist) , Yama Tsukami (assist) , Nergigante (assist) , Bride Zela (assist)

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