[Day 2 Added] Kamen Rider Rerun Teaser

It’s only 4 months and here’s another Kamen Rider Rerun! Guess who leaked the KR stuff accidentally

Here are some new card teasers! (also the first time card ID number goes through 10000 lol)

Day 2: Decade and Kabuto

[10036]/ Kamen Rider Decade
Machine / Attacker

Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Create 5 all att. + heart orbs; Transform to [10037] for the rest of the dungeon (26 max CD)

Leader Skill: 10x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 35% and +1 combo when 4+ colors attack; 2x all stats for Machine type

[10037]// Kamen Rider Decade Complete Form (Transform)
Machine / Attacker

Active Skill: For 1 turn, change self dmg cap value to 6,000,000,000; For 1 turn, 1.5x RCV and orb move time; For 1 turn, 1.5x ATK for Machine type (3 max CD)

Leader Skill: 15x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 50% and +3 combo when 4+ colors attack; 2.2x all stats for Machine type

[10038] Decadriver & K-Touch (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Create 1 roulette that last for 10 turns; For 1 turn, reduce dmg taken by 100% (12 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[10039]/ Kamen Rider Kabuto Rider Form
Machine / Attacker

Active Skill: Charge allies’ active by 2 turns; Transform to [10040] for the rest of the dungeon (24 max CD)

Leader Skill: 10x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 35% and +1 combo when matching 2+ fire combo; 2x all stats for Fire att.

[10040]/ Kamen Rider Kabuto Hyper Form (Transform)
Machine / Attacker

Active Skill: Create 1 non-water roulette that last for 1 turn; For 1 turn, 2x orb move time; For 1 turn, change self dmg cap value to 4,000,000,000 (2 max CD)

Leader Skill: 12x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 50%, +1 combo and deals 7,000,000 fix dmg when matching 2+ fire combo; 2.2x all stats for Fire att.

[10041] Kabuto Zector & Hyper Zector (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Create roulette at bottom row that last for 2 turns; For 2 turns, reduce dmg taken by 75% (10 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

Day 1: No.0, No.1 and No.2 from Shin Kamen Rider

[10027]/ Kamen Rider (Coat) from “Shin Kamen Rider”
Machine / Attacker

Active Skill: Charge allies’ active by 2 turns; Transform to [10028] for the rest of the dungeon (25 max CD)

Leader Skill: 9x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 35% and +1 combo when matching 4+ connected wood orbs; 2.2x all stats for Wood att.

[10028]/ Kamen Rider from “Shin Kamen Rider” (Transform)
Machine / Attacker

Active Skill: For 2 turns, reduce dmg taken by 50%; For 2 turns, bypass att. absorb and dmg absorb shield; Unlock all orbs; Change dark to wood orbs (6 max CD)

Leader Skill: 12x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 50%, +3 combo and deals 1 fix dmg when matching 4+ connected wood orbs; 2.2x all stats for Wood att.

[10029] Typhoon (Prana Forced Ejection Assistance Mechanism Equipped Early Type) (Assist evo)

Active Skill: For 2 turns, bypass att. absorb and dmg absorb shield; Charge allies’ active by 2 turns; Enhance all orbs (15 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[10030]/ Kamen Rider No.0 (Throne) from “Shin Kamen Rider”
Machine / Devil

Active Skill: Delay enemies’ next move by 3 turns; Transform to [10031] for the rest of the dungeon (25 max CD)

Leader Skill: [7×6 board] 2x HP and ATK for Water att.; 8.5x ATK and +2 combo when water and dark attack

[10031]/ Kamen Rider No.0 from “Shin Kamen Rider” (Transform)
Machine / Devil

Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall; For 1 turn, bypass att. absorb and dmg absorb shield; Replace all orbs (4 max CD)

Leader Skill: 8.5x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 25% and +3 combo when water and dark attack; 3x HP and ATK for Water att.

[10032] Ultimate Half Typhoon (Prototype) (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Delay enemies’ next move by 2 turns; For 2 turns, 2x orb move time; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to water, dark and heart orbs (10 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[10033]/ Kamen Rider No.2 (Coat) from “Shin Kamen Rider”
Machine / Attacker

Active Skill: Charge allies’ active by 2 turns; Transform to [10034] for the rest of the dungeon (25 max CD)

Leader Skill: 16x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 35% and +2 combo when fire and wood attack; 2.3x HP for Fire and Wood att.

[10034]/ Kamen Rider No.2 from “Shin Kamen Rider” (Transform)
Machine / Attacker / Physical

Active Skill: For 1 turn, change self dmg cap value to 4,000,000,000; Unlock all orbs; Create 4 fire, wood and heart orbs (2 max CD)

Leader Skill: 22x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 50% and +5 combo when fire and wood attack; 2.3x HP for Fire and Wood att.

[10035] Typhoon (Opening and Closing Safety Device Equipped Early Improved Type) (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Delay enemies’ next move by 3 turns; For 3 turns, enhanced orb appear more frequently by 50% (12 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

7 Replies to “[Day 2 Added] Kamen Rider Rerun Teaser”

  1. 8k hp with 4.4x on a lead. Seems too weak as is but with 3 on a team or even just the 2 and the right hastes you approach 100% uptime for that shield and double absorption null active. The shield refreshes every 2 turns too.. Might be busted.
    Honestly hard to get excited about this even thought it might actually be meta and exchangeable with how bad management from gungho is. Making exciting leads doesnt excite me to play when all the dungeons feel the same.

  2. Some nip did the math:
    Actual physical strength correction of LF Urftona with reduction loop
    → 5.2 × 5.2 ÷ (1-0.35) = 41.6 times
    3 halved loop LF Shin No. 1 real physical strength correction
    → 4.4 × 4.4 ÷ (1-0.5) = 38.72 times
    wulftona has has the advantage over no1 loop. I think the fact that no1 refreshes his shield will give him more value long term because of buff cleric mobs and no one can use a better 2 turn loop than either robot that includes an orb unlock. Alternatively two one turns can be used in Hulk + RAvon or light bastet. Skill boosts may be hard to get on the team with Hulk. I’ll let tierlist websites do the work of teambuilding for me though. going beyond ultra on the damage cap will be harder with no one teams since daywolf can use whatever subs like pattie it wants since the two leads do enough damage to cover for the whole team AND you can 1 combo or no combo to stall– no one has to match those 4 orbs every turn or you get 1 shot since the game balance is so unforgiving right now.
    Roichira’s players are still cucked and genetically inferior to both I’m sure.

  3. Im sad new stuff has such terrible HP that they’re just instantly obsolete. Seawolf has wrecked the NA server.

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