Shinrabansho Choco & Kapibara-san Collabs, Demystified.

| Jan. 14, 2019 | 930 views |   3    
, also helped!

We all know Shinrabansho collab and by extension Kapibara-san collab, but most of you outside of Japan may have no idea about it. Let’s talk about interesting and less-known things about the collabs in PAD!

[ Featured art credit ]

Shinrabansho chocolate

Shinrabansho Chocolate (choco) (神羅万象チョコ) in real life is a series of chocolate wafers packed with collectible cards, produced by Bandai. Each card has a character illustration and unique stats/personality at the back of the card. These are generally sold in hobby stores and supermarkets across Japan, for 100 yen (+tax, which comes to ~1 USD)! The candy has sold over 100,000,000 packs of wafers since 2005.

In many hobby stores you can find sections where people resell the rarer ones (think regular trading cards).

Find out more here (English), or see the official site (Japanese)!

The two collabs in PAD

Shinrabansho Choco


Many of you know Shinrabansho only as collab, and it’s one of the few collabs that reran 10+ times on the Japanese server.

The collab officially started on April 15, 2013. If you want a comparison, North America server started on November 8, 2012, and Europe server (now gone) started on October 9, 2013. This collab is actually older than EU server, isn’t that crazy?

Now here’s a chart of the reruns on the Japanese server. What surprised myself too is that the collab technically reran for more than 10 times! You will also find that collabs start time has changed from 12am to 10am over the years.

Banner, Date & Time [JP]
Notable Additions
2013 | 4/15 12am ~ 4/28 11:59pm

First announced during 10 Million Downloads celebration (2013 3/12~3/22)! All farmable cards and 1 set of dungeon available. No Egg Machines.

were added to Pal Egg Machine during event, with Evo materials.

2013 | 7/12 12am ~ 7/14 11:59pm
48 Hour Revival

Revival, as part of 16 Million Downloads event (Same event as debut for Tengu Descended, when it required 12 cost or lower for subs).

2x drop rate for dungeon on last day.

in Pal Egg Machine again.

2013 | 10/14 12am ~ 10/20 11:59pm
2nd Rerun

 Some consider this as the first run of the collab. 

Revival as part of 19 Million Downloads event (Debut of Takeminakata Descended and Beelzebub Descended). Dungeon (Masterion as boss) updated, enemies changed.

in Pal Egg Machine again.

2014 | 1/13 12am ~ 1/19 11:59pm
3rd Rerun (4th return)

Dungeon boss changed from

to evolved form

in Pal Egg Machine again.

2014 | 3/15 12am ~ 3/16 11:59pm
48 Hour Revival

Revival for 48 hours as part of 24 Million Downloads event (Debut of Gaia Descended).

in Pal Egg Machine again.

2014 | 6/29 12am ~ 6/29 11:59pm
24 Hour Revival

Revival for 24 hours only, as part of Shinrabansho Choco Niconico Live Stream.

Dungeon score system added, 2x drop rate, and 2x invade rate of Saiga.

2015 | 3/30 12am ~ 4/12 11:59pm
5th Rerun

Rare Egg Machine introduced.
Announced during 3rd Anniversary Stream. PADW also had the collab! Mythical level added to dungeon, with cards added as farmables.

2015 | 8/3 10am ~ 8/9 11:59pm
6th Rerun

2016 | 1/11 10am ~ 1/17 11:59pm
7th Rerun

Sakuya Another became available in Monster Point store (300,000 MP), and continued to return since. She’s also the only 8 in the Egg Machine…

2016 | 7/4 10am ~ 7/10 11:59pm
8th Rerun
Related image2017 | 3/13 10am ~ 3/13 11:59pm
9th Rerun

Limited time revival for 14 hours!

2017 | 9/11 10am ~ 9/18 9:59pm
10th Rerun

This was with boosted rates in the REM depending on the day.


Strangely enough, Kapibara-san collab (カピバラさん コラボ) usually tags along. Both collabs started around the same time!

Banner, Date & Time [JP]
Notable Additions

2013 | 4/29 12am ~ 5/12 11:59pm
This started directly after debut of Shinrabansho Choco Collab.
2013 | 12/16 12am ~ 12/22 11:59pm Second run.

| 3/9 12am ~ 3/15 11:59pm
added, Score system introduced.

Collab extended to PADW.

2015 | 8/3 10am ~ 3/15 9:59pm
2016 | 1/11 10am ~ 1/17 9:59pm
2016 | 7/4 10am ~ 7/10 9:59pm
2017 | 3/13 10am ~ 3/13 11:59pm
2017 | 9/11 10am ~ 9/18 9:59pm

Along with Shinrabansho Choco Collab, 6th rerun. Ever since this rerun, the two collabs come together!

North American server

Compared to the 10+ reruns on JP, NA server only had the collab 6 times. The collab started a year later than JP, and is more of a condensed version. Collabs on NA server always start at 12am, unlike JP that switched over to 10am.

Banner, Date & Time [NA]
Notable Additions

| 10/6 12am ~ 10/19 9:59pm

Debut on NA, combination of first 3 runs on JP.

[Facebook link]

| 7/6 12am ~ 7/19 9:59pm
1st Rerun

Returned with the Rare Egg Machine (similar to 5th rerun on JP)

[Facebook link]

| 1/4 12am ~ 1/17 9:59pm
2nd Rerun
Same as 6th rerun on JP.

[Facebook link]

2016 | 6/6 12am ~ 6/12 9:59pm
3rd Rerun
Same as 7th rerun on JP.

[Facebook link]

| 6/19 12am ~ 6/25 11:59pm
4th Rerun
[Facebook link]

| 11/6 12am ~ 11/12 9:59pm
5th Rerun
[Facebook link]

Kapibara-san collab actually debuted in North American server before Shinrabansho choco did!

Banner, Date & Time [NA]
Notable Additions

| 9/8 12am ~ 9/21 9:59pm
NA Debut. [Facebook link]
[​IMG]2015 | 7/20 12am ~ 7/26 9:59pm Started after Shinrabansho collab, not at the same time.

| 1/4 12am ~ 1/17 9:59pm
2016 | 6/6 12am ~ 6/12 9:59pm
2017 | 6/19 12am ~ 6/25 11:59pm
2017 | 11/6 12am ~ 11/12 9:59pm
Reruns along with Shinrabansho collab.

Fun facts from 2013 to 2017

The Wafer Man hate

In the good old days, the collab’s existence was probably skilling up one of the following to many people:




Dragon Rider


Nowadays you might think, “Yeah I’ll just grab some King Tans and some fodders to skill the cards up! Except:

  • Not 100% drop. They are not even 100% chance to spawn.
  • Tedious evolutions. Most skillup fodders needs to be leveled and evolved before feeding.
  • 2x Skillup rate was rare, and only during events. There were no other ways to skill up cards, and nothing gave 100% skillup back then.

Example: Skilling up Astaroth

For example, to skill up

Astaroth (which by the way has 10 skill levels), you need to do the following:

  1. Farm Kaguya, probably on a 2x drop rate day.
  2. Feed enough EXP to max level Kaguya. (If you don’t have enough, you’ll have to farm weekday dungeons)
  3. Evolve Kaguya to Princess Kaguya. (And if you don’t have evo materials, go farm some before hand on the corresponding weekday. There’s no Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri dungeons on weekend, and no trade function)
  4. Feed the Princess Kaguyas to Astaroth, and pray to RNG god that you will get some skill up.
  5. Repeat until you max skill ONE card.

So you take the time to farm a bunch of wafers, evolve them, then feed… to get 0 skillups. All frustrated players would love to do this:

This was also the first collab I stoned stamina to farm for Shiva’s skillup, which was a rare spawn and not 100% drop. I managed to farm 2 total, and got no skillups. Sometimes I wonder why I kept playing…

The Three Dungeons

Many of you noticed there are actually three dungeons listed for Shinrabansho collab on PDX:

1. Shinrabansho Choco Collab, that has 4 difficulties only, with 

Blazing Apollo as boss.

2. Shinrabansho Choco Collab, with

Masterion as boss.

3. Shinrabansho Choco Collab 2, with

Kagato as boss.

The first came with the initial release of collab (2013/04/15), and the second one was from introduction of Masterion and replaced the first dungeon. Added on 5th rerun (2015/03/30) was the last dungeon, when the Rare Egg Machine was introduced to introduce the new skillup materials.

Batman collab & ID difference between JP/NA

Depending on the server, early cards from Shinrabansho Choco collab may have different IDs! The same Japanese ID from Shinrabansho collab will give cards from Batman collab on NA server (and vice versa)!

In short, 669-680, 924-935, and 1049-1058 played a little switcheroo. Very fortunately there were same number of cards though.

Counting is hard

Because of the numbering difference, on NA server you’d get weird things like this, where

Light Dragon King Saiga (#1050) ultimate evolves into Awoken Light Dragon King Saiga, who has a lower number ID (#716). Evolved Saiga’s ID is #672 on Japanese server, which is more logical.

Note that Skyozora uses JP numbering, and Puzzle Dragon X (PDX), being an North America (NA) server-focused database, uses the NA numbering. Other example of weird numbering is Crows x Worst collab (which was reskinned to Voltron on NA), I can talk about that another day.

Apollo confusion

This really, is the most Apollos you can find in one collab. On 4th run of the collab (2014) there were even more Apollos added, and this was shown since the other two were Uvo forms.

Shinrabansho choco & Kapibara-san?

Perhaps the biggest mystery is how these two actually relate. The two series were released in PAD back to back in 2013, then eventually both collabs come together. Interestingly, the two series actually collaborated in 2015, you could get Kapibara cards with the wafers.

We believe it’s simply a three-way collab of Bandai/Tryworks/GungHo, which cptkicksville (site owner of Shinrabansho chocolate fan-made site) has kindly confirmed in comments with very detailed explanation!

Kapibara-san Collab in PADW

Less known, but in 2015 there was collab in PADW as well! [Source]

PADW x Kapibara-san merchandise

They really exist, and they are cute. Most of them are pretty hard to find unless you search in Yahoo Auctions (Japan only).

Plushies, 1,600 yen each (December 2013). You can take the hat off / Kapibara-san can be removed from the egg shell! [Source]:

Small figurines from claw machines in arcades (December 2013) [Source]:

PADW version of plushies, from UFO catchers at arcade (June 2015) [Source]:

File folder and pins (2015, from my own collection).

Side note: I’ll make a separate post on my PAD collection at some point.

This really is an old collab.

You know it’s old when you see screenshots like this [Source]…

Cards we will miss (if we never get this again)

Van Crow
was originally wanted for the 40% gravity, especially way before Hera Nyx‘s time.

Hakuren was an amazing card during the Light meta. The active still hasn’t aged much…

Kanan has the first no skyfall active in PAD, and to be honest, her active is relevant to this day!

Kagato shined in one Ranking dungeon as a 200x ATK nuke. It may not be useful elsewhere, but it’s certainly one of the most notable niche farmable cards in PAD.

Final comments

Though some don’t like the art style, Shinrabansho Choco collab really is one long-lasting collab in PAD. This is especially true since recent collabs in PAD do not offer this many reruns anymore – They are all once or never. It’s unfortunate that most cards in this collab didn’t age well too. I personally wish they did more with Kapibara collab, but that’s my girly brain talking… Let’s hope we see it once again this year, before the franchise discontinues!

Edit: THE COLLAB CAME BACK YAY! With lots of buffs!!

Let me know in comments if you’d like to see posts like this about other collabs!

3 Replies to “Shinrabansho Choco & Kapibara-san Collabs, Demystified.”

  1. Hi, I run the Shinra Bansho World English fan site linked here. Thank you for featuring my site, I hope you don’t mind if I link this page to mine in the future for reference as well. 🙂

    I’ll try to clarify the deal with the Kapibara-san collab:

    They do not really have a direct relation to each other and are from different companies – indeed, they collabed, and then they collabed the collab, in the other collab. Ahem. Well, I’ll break it down further:

    In 2015, the then-current Shinra Bansho chapter, Ikki Kasei no Shou (where Kagato is main character), was a bit experimental, in that they changed the usual release format. Every year would usually have one story installment under a specific name, and four volumes, released quarterly. Ikki Kasei changed this to three volumes, but increased the card count per volume to allow room for collaboration cards, which had never been done before.

    -This allowed for the previous Puzzle & Dragons artwork to be printed as physical Shinra Bansho cards.
    -The Kapibara-san card featuring Alma was included with Ikki Kasei Volume 2. During that time, to get the Polaris card with art by the Kapibara-san artist, you had to mail in points that came with Shinra Bansho packs.
    -There was a third collaboration with Mister Donut, where there were two special cards you could get at their locations (this is probably the most elusive, as the official site doesn’t mention them anywhere now)

    Since there was a Shinra Bansho collab and a Kapibara-san collab in Puzzle & Dragons, and then Shinra Bansho collabed with Kapibara-san, it seems they put them together to allow the Alma and Polaris art to be used.

    So yes, that’s the only reason they’re joined at the hip in Puzzle & Dragons – they have nothing to do with each other aside from the one card collab they did in 2015.

    1. Hi!! Of course I don’t mind – Feel free to link this or any pages! 🙂

      Thanks for the detailed response – No one I contacted in P&D had any idea, and you solved our mystery! It’s crazy to see the level of collaboration happen in Japanese companies. I didn’t know Mister Donut had a collab with Shinrabansho too, I was already in Japan but likely missed it.

      To be honest I started P&D when it was Shinrabansho choco collab, and have visited your site to learn about the franchise previously. Thank you for your hard work!

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