With the sudden maintenance comes compensation, this time for Chacol!
Uvo Charcoal
is now Devil, Physical & Balanced type. Previously on site she was listed as Devil/Balanced, while in game she was Devil/Physical.
Compensation for everyone
10 Magic Stone compensation for the maintenance.
Compensation for players who rolled Chacol before maintenance
People who have Chacol will receive 10 Magic Stones compensation for each Chacol in your box.
Featured image: earlier pic was from @gen_m_gen, changed later to @Moesann17.
Is this the first time a card has ever had balanced in addition to one of the stat-focused typings?
First card to have Physical / Balanced, quoting fether because I don’t remember.
I think so. Last I checked, there were no other ones. It makes sense since it was a mistake though, so they probably added it as compensation
lol this is how the whales get even richer