Good heavens, would you look at the time? (Duel Duel Duel Duel Duel Duel Duel Duel Duel Duel) Sorry, my clock writes Final Final Final Final Final Final Final Final instead …
3/20 (Mon) 10:00am - 4/3 (Mon) 9:59am JST
Along with the new GFE introduced, there are also new evolution and buffs for some cards!…
It’s time to dddddddddddddddddddddduel!!!!!!!!!!! Yugioh is making a rerun next week, and here are some previews of the new cards and new evolutions!…
Here are the full details of new evolutions and buffs that was teasered a couple days ago!…
Welcome back to the py farm collab! This time, many new cards throughout all rarities, also a new descended and a new black medal exchange!…
3/1 (Wed) 12:00am - 3/5 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
Another godfest, finally featuring the REMDra that appears in the 11 Year Anniversary GodFest!…
2/21 (Tue) 10:00am - 3/11 (Sat) 9:59am JST