Sengoku 3 New Evolutions and Buff Teasers

Since Star Fairies rerun is coming soon, some pantheon cards that might be part of the pick up are also receiving buffs. Here are some teasers for the new evolutions and buffs for the Sengoku 3 series!

New Evolutions

[9991] Takeda Shingen’s Comb (Assist evo)

Active Skill: For 2 turns, reduce dmg taken by 75%; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to fire, wood, light and heart orbs (10 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[9992] Date Masamune’s Comb (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Reduce HP to 1; For 5 turns, increase combo by 5; Charge allies’ active by 2 turns (12 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[9993] Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s Comb (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Delay enemies’ next move by 3 turns; For 5 turns, enhance orb appear by 100% (13 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[9994] Tokugawa Ieyasu’s Comb (Assist evo)

Active Skill: For 2 turns, bypass att. absorb and dmg absorb shield; For 2 turns, 3x max HP (13 max CD)

Leader Skill: None


14 Replies to “Sengoku 3 New Evolutions and Buff Teasers”

  1. I wish Leyasu would have gotten ‘ignores barriers’ in his active. Having a poison active that could reliably replace fua would be neat.

    1. That Leyasu equip is really strong already both awokes and active. And hideyoshi equip is also. Like super strong.. compared to something like the 7* fire row Elf lead

      1. I was talking about actual leyasu active and the old equip. Yeah the new ones are good but the old stuff isnt

  2. More useless assists that nobody needs. We already have enough to last a decade. Stop being lazy and go back to making actual evos that people actually use.

    1. whats worse is useless equips with bad artwork.
      these [comb, necklace, earings, paddle, snow globe, sucker, whatever] equips are souless compared to what we used to get. I don’t like that kio’s ugly souless id card had the desirable cross awakening for so long but the soccar ball equip didnt. the soccar ball should have had all the good parts. I think its fine to use the jewry as placeholder art but they should all eventually be replaced by something that actually looks nice. they look cheap and probably circumvent letting the artists actually make something that would look nice

  3. So NA is just going to have no event for 2 more weeks? Gundam is a maybe but yugioh ahould be coming unless they are actually closing out the NA server. In that case I hope we get a better last update than EU.

      1. GH just means we start putting Sigurd on our 3p teams with halloween suou to try to mess with teammates. I dont want that yet. NA multiplayer doesnt have reporting so theres nothing to punish players from entering 3p with pvp teams

      2. GH isn’t anything really.
        It’s just another GH owned property (obviously) and nothing to be excited over. The same applies to YuGiOh when it comes to interest.
        There’s nothing in either that would absolutely replace things I currently have in my teams.

    1. It would be nice if they would at least give heads up if they plan on shutting down. Then people could stop trying to build teams ahead of time through GFEs and such.
      If we don’t get Gundam then ok, it sucks but I’ll make due.
      But if they never plan on giving us collabs again after YuGiOh then I could at least stop buying stones now.

      1. PAD did help united all people together that is a good thing. Dont put your hope too high lol, i try to build a team ahead al for some collab also but they never come. NA only have basic collabs!!

        1. months later and by the time it came to NA we already knew it was outdated
          Its not just not getting collabs and events or that gifts the jp server get often end up changed in some negative way before coming to NA (5 free rolls and 100 stones with new robot godfest), the game itself has been making itself less and less fun for years now and we are waiting for them to do something fun

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