[Day 5 Teaser Added] The Prince of Tennis II Collab
Time for some murdering tennis! The Prince of Tennis II Collab is coming as announced in stream.
New Mechanics: Evolving Active Skill
This is a new active skill system coming up with the debut of Prince of Tennis collab. By using an Evolving Skill, the active skill will change to a different one. It can keep evolving into a different one, remains the same after evolving, or revert to the base skill and cycle through.
For example:
Ryoma’s active: cycles from stage 1 > 2 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 3 so on
Kunimitsu’s active: stage 1 > 2, stays on stage 2 forever
Do note that cards with Evolving Skill cannot be inherited onto other cards

Physical / Attacker

Active Skill: [1] For 1 turn, 2x orb move time; Evolves skill to stage [2] (2 max CD)
[2] For 1 turn, reduce dmg taken by 50%; Evolves skill to stage [3] (2 CD) [3] For 1 turn, 20x ATK for self; Create a 3×3 block of wood orbs (3×4 block if 7×6 Board); Reverts skill to stage [1] (5 CD)
Leader Skill: 2.7x HP for Wood att.; 18x ATK when 7+ combo; Increase combo by 3 and deals 1 fix dmg when matching 9+ connected wood orbs


Active Skill: [1] For 1 turn, 4x RCV and orb move time; For 1 turn, 4x ATK for Light att.; Evolves skill to stage [2] (12 max CD)
[2] Unlock all orbs; Create 12 light orbs; Create 1 roulette that last for 1 turn (5 CD)
Leader Skill: 5x ATK and greatly reduce dmg taken when matching 3+ light combo; 4x ATK and deals 3,000,000 fix dmg when 7+ combo


Active Skill: [1] Change leftmost column to dark orbs, rightmost column to wood orbs; Evolves skill to stage [2] (14 max CD)
[2] For 1 turn, 5x ATK for self; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to wood, dark and heart orbs (4 CD)
Leader Skill: Reduce dmg taken by 50% when 8+ combo; Orb move time +2 sec; 14x ATK, slightly reduce dmg taken and +4 combo when wood and dark attack at once

Attacker / Devil

Active Skill: [1] For 5 turns, 1.5x RCV and orb move time; For 5 turns, 1.5x ATK for Attacker and Devil type; Evolves skill to stage [2] (15 max CD)
[2] For 2 turns, bypass dmg void shield; For 2 turns, 3x ATK for Attacker and Devil type (7 CD)
Leader Skill: 1.5x HP for Dark att.; 22x ATK when 7+ combo; Reduce dmg taken by 50% and deals 3,000,000 fix dmg when wood and dark attack at once


Active Skill: [1] For 2 turns, increase combo by 4; For 2 turns, 5x ATK for self; Evolves skill to stage [2] (14 max CD)
[2] For 1 turn, 2x orb move time; Create 1 roulette that last for 1 turn (2 CD)
Leader Skill: 2.5x HP for Light att.; 1.5x ATK when active is used; 17x ATK and deals 3,000,000 fix dmg when matching 5+ connected light orbs

Balanced / God

Active Skill: [1] Fully recovers HP, unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status; Evolves skill to stage [2] (15 max CD)
[2] Delay enemies’ next move by 1 turn; For 2 turns, bypass att. absorb and dmg absorb shield (8 CD)
Leader Skill: 5x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 50% when matching 4+ connected light orbs; 4x ATK, slightly reduce dmg taken and +3 combo when 3+ colors attack at once

Attacker / Physical

Active Skill: [1] For 3 turns, reduce dmg taken by 50%; Evolves skill to stage [2] (15 max CD)
[2] Charge allies’ active by 1 turn; Evolves active to stage [3] (2 CD)
[3] For 1 turn, bypass dmg void shield; For 1 turn, 2.5x ATK for Attacker and Physical type (4 CD)
Leader Skill: 2.2x all stats for Fire att.; 7x ATK when 10+ combo; Slightly reduce dmg taken and +4 combo when matching 6+ connected fire orbs


Active Skill: [1] For 1 turn, greatly reduce dmg taken; Change 2nd row from bottom to wood orbs; Evolves skill to stage [2] (13 max CD)
[2] For 1 turn, no skyfall; For 1 turn, wood orbs appear more frequently; Unlock all orbs; Change 2nd row from bottom to wood orbs (3 CD)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 60% when water and wood attack at once; 3x ATK and +1 combo for each 5 connected water or wood orbs matched in cross shape

Attacker / Devil

Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; If HP is 50% or below, for 6 turns, change self att. to dark and 6x ATK for self (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2.5x HP for Dark att.; 2x ATK when HP is 80% or below; 10x ATK and deals 1 fix dmg when matching 4+ connected dark orbs


Active Skill: [1] Delay enemies’ next move by 3 turns; Unlock all orbs; Create 3 water, dark and heart orbs; Evolves skill to stage [2] (10 max CD)
[2] For 1 turn, 7x ATK for self; Unlock all orbs; Create 3 water, dark and heart orbs; Evolves skill to stage [3] (2 CD)
[3] For 1 turn, bypass dmg void shield; Unlock all orbs; Create 3 water, dark and heart orbs; Reverts skill to stage [1] (2 CD)
Leader Skill: 18x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 50% and +2 combo when water and dark attack at once; 1.5x HP for Water att.; Orb move time +5 sec

Physical / Attacker

Active Skill: [1] Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to water, dark and heart orbs; Evolves skill to stage [2] (8 max CD)
[2] Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to water, dark and heart orbs; For 1 turn, 3x ATK for Water and Dark att. Reverts skill to stage [1] (1 CD)
Leader Skill: Reduce dmg taken by 50% and +3 combo when water and dark attack at once; 18x ATK, slightly reduce dmg taken and deals 1 fix dmg when 9+ combo
Today’s translation is done by Fether!


Active Skills: [1] Reduce enemy HP by 10%. For 1 turn, TE x1.5. Evolves to [2]. (5 max CD)
[2] For 1 turn, reduce damage taken, TE x2. Evolves to [3]. (1 CD)
[3] For 1 turn, +5 combo, penetrate void shield, Fire and Water ATK x5. Revert to [1]. (3 CD)
Leader Skill: Reduce damage taken at 7 combo, deals 5mil fixed damage. Halves damage taken when attacking with 4 colors, ATK x26.


Active Skill: [1] For 2 turns, create one roulette at random location, void damage absorb shields. Evolves to [2]. (15 max CD)
[2] For 1 turn, no skyfall. Unlock all orbs. Spawn 5 Water except from Heart orbs. (2 CD)
Leader Skill: Water HP x3. TE +3s. Connecting 5 or more Water ATK x18, +3 combo.

Attacker / Healer

Active Skill: [1] For 1 turn, no skyfall, TE and RCV x1.5. Change bottom row to Wood. Evolves to [2]. (4 max CD)
[2] For 1 turn, greatly reduce damage taken, slightly increase Wood skyfall. Change bottom row to Wood. Evolves to [3]. (4 CD)
[3] Recover all unmatchable, binds and awoken binds status. Change bottom row to Wood. Revert to [1]. (4 CD)
Leader Skill: [No skyfall] Connecting 6 or more Wood ATK x24, reduce damage taken by 65%, deals 5mil fixed damage.
All artwork so far
21 characters so far in the REM machine. All of them have 2 equip evo: Tennis Racket and Featured Article
Their skills in term of evolution are similar to Phantom Ninja Jiraiya how he changes costumes and Kamen Rider Super-1 changing his attack stances.
So we are just gonna pretend nail orbs never existed and not make any more of them?
Possibly lol. I thought it was supposed to be more prevelant than just the one character and her assist.
Would be more fitting of a top rarity card if you can choose which of the 3 actives to use instead of cycling them
choice is power!
homedepot would like a word
If evolving skills are to become a new trend I’m assuming this will eventually come to the NA region. I don’t know anything about the series but I don’t think that PAD would make new mechanics for one region and not the other.
They introduced the new mechanic on some older cards as well, so there’s no guarantee they’ll have the collab.