Tutorial – How to enter a dungeon with only one leader

| Feb. 3, 2019 | 677 views |   0    

Entering dungeons with only one leader used to be an option before. It was also one of the old challenge mode format. However these options aren’t available anymore and some of the players that seeks challenge cannot experience the same experience. Today I’m brining the good news that there’s a way to ditch your useless friends!

So anyways upon a random thought I realized there is probably a way to enter dungeons with no pairing leaders and I went ahead to test if it actually works.

Then guess what it worked.

So I guess it would be pretty boring if I just tell you how to enter dungeons without doing anything with it myself and so I went ahead and assembled a team and decided to run it down A1.

Mid way there I also found chu sabotaging me.

But in the end it was all pretty easy.

And for the reward, just a green py.

As of how to do it, I recorded a quick video on actually doing it. It’s easier to explain that way.

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